Thought I’d go back and look at footage of Biden after Wood’s communication tonight. I’d say the only weird thing I noticed was his forehead. In several speeches it never wrinkles. In others it does, horizontally. And then in others he has a crease that runs from the bridge of his nose on the left side to halfway up his forehead. No idea if that’s normal, but it’s the only thing that seemed really off to me, other than the fact it looks nothing like Joe Biden if you knee Joe Biden before this race.


I don’t know about you guys, but in my life people are really ready to hear about the part of the Q story regarding human trafficking.

With the MSM hyperventilating, people are asking me about why I follow Q. When I explain to them my concern about human teaching and pedophelia, they get it. Like, really get it. And it causes major cognitive dissonance because the media doesn’t really talk about it... especially how much Trump did during his administration to fight it.

The MSM can help Q immeasurably, if we use the opportunity. Crazy stuff.


So, I've been doing some research on Mary Fanning. She's got a couple interviews out there, and she's... well, she's fierce, I'd say.

Does anybody know the whole backstory with her? It seems she's wrapped up in the whole Hammer and Scorecard thing. Seems to have intimate knowledge of all things Russiagate, etc. From what I can gather she's a researcher and author, not necessarily a gov employee.

And where's the data featured in Lindell's documentary. We NEED that data... to give to our friends, our family, but most importantly, our elected representatives. If we give this data to our representatives, they no longer have plausible deniability.

This data is the biggest thing that's come out since the election. Where is it? How can we get our hands on it? Anyone wanna play "where's that data?" with me?


Anybody got their hands on it yet?



So we've got the Lindell documentary that shows foreign interference in the election.

We've got Trump's EO etc. that was supposed to protect us if this happened...

But we've got Flynn et al saying there's no plan

It doesn't add up, and my emotions are clouding my ability to think clearly. Why did Trump step down if he had this evidence (he did) and he had the authority to take action (he did)?


Edit 2: A better version of the trailer. Help me get this out there! Thanks! https://ufile.io/0zrkdj2f Edit: While others are working, I pulled together a four minute highlight reel and made a trailer. It can be downloaded at: https://ufile.io/ggn6hiui Okay, This documentary needs to get out there. We know it's not going to happen through YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter... so we're going to have to do it through our networks. The video needs to be edited... shortened, focused on the most important parts, etc. I can do that. I don't have crazy talent, so if somebody else wants to do it, that would be fine. If we take the time to do this, though, we need a team of people from every state ready to start the process of distributing the edited video through their email networks... THIS ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN ANY OTHER WAY. IT REALLY IS UP TO US. Is anybody game? Can we pause research for a week or two and take some action? Get me a stickie and let's see what we're made of!


This is the part of the video I'm going to share out to my network. It's powerful stuff.



He's got a TON of great information, but he's permanently stuck in infomercial mode. It's pretty funny, but normal people aren't going to pay attention.

We need people to dice this video up and get the clips out there... just the facts. JUST THE FACTS.



So this moron Rothschild called Q followers a violent cult. One of the comments was a guy saying how he was mopping his kitchen, which cracked me up. So, other violent cult members, what are your plans tonight? I personally will be half watching some old movie while finishing up some work that needs to be done... dangerous stuff. Boogedy-boo!


“ HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.”

So how did this play out? Did it play out? Is it going to play out? Interested in your thoughts.


I see a lot of posts with people saying they’re getting grief about Q. Try this: just tell them the reason you’re concerned is the human trafficking and pedophelia, and that you’d be happy to show them some of the evidence that has you worried.

This has worked every time for me. They can’t say much, because what would it look like if they didn’t care about those things? At the very least it quiets them down.


Right, media? Right, politicians? Right, Hollywood? Right, 3 letter agencies? Right, Hunter?

C’mon, it won’t hurt to say it. Let’s find some common ground and start the healing!

.csv, JSON, XML? Maybe even a database?

I’d like to do some analysis...

Honest, sincere question. Everyone can see that Myanmar acted rationally, and took control of the situation. Why did we not do the same? Looking for answers that specifically reference Q since this is a Q research board...

Somebody here linked to a paper called “On Q” by Martin Geddes. In it he says, “Q has made a hard commitment that July is the month when the truth is made manifest, with resolution by November. If these promises are kept, then we do not have long to wait until the lights of disclosure are turned on. The darkness will begin to lose its grip of fear upon us, as we awaken from our induced narcosis.”

Does anyone know what he’s referencing when he says Q made a hard commitment?


There’s been an obvious and predictable uptick in the amount of disinformation being put out here since the inauguration. Many have rightfully expressed some concern regarding this. The good news is, the fix is easy.

Create a new category called “Confirmed”. Put a group in charge of confirming information, (similar to mods). Put out a public declaration that ONLY things posted in “Confirmed” represent the .win community, and that all else should be taken with a grain of salt. Media neutralized.

See? Easy!