Trump entrapped his enemies - Cheney, Israel, and Blackrock.
He either created the assassination attempt and sold it to his enemies, including getting NATO sponsorship.
Or he intercepted it and let it go through, but in a way that kept him safe the entire way.
The people who "died" in the crowd probably faked their death as part of this operation. That sounds outrageous, but it will makes more sense when Trump reveals that Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon involved fake deaths. He used his opponents' own tricks against them.
Well you're on a Q forum, and Q attacked masons, and we can explain why he attacked masons (because they commit crimes like fake school shootings), so I think you're losing this debate. But I can give you a shovel if you want to keep digging.
I literally had an appointment to go to a meetup to find a blue lodge this Tuesday (the day of the election!). I backed out when I started putting more pieces of the puzzle together. Too many anons on Twitter saying Trump was going to blow up the Statue of Liberty.
I'm enjoying the back and forth, but you're kind of dodging the issue: if freemason is lilly white innocent, and if Trump isn't going to attack them, and if they're not always on the scene of school shootings, why did Q say that? Just disinformation? You're hanging your hat on Q bullshitting about that one? Good luck.
I'm not worried about freemasons. I'm pointing out that Q has freemasons as a target. This is explicit and undeniable. The whole point of Q is getting people to swallow hard to swallow truths, and I see that you're having trouble swallowing this one. You're on a Q forum and I have Q on my side, and you have alleged personal experiences with freemasony on your side. Good luck.
I'm curious: do you wander Q forums just to stir shit and poo-poo other people's predictions?
I assume that you spend time here because you think that Q has some truth to it. If it's not going to play out the way I predict, how do you think it will play out? That's an honest question. I can be wrong and I've been wrong before. I came here to ask questions and learn.
I didn't say that freemasons are actually bad people. I said that Trump will attack them, just like Q attacked them. Remember, Trump is the little horn, not the Big Guy who returns at the end of the movie.
As for whether you have ever met a "bad" mason - most freemasons are lower level and not exposed to the higher level truths and rituals. I almost became one myself, but I'm skipping that now, since I don't want the U.S. military to deport me or put me in a camp.
As long as you can't explain the anti-mason Q drops, nobody cares about your personal view.