If it's dissolved, will the states that were added after we became a corporation still be states? Guess I'm not entirely sure what'd happen.


What is the standard for these types of things?


It was a very somber speech, but they threw that in at the end. He didn't even dance. Almost like it was a little hint.


Guess I'm just not on the same page


Don't give up hope


Do you think it'll change? Saw a lot of people bringing up Castle Rock as a potential new capital


I guess this is sort of a "LAST CALL" type prediction thing. Do you guys believe Pence was in on it and played his role or was he not in on it and did President Trump just account for it?


That's all. Stop sharing telegram shit from accounts that most likely aren't official


Not really sure how to explain it. Felt like there were less happenings today than there were yesterday and the day before. Is this what's known as the calm before the storm? Maybe I just need a pick me up or something.


We know the elites in Washington's days are numbered, but how long will Hollywood last after that? Will they fall shortly after or will it be a little while?


Is this the current theory?


Don't know much about politics pre Reagan (or even pre Bush tbh), were these two swamp? I know JFK cheated Nixon out of the presidency the first time but did Nixon eventually fall into swamp?


I want to be able to call them big Mike in real life without sounding like a crazy person


It's like, at this point if something else isn't going on then this is such a huge waste of resources


Can corrupt justices go to jail because of corrupt rulings?


I have no idea really what Q is, but I do think there's a plan in motion right now. Being on thedonald has been a Doomer central recently and I like being on here because it's such a breath of fresh air.