In Plain Sight (media.greatawakening.win) ✝️ Scripture ?️
posted ago by p8riot ago by p8riot
posted ago by p8riot ago by p8riot


  1. Who's in charge of printing REAL election ballots? Dept. of Homeland Sec

  2. Who prints PHONY (knockoff) ballots? DNC/CCP

  3. How is it possible for a county to turn in more ballots than its population? Where did those extra (PHONY) ballots come from?

  4. With POTUS well aware of this strategy (tweeted about election fraud way back in 2012), what authenticity measures might he put in place as an insurance policy?


Long time lurker first time post. Feel free to delete this if it's too over the target or off base.

I noticed some hidden text in the "Panic in DC" picture, just above the P. It's peculiar in that the font obscures the lettering, and only under a particular zoom is the spelling visible for the word "PSYMAP"

(for example, the stem of the S appears to be part of the P until you zoom in enough)

Well looking into it, there is a program under Columbia University's "Global Mental Health Programs" called PSYMAP-ZN.

This study, PSYchosis MAPping in KwaZulu-Natal, is built from a pilot study investigating the incidence rate, early course and treatment capacity of FEP in Vulindlela Township (KwaZulu-Natal), and pathways to care for individuals with psychosis. The new study in KwaZulu-Natal province will mix urban and rural areas and include people with high rates of risk factors such as HIV, violence, poverty, and rural-urban migration. This project is funded by MRC-UK, and Dr. Ezra Susser is a member of the Steering Committee.

A study to co-mingle people with mental and health problems and propensity for violence? Antifa?

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