where to begin... I'll tell you a bit about my beliefs and where my perspective comes from.

This is my first post here, though I have lurked for a long time, on and off. I was there in the original threads back on /pol, I've followed the Q phenomenon 'loosely' over time and my relationship with it has been through many changes. I am not an American, I am Australian, but I have a personal obsession and interest with American politics and history. Since the Trump phenomenon, I have seen you as the beacon of light for the world. I have studied your history and constitution and I have love for my brothers and sisters that are American patriots. I had my own personal awakening experience that lead me down a rabbit hole of spirituality and history; looking at things like secret societies, all the usual topics. I already had a personal belief in the Cabal and their evil before the Q movement, basically. This was around about 2010. I was blackpilled when it came to politics but that changed for me when I heard about the Trump movement. I've been on the Trump train from the beginning. I saw that he wasn't one of them 'them' and it gave me hope. I'm sure you can all relate to that to varying degrees...

I was there for the pizzagate scandal, I went down all the rabbit holes. I studied the Q posts as they dropped and saw how it related, while never really being sure who or what Q was, or whether it could be trusted. This is the zone my relationship with Q stayed in for a very long time, until the last year or so. I've seen support for the Q movement (forgive my terminology I don't know what to call it or if ' Qanon is an offensive term for some of you) wax and wane. I was there for the heartbreak of the 2020 election, I watched the ballot dumps and the steal live as many in the US slept and woke to find the magic mail ballots continue to be counted. I watched as the efforts to do something about it failed one by one, culminating in the events on the 6th of January. I felt I was there in the crowd that day.

I watched as my friends in our group chats abandoned hope one by one, in Q and in Trump. I watched as they became angry, felt deceived and left, sometimes abusing each other for being so gullible and carrying on about the Q stuff. I watched others dug in further and come up with increasingly wild theories to justify their continued faith.

I'll try to move it along a little bit...

I'm aware some of you have different beliefs regarding the steal, was it part of the 'plan', was there no plan and we were deceived etc. I'm aware of the shadow president and devolution theories. I've seen the many weird things, the foreign dignitary salute, the audio of hunter playing over Biden in the white house etc. Personally, I don't know, and I don't claim to know, but I tend to lean on the side of Trump is probably not shadow president and things aren't currently secretly under control of white hats. I'm sorry if that's offensive, that is just my opinion, but I am open minded and I don't want to upset anyone.

I've seen the blackpilling and many slowly fall away from the Q phenomenon, and this is the weird part and one of my main points. It is recently that I have actually STUDIED the posts in relation to current events, and I've seen 'coincidences' that seem utterly insane. More so recently than at the time they were written. I have become convinced that Q is a REAL THING, in some form, definitely. Most likely, in my opinion, 'patriots' in various positions within the intel community, working with Trump or trumps political strategy team. I've seen the 'delta's and the Trump coincidences that seem to show a direct connection, I can't fully explain that. I don't personally believe the team has 'full control' but is a kind of rag-tag bunch. That's what is strange to me, as I can't reconcile that with the almost 'prophetic' coincidences that seem to relate to events from the past few months. So I'm still coming to terms with that.

Moving on a bit more, I'll try to get to the reason I'm here right now. The Sound of Freedom. I waited for a long time for it's release and I'm seeing the grassroots support and absolutely juggernaut that it is take flight. I can't view the movie in Australia, but I found a terrible quality handicam pirate version. I should have waited to see it properly but I couldn't wait. Quality was terrible but the movie shone through. It was everything I had hoped, though it didn't get into the cabal side of things, there were subtle hints there for us while being perfectly friendly for the normies to consume. I've heard from a few people they wished it got more into the elite side of things, but I understand why it has to be this way. I will be buying tickets for all my friends and family as soon as they become available here to make up for my piracy and to show my absolute support.

This is it guys, I'm convinced. It's the thing that's going to start the ball rolling and truly 'nothing can stop what is coming'. I've had hope and been let down before but this feels different, I just feel it in my heart. It HAS to be it, we have no choice.

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN unite all humanity [cross party lines]? Difficult truths.

this brings me to the current political landscape. None of what is happening is a coincidence.

Now I'm going to throw and idea at you that may sound offensive to some of you, but I mean no offense. Hopefully it will make sense and you will see my meaning.

Right now, we've got the UFO whistleblower thing happening, I'm convinced that Grusch and the people he's working with are likely part of the 'patriot' group within the intel community. I think that is going to be part of this, disclosure regarding advanced tech and all the rest. That's a bit of a separate topic but the timing of that with the Trump indictment and Biden bribery scandal indicates a war within the intel community. I think it relates very strongly, I wanted to mention it but move on to the Sound of Freedom movement over this past week.

We have Jim Caviezel, Mel Gibson and Tim Ballard obviously teaming up to create and promote this movie, and all the circumstances around that. We have Jordan Peterson doing a long and fantastic interview with Tim and Jim. We have Dana White openly promoting the movie, WHILE trump meets with Mel Gibson. We have Trump meeting Rogan and likely a podcast coming. Elon suggesting he will promote and stream the film. Probably some other things worth mentioning that I'm forgetting... There is absolutely a deliberate, coordinated effort between the Sound of Freedom team and the Trump team to associate with each other as this movement takes off.

Suppose for one minute, there was no Q or Q team and roll with that. The Trump team are now using it as a 'blueprint' and ASSEMBLING the team. The combined celebrity power is likely to grow in the promotion of this film and at some point, when the optics are right, it becomes part of Trumps campaign, with a renewed promise not only to 'drain the swamp' but specifically to go after the Cabal.

My point is, even if there is no Q team, the time is now for Trump to FULL 'Qtard' (forgive me) and ride this wave of support in relation to Sound of Freedom. He needs to call it out, all of it. I don't see that he has a choice. Even if he beats the documents case, which he should based on the legal argument, they will not stop coming at him, he will eventually end up in jail for life. He's doomed, unless he wins and pardons himself. He has nothing to lose. I believe it might be his only shot

Now all of this sounds like I'm advocating for political propaganda and deception, in a way yes I am. He simply must win, I'm fiercely loyal to him and the MAGA movement as our last, best hope for the world. So go for it Trumpy, absolutely launch all you've got behind this movie...

I want to say one last thing before I finish furiously typing this desperate rant.

CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

that has a dual meaning, to me. One is the very obvious statement on the face of it, the other involves RFK jr. I have a feeling RFK jr will team up with trump and run as president and VP. That to me is the dual meaning, '[cross party lines]?'. I feel RFK jr has the ability to heal the nation and bring the left and right together as you near the brink of civil war tensions. I know they disagree on policy and I disagree with RFK's policies in some regards, but I feel he is a genuine person and not a puppet. I may be wrong. Much of his policies basically seems like MAGA for lefties. I can see an unlikely but beautiful alliance being formed, one that wins over the 'conspiratorial' populist anti-establishment left, and the those of us who respect his anti-covid opinions on the right.

I can see Trump dealing with the economy side of things, while RFK jr deals with exposing the covid vaccine issue and other things of that nature. They both agree on the issue of border security, and by extension human trafficking.

So anyway, the RFK jr thing may not be part of any of this and I may have over-extended myself connecting it into this information-dump. However, if they do team up, I can't help but think at that point that it wasn't part of the 'plan' all along...

If you've made it this far, thankyou so much. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Don't you dare give up hope. I'm telling you, I feel it, this movie is going to be an absolute phenomenon that triggers an awakening. They might not awaken completely but the ball is rolling. I hope you feel it too.

Stay strong and may god bless you all, 'WWG1WGA'