overtotheright 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same. There’s definitely less people on there now.

The whole domain name issue is very suss. But the sheer amount of headlines that I’m not seeing anywhere else is why I keep going back.

overtotheright 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m a TD.W poster, first time checking out this .win. Weird how my post history doesn’t show up for you! I’ve posted a lot, especially conspiracy info.

overtotheright -4 points ago +1 / -5

Suu Kyi was a globalist puppet.

But she turned her back on them once she became leader. So they declared her an enemy.

This coup is likely globalist-backed. They’ve infiltrated and subverted our own military here in the US, if they can do that here, infiltrating Myanmar’s military must have been a piece of cake. The CIA and our SpecOps forces were probably instrumental in this coup.

overtotheright 5 points ago +6 / -1

Suu Kyi was a globalist puppet.

But she turned her back on them once she became leader. So they declared her an enemy.

This coup is likely globalist-backed. They’ve infiltrated and subverted our own military here in the US, if they can do that here, infiltrating Myanmar’s military must have been a piece of cake. The CIA and our SpecOps forces were probably instrumental in this coup.

overtotheright 1 point ago +3 / -2

Suu Kyi was a globalist puppet.

But she turned her back on them once she became leader. So they declared her an enemy.

This coup is likely globalist-backed. They’ve infiltrated and subverted our own military here in the US, if they can do that here, infiltrating Myanmar’s military must have been a piece of cake. The CIA and our SpecOps forces were probably instrumental in this coup.