party1981 1 point ago +1 / -0

The evidence was destroyed because the Clinton Foundation, which was cofounded by Jeff Epstein, was a giant blackmail entrapment honeypot with approval and legal cover provided by the CIA and IC.

party1981 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who said that he cofounded the Clinton Foundation? Jeffrey Epstein.

Go back and read FBIanon.

You can see a transcript here, which I think is the same one that I've been reviewing for the last seven years:


Now that we have Durham's report, we can go back and evaluate some things that FBIAnon said.

FBIanon said that the focus should be on the Clinton Foundation and not the email server. He said this on July 2nd, 2016. What's fascinating about this is that the existence of the FBI investigation into the CF was not publicly announced until a WSJ article in October 2016, in which McCabe tries to portray himself as pushing back against improper DOJ pressure. McCabe was fired over this leak.

FBIanon said that he was a high level analyst reviewing documents about the Clinton Foundation. What's interesting about this is that we now know, from the Durham report (if not earlier?) that there were three separate FBI field offices investigating the Clinton Foundation. LRFO, WFO, and NYFO. So there was a massive investigation involving three separate field offices, and we would expect there to be at least some "high level analysts" discovering Clinton corruption among all of these investigators.

FBIanon said that the Clintons were selling kids to foreign governments (e.g., Saudi Arabia). He said this on July 2nd, 2016. What's interesting about this is that the Clintons and Podesta later became involved in a huge controversy over child trafficking. But that only happened in October of 2016 after Wikileaks starting releasing Podesta's email, which triggered Pizzagate. Before that, hardly anyone suspected that the Clintons were pedos (except the few who researched Bill and Roger's parties giving out cocaine to 16 year old girls in Arkansas in the 1970s).

This was also partially confirmed in 2018 when Horowitz released a report that associated "crimes against children" with the Weiner laptop, regarding FBI notes taken on October 4, 2016 when the FBI reviewed the laptop.

On October 17, FBIanon also advised 4chan users to look for codewords in the Wikileaks emails. Although pizzagate was just starting around the same time, again FBIAnon seemed to be ahead of the curve here.

All of these data points show one important thing:

FBIanon had true insider information.

He also made some predictions that turned out wrong, and he seems to have dropped some misinformation (and confirmed that he/she would do so intentionally). He places all of the blame on Soros's shoulders, which I don't fully believe. But there are too many critical predictions that were made months ahead of public disclosure or confirmation.

I don't know if he was a true FBI analyst on the CF investigation, or just a deep state asset carefully impersonating one. It doesn't really matter. FBIanon knew too many key points ahead of everyone else.

With that in mind, it's important to consider what else FBIanon said:

A. the entire government is guilty of treason

B. if the full extent of HRC's corruption and server were exposed, it would result in civil war or the end of the country

C. 9/11 was Mossad

D. the U.S., British, and Saudi governments are filled with pedos who trade little girls like cattle

And so on.

It's worthwhile to go back and read what FBIanon wrote. He was way ahead of the curve on several key points. You can learn a lot.