Overnight in Bangkok
Don’t listen to those rumors!
It seems that the Thai Royal family had a Princess who was a good global citizen. She took 3/three of the Pfizer shots. She went into a coma a while back.
The Thai Royal family was/is very distressed. Investigations were ordered.
The distress of the Royals was increased by the reports coming back from their investigators. It seems that Pfizer, apparently, did NO safety studies on this shot. Shortly thereafter, Thailand cancels the covid contracts with Pfizer on the basis of fraud.
As may be expected, all this has taken weeks. The investigators are still at work as this is a giant, global scam/fraud with many threads to trace back to sources.
People known to me for decades are living as ex-pat Americans in Thailand. Two of them are outstanding, though now ‘retired’ into a different life, investigators. One worked for over 30 years as a US Naval officer, the last 15 of which were involved in criminal fraud cases. The other was an investigator for the Washington State Patrol, again, Criminal investigations.
Both are in resident in Bangkok these last few years. My ex-Navy friend is a serious linguist, concentrating on 7 Asian languages. That’s how I know him.
They have revealed to me that several, different, sources, are reporting to them, that ‘something’, a really big ‘something’, is disturbing the Bangkok ‘underworld’. My guys have contact with it through a couple of martial arts dojos. Both are hearing the same rumors, ‘disturbance in the force’ kind of rumors.
The rumor to NOT listen to says that ‘assassins’ are being ‘recruited’ out of very deep holes in the martial arts world.
Me? I would NOT want to have this logo on my letterhead as an executive.
What do you guys think about this dude? I just watched his last video, I get the “ pay me” vibes from this dude. I think hes off the list for me.
So my son is obsessed with Star Wars. I couldn't pull the Disney + subscription because they have all the Star Wars content. Since school ended, " The Clone Wars" cartoon is on our TV almost constantly.
I'm already not happy giving them ANY money. In the last couple of days I started paying attention. The crazy thing is, the main themes of this show are govt corruption, treason and democracy. They basically present the Seperatist or the bad guys as the Deep State.
I have to admit, I was expecting woke bullshit. I am shocked Disney is releasing this stuff. It's basically explaining and demonstrating government corruption. My 10 year old just asked me what a conspiracy is while watching.
Whoever is writing this script is definately a Patriot. I know Disney is evil and Im an asshat for giving them $. I just want to report there is one cartoon we can feel safe to let our kids watch.
- Trains are so gay.
- It like eating too much candy, its all different versions of right wing views and its all kittens and rainbows. I find it weird. Its nice, but weird.
- Speaking of nice, everyone is extremely nice, also a little weird.
- I am shocked at how up to speed a huge % of the normie population is. It was great to see.
Overall I cant take too much at at time and I still spend the majority of my time here w you guys. Though I will say twitter has gotten interesting.
What do you think?

Does anyone know of a Telehealth dr that will clear my son to go back to school without a covid test? He had a fever for a couple days, hes fine. School wont let him back wo a Dr note. Im in South NJ and every shitty doctor in this area requires a test to come in their shitty office.
I desperately dont want that crap in my son’s nose. Im researching now but thought I would throw a hail mary here for suggestions.
Thank you Frens.
So I just got a call from a fren freaking out. He lives in a large east coast shit hole city. He was just denied entry at a concert venue for not having jab proof. He has tix for some show in Oct with his kid. He just got an email that he needs jab proof for that. Hes on an island where he lives, surrounded by libtards.
Is there any way around this bull shit? They wont even accept a negative test. What in the actual fuck is going on???
Anyway he knows Im part of the Q community and he asked me to post this.
A penny for you thoughts Frens