Now that this is the last day for you guys to LARP, I just wanted to say that we on the left bear no ill will towards you.

Once it becomes clear to you that Biden is the president, I hope you question every other lie that has been fed to you -- about the election results, about Biden being a communist, about Dems being pedophiles, about Obama not being a citizen, etc etc. And even if you don't admit it to us, I hope that you can draw the conclusion that if Trump truly had proof about any of this and if he truly had a plan, Biden would not be inaugurated.

I know there are a lot of things that are wrong in this country and the liberals and the conservatives will never see the world the same way, but that doesn't mean that we go ahead and demonize each other the way we've been doing the past years.

Generations of politicians have sought to divide us on the lines of race, religion, gender, blue vs red, blah blah blah. On both sides, and including Trump. He told you the truth about a lot of things, but he left out the fact that he was doing the same thing as the politicians he demonized, only worse.

There's no shame in getting conned by a really shrewd, charming conman like Trump, especially when he also was the fucking President of the country. The man surely has charm, but underneath all that he is a vile, lying man.

I know you believe that Biden is a communist but it's really not true. The country won't become communist under Biden. The maximum amount of communism we on the American "left" can tolerate is public healthcare and that's a far cry from communist China where the state owns your property. Most of us have very conflicted views on the BLM riots. I'd say most supported the protests and understood why it turned violent, but didn't agree with the violence. Biden condemned the violence during his debate with Trump. And to top it all there was documented proof of anarchists instigating riots in many cases.

But yeah, you'll probably hear more about pronouns and gender identity on the news. As someone quite tired of identity politics, you have my sympathies on that.

I won't be monitoring this post, so feel free to ignore this post. Or block me or ban me or whatever you want. I just hope the mods keep this post up for a while for it to reach some of you wonderful men and women out here.