nowabeliever 0 points ago +4 / -4

That's some strong shit you smoke. Talk about being brain washed and gas lighted. Perfect example.

nowabeliever -2 points ago +4 / -6

I am a Jew. What about it?

nowabeliever -4 points ago +3 / -7

Thank you for stating the obvious. I am sure you saw a few of my posts lately, and today. I am simply tired of seeing our side displaying same traits we find at fault with the other side. Posting trope after trope, brain washed and gaslighted.

Even that GAB owner's obvious BS today has turned to anti-semitic attempts at blaming the "evil joooo" Kushner, where Kushner did a great job, IF he did that job, of advising against Gab. We do not see Don Jr., Eric, Lin Wood on Gab, shame that so many so small minded never ask "Why aren't they n Gab?" and instead default to their dark side.

nowabeliever 9 points ago +10 / -1

This was discussed in a long thread a while back, search for it. I was asked by mods not to input too much in order not to draw attention to the board with gun discussions. In short, ballistics wise. NO NECK, male or female, will stop a 9mm from passing completely through. Any good HP ammo will pass through at least 13-14 inches of ballistic gel, and I can't see Capitol cops not using great ammo, so count on 16+ inches of penetration at the least. Ever see human neck of 14-16 inches front to back? With HP doing way more damage than FMJ, by simply ripping through the neck on the way out, taking with it a chunk of flesh (yes, FMJ may simply go through and make much less damage). Regardless, in either case a bullet will go through and one MUST see blood splatter on the wall next to the woman "climbing" through. And not only blood splatter, but a bullet hitting the wall as well. Or, as you said, hitting someone else. No if or buts about it. Watch the video, none can be seen, no blood splatter, no bullet hitting anything else on the way out. All this discussion about "angles", whatever, is a waste of time, ballistics dictate blood splatter or it didn't happen. Human neck is not strong/thick enough to stop a 9mm, and definitely not any larger calibers as some claim. And definitely a woman's neck, at that. Use search function. This was all a setup with one very interesting detail that no one picked up on (I also pointed it out in the other thread). When the "cop" supposedly fires and the woman does a back flip, do you see any soi boys running for cover? Even the fake SWAT guys didn't budge, not one of them flinched nor raised their gun. That pretty much summed up the entire movie script for me. That was most likely a blank fired, with way less report than a real 9mm, which will be painful on your ears in such close proximity and force one to flinch and body to react, at the very least.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +4 / -1

Tell it to partisans in Soviet Union who decimated German armies in WWII.

It'll be much easier than one expects. And this board is not the forum for such discussion.

nowabeliever -3 points ago +2 / -5

I am only going by the lawsuits and hush-hush monies to quash them. I am a believer in giving people another chance. But his mental state is still extremely questionable by any measure.

I'll do some research, just curious.

nowabeliever 4 points ago +5 / -1

Let me guess, Parkes moron at it again? I am sure Q called him again, on an unsecured line to boot, again. Ward as well.

nowabeliever -2 points ago +2 / -4

I'll take a better look, but I KNOW he paid a number of cases to go away. MSM or not.

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

He's a major libtard. Rabid anti-Trumper. I lived in Vegas, and every New Year this fuktard rolled in for the Strip show, never missing a chance to badmouth Trump, as often as he could and as vile as he could. He's a fucking showman, who the hell trusts anything he claims when his ACTIONS negate that.

nowabeliever -1 points ago +3 / -4

Yes, they are.Tell it to thousands who already lost jobs due to Zhou Bai Den's EAs. And to illegals who are now freely walking into US. Don't want to be a doomer, but look out the window once in a while.

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

The fuktard that "deleted" Parler overnight is the new CEO, as of JANUARY 1 2022. You really consider it a win of any sort? As Executive Manager Bezos is not "losing" anything in transition save for having more time to poke his new play thing.

nowabeliever -7 points ago +1 / -8

You mean countless statements from 9 and 10 year kids in sleeping arrangements and payoff to squash court cases? Set up? By whom? Just curious since it goes against everything I have seen for decades.

nowabeliever -3 points ago +7 / -10

You mean you do not realize you're talking with a Jew right now? Who lived in NYC for many years. And who lost a relative on 9/11, with a few others escaping with their lives. Never mind a few other Jewish friends who escaped that day only because someone literally dragged their asses out of the second building.

I hate some Jews more than anyone on this board does, since I cannot comprehend how I share same DNA with these monsters. But YOU, and most others, should also realize that Jews are just a small minority in the global cabal we are all up against.

Any reason no one here reported about Catholic nuns in Germany arrested yesterday for running a pedo ring? Why hasn't anyone reported on recently compiled Vatican pedo empire? You consider those "joooos" as well?

Only when you and other "righteous" uneducated and uninformed idiots start reporting ALL other miscreants will you have a right to point out Jews as well. Do you understand any of that, or should I type slower next time? You see me starting multiple threads per day on the evils of Catholic Church? Royal family in UK? Muslims? Who always were and STILL are the largest slavers in the world.

Why is it you mofos are so quiet on those?

nowabeliever -3 points ago +3 / -6

OK, someone, please, splain this to me since I am seeing multiple posts on this. Wasn't Jackson a well known PEDO? How's he a hero now?

nowabeliever -1 points ago +9 / -10

Well, ONLY when idiots believe that crap. Muslims danced, across the river in NJ, got their asses kicked a couple of times that day. Also, in Bay Ridge and Bensonhurst, heavily Italian and to some extent Jewish areas, muslims got their asses kicked, one was actually shot dead that day.

But since you can't even point on the map were NYC is, I'll go with my original premise: uneducated, uninformed and brain washed idiots post this crap.

nowabeliever 5 points ago +5 / -0

Haven't watched NFL/NBA for a few years by now.

nowabeliever -12 points ago +6 / -18

Is this "Anti-Semitic" Sunday day? Some idiots aren't even hiding now.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

Installed by Clintons via Smartmatic, all one needs to know.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just finished Cubao Toro.

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
nowabeliever 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yes, great time to start with the Vanderbilts, Rockafellers, Clintons, Bushes, House of Witton, UK royalty, the Pope, etc, etc, etc. Is Klaus Schwab a "joooo"? The MAIN driving force of the Great Reset? How about all in the FBI, CIA, NSA, MI6 and whoever else who participated in the elections steal, Italian and Swiss governments included? Trudeau? Merkel? Brennan?

All "jooooos!", right?

Don't get me started in Soros, he is as much as "joooo" as most here. He CLAIMED to be a Jew to gain entrance to USA, but he's a Hungarian/Austrian nazi, and nothing else. As did many so called "ukrainians" after the WWII when they escaped with the nazis to the West after voluntarily collaborating with such eagerness in killing first Jews, and when they ran out of Jew to kill they killed Poles and Belorussians. Pretty much most of "ukrainians" living in NY, Chicago and Canada are nazis, lying about "escapring from USSR wrath", as did Soros at the time. Grounds for deportation under US laws.

Tired of all the demented and so obviously retarded morons incapable of a rational thought, even once, always but always looking at just one group while so conveniently forgetting that the MAJOR part of what we're exposing and fighting is NOT it. Either start meting out same sort of blame for all others groups, or shut the hell up (NOT meant for YOU, just a general statement for never ending threads spreading same idiotic trope).

Its the same old anti-semitic trope still so loved in Russia. Never you mind that yes, it was a SMALL bunch of Jews organizing and financing Lenin's rise AMONG OTHER ethnic groups including kazakhs, georgians, etc, but just how in hell do you also "forget" that MILLIONS of others, including MAJORITY of RUSSIANS LEADING the hoards, who actually made the 1917 happen. Why blame themselves for their misdeeds when it is so convenient to blame someone else? Was Stalin a "joooo"? Mao? Castro? Un? Xi? Pelosi?

Just who is not a "joooo" in this idiotic BS by this boards' definition? Some idiot even tried to post "proof", "proof" I tell you, that Bushes are Jews and so are Saudis. I mean, just how different is that idiot's brain from some rock on a beach?

Let's stop this shit now, especially when so many in DS are already looking for an excuse to bury this board. I see one such thread already deleted by the mods today, its a good start, but the rest of us need to play the part as well.

deleted 2 points ago +2 / -0
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