Yes there are doomers here, but most are pissed b/c Trump elevated his announcement way too much. I get it he wants the networks to cover and the world to watch. While I didn't expect the storm, I hoped/prayed for the storm. It is ok to be disappointed. It is okay to feel let down.

That being said, I posted some disappointment last night and was immediately surrounded by shills. It's funny the shills always bring me back. They forced me to defend Trump and Q. I/we will not let the enemy win.

These glowie and antifa types are easy to spot. And when I/we saw them last night we went from disappointed to righteous indignation.

Even in my pissed off comments I still stated that I will still support Trump. Most of us that are pissed off haven't gone anywhere. Sometimes we need to vent. And what better place to vent our frustrations than among frens.

Believe! - Trump Re-truth (media.greatawakening.win) LET'S GOOoOoOo
posted ago by patriotic_legend ago by patriotic_legend

If you have trouble voting reply with your questions. There are phone numbers to call to help you vote.

The board will extend for 3 months if vote doesn't go through (they can do this twice), but you know the SEC will fight Trump so we need more time. Vote for the 12 month extension.


I finally received my proxy voting from Fidelity, anyone with DWAC shares should vote to extend today.



I am convinced your prayers helped move my son from type 1 to type 2 diabetes, no more insulin and working to get off metformin.

I am looking for more help. My brother was recently diagnosed with colorectal cancer, they fear it may have spread to his liver. He is around 50, young for this ailment. While it is difficult to pinpoint a cause I suspect the J&J jab may the culprit. I spent hours the night before he got the jab trying to convince him otherwise. He wasn't in fear of covid, he did it due to societal pressure and his work travel. He never got boosted and has since regretted his choice. Hard to say 100% if the jab is the cause, but he is certainly younger than most with this diagnoses.

He will be going through standard treatments, radiation, chemo, surgery. But, he is open to lifestyle/diet changes as well. If anyone has information on this subject please post and I will pass along.

Regardless of his treatment plans, the most important thing I am asking is for prayers. Prayers for Jesus to heal my brother.

Thank You brothers and sisters in Christ.


I posted a couple of months ago asking for prayers, my special needs son who is not obese was diagnosed type 1 diabetic. My second post about it was after blood testing the doctors were baffled he was not type 1, but type 2.

Happy to say he is off insulin now and numbers are staying low. He does take Metformin.

The point of this post is he has no reason to have type 2 diabetes. Except one, he has a complicated medical history and has some brain damage from it. During this time he had some anger issues. The doctors prescribed anti-depressant lexapro. We went along with it, was concerned with his anger.

We weened him off of this medication upon the news of type 2. From research into this drug I am convinced it caused his blood sugar issues. We will attempt to ween off metformin and see if he no longer has any issues after getting off lexapro.

Anti-depressants like lexapro are prescribed at extremely high levels in our society. Diabetes has increased along with it. This is just another example of big pharma and the cdc pushing treatments that are unnecessary and dangerous.

For background see this link



My middle son is a teen. He has been through so much in his short life. Stroke at birth causing cerebral palsy, rare epileptic conditiion cured by brain surgery many years ago.

And today blood sugar was through the roof. He somehow contracted diabetes, likely type 1. He is not overweight, he is pure blood.

He basically has ptsd from all the procedures and doctor visits. And now he may have to get insulin shots multiple times a day.

It hurts me so bad to watch him go through so much.

Please pray for him.

Thank you.

I am going to try and get some sleep now, will read through any comments in the morning.


Myself, wife and 3 kids are not vaxxed and never will be.

Last September all of us got covid EXCEPT my 8 year old. We all had symptoms, it wasn't fun, was a strange illness, just didn't feel natural. I took hcq, the rest of the fam took zinc, vit c, and D. We all recovered.

So recently my 8 year old girl said she doesn't feel well. She got a mild fever and sounded sick. My wife and I decided we would never test again. But, my 8 year old who knew she never had covid asked to be tested. We allowed it and got a home test. She tested positive. We don't want to add to the case numbers so didn't report it to the school and simply kept her home through their quarantine policy of 5 days. She felt great within 24 hours.

The point to my story is that nobody else in the family got sick. We didn't isolate her, we spent time with her like we always do. From everything I have read natural immunity is durable and can last a lifetime. Now I have proof. It has been over a week from her being sick and nobody else in our household has gotten ill. We are protected.

I know back in September the fear porn was even getting to me a bit, my wife was arguing that she would get the vax later b/c she didn't want to take the chance of severe complications (she is diabetic) if she got covid again. I stood firm against the vax and guided her away from it. We beat the fear porn. She stuck with me on this and now truly believes in her natural immunity.

I know most of us here feel the same way. Some are stronger in their convictions. than others.

This experience has made me immensely stronger. I now know I cannot be swayed by societal pressure.

Think for a moment about how much stronger you have become in the past few years. Would love to hear stories of how far you have come. I pray to continue my growth and strength in trusting myself and trusting God.

And THANK YOU all on this board and historically on voat. Many of you have helped me through these strange times.


I will not vote for McCrory in November if he is the nominee. He caved on dicks in women's bathroom and lost to dipshit Roy Cooper for Gov in 2016. He is weak.


So I was hanging out with a friend who is a centrist but seems to lean left, he knows I am conservative, but I don't go to deep into politics with him, just that I don't trust the establishment of either party. He knows I am unjabbed and never wore a mask.

Anyway, he brings up the jab. Said he went to get an MRI in his neck area. The tech asked him if he was jabbed, then asked when, he told the tech mar/apr, don't know the date, the tech pressed for a date, he didn't remember.

I was thinking this was leading to a booster question. But, not even close. He questioned the tech about why it mattered. The tech said the vaccine is showing up in MRIs, inflammation and showing past the blood brain barrier. My friend was shocked.

He is not getting boosted, hope he doesn't have complications from his initial doses, but glad he is waking up. He started questioning masks and said anyone that still wears one is suspect. He also questioned why they are still pushing the vax even though it does nothing for omicron. He says the majority of people he knows got omicron with the vax and without and all had similar symptoms.

People are waking up in stages. Waking up doesn't have to mean become fully awake. Waking up can be simply questioning things for the first time. Glad to see it happening, it gives me hope.

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