I hear you, we don't know who created the image, canaries or someone else. If it came from someone else no foul, Clandestine may not have seen canaries post (it didnt have many views).
But if he pulled the image from canaries he should have stated this when posting.
I don't spend a lot of time following any of these guys, I prefer getting my Q info here. But accounts like this are great at spreading information and I haven't seen anything to make me think Clandestine is not on our side.
I guess that depends if the picture was created by canariesblue. If so, I don't like it, but you are right if both got the picture from and original source that is not either of them, seems fine.
Yes, but this wasn't cherry picking part of a dig, it was taking the entire post and reposting as his own. I don't like it, doesn't mean clandestine is not on our side, maybe he just got lazy, but he should own up to it.
Link to CanariesBlue original post.
found the link, just scrolled the account.
Has to be leftist in elca lutheran, woke. single dad, looks like mom isnt around. but hard to say, not on her dad's facebook.
Hates men, shoots guns with Dad. pics show her dressed as darth vader is shooting. guessing Dad is a star wars nut.
but his FB page isnt too crazy, hard to imagime raising this killer.
Dad's FB, can scroll all the way to birth. Belong to ELCA lutheran church, elca is woke.
But I scrolled through, a couple pics with shooter and her dogs and skeet shooting, but nothing to insane.
she is not a tranny goes back to baby pics on her Dad's facebook.
I believe this is her Dad's facebook. cant believe its still up. Nothing too crazy in it.
I agree, I did the gone all day with friends and my bike, but at least at night the doors were locked.
If they work for intelligence services they are doing their job, which is to protect the elites stranglehold on the world.
yes this is old, why did guy put this up on substack as new, for clicks?
why would I listen to the rest? Feel free to tell me what I missed, but difficult to take what I posted and have the sentiment change.
Thanks for the summary, I didn't know anything about Tate's accusations, just that they are sexual in nature. I stopped having trust in Owens when she said some negative shit about Trump in 2022.
- Candace Owens said a personal interaction she had with Trump where he was rude to her led her to change how she feels about him.
She says he is too angry and resentful to be a leader and that true leaders can admit they got some stuff wrong. pic.twitter.com/wqau1f1J9b
There is really no human outside of family and close friends that I trust fully. I am skeptical of all.
I found it lame that he claimed they are careful with names b/c some could be employees or victims. Implying that they have names.
They don't have names, if they did it would be easy to figure out who the employees and who the Johns were.
At best this video was mad to scare the Jonhs. At worst it provides no real info and was made for clicks.
how do we know this is clapper?
certainly seems that way. Getting omicron out there as well removed the fear, assuming omicron was part of the operation.
I agree. This topic came up the other night, my wife says it is over, not to think about it. I replied that there has never been a real apology or admitting that big mistakes were made. I want justice, and if I don't get justice at a minimum the masses need to understand what happened so they don't try it again.
I definitely don't trust their polling, but anecdotal data in my circle shows 90% of adults took the jab. I can believe 70.
I don't think this is news to people here. Most everyone here has an extreme distrust for the machine and what they push and promote.
This is a good concept for the people that got the jab and followed along.
We all saw the absurdity. But, no matter how much we tried, we couldn't get the masses to see what we saw. We tried pointing to the obviousness of it all, didn't work. We did research data, not to prove it to ourselves but to prove it to the masses. That didn't work either.
But, the 30% of us that didnt comply did stop the madness, without us not complying it would still be going on.
would be great, but I think we are pretty fsr from that. Maybe mega corps will slow down with it, that would be a start.
thanks for the kind comment.
Except it appears Johnson passed a different bill that the dems love. He is not with us and must not be speaker.