where do i start? wake up losers...I am talking to you lamers...it is VERY CLEAR you know NOTHING of tech / the web / etc......just like CNN ....they know nothing...you do you? ... oh wait...i have national security issues figured out in my basement next to joe biden...because i am awesome....get real...|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Real shit pops off on the deep web, linux, operational sec...seriously i have watched so many misguided fags, loz3rs in my life..... you guys need to get out of the basement...
seriously you guys are fags... still playing on mommies computer, on the the "clear web"...you guys are cannon fodder for the ccp ......get your security tight ...linux bitch....linux phones...
I am just a linux fag from 20 years ago getting back into the action because ....fuck the system
Freedom, regardless of how things play out... there is another way...unite
my wife recognized this.....as not normal....its martial law
so "LUCK" is an important word...yet nobody has "q"'d it?.... whats is MZ?