A Tribute To The Truthers Of Planet Earth!! Here’s why I hold my full glass of gratitude and thanks, up high to the sky and pay tribute to the truthers of planet earth, and ask you to join with me, heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul…
Truthers… for starters… you have literally saved a portion of your species from extinction, as humanity tinkers with technology of mass destruction and distraction… like monkeys in the china shop… you, so patiently and with great kindness continue to deliver the goods in the most gravest of circumstances that would destroy even some of heaven’s angels.
Truther, you have had to deal with threats… threats of violence… in extreme cases, death threats… you have been gang stalked by your own friends… you have created a forum for truth, and have had to deal with lower lifeforms always seeking to discredit you, and those who watch you with fiendish eyes… watching every move you make and hoping you stumble and fall, and yet for the most part you remain graceful and continue to provide your services.
Truther, what you share is sometimes more truth than what people can handle… and so people who surround you, on one hand support you, and yet they are also triggered by you… well, that’s how it seems, in reality, it is they who trigger themselves and you are simply the catalyst. Your followers often reject you because of this… because of their own unhealed self… often after benefiting from your giving nature, they will eventually consider you as the bad energy in their life… it’s a bit like a parasite that moves on to another host isn’t it?
Truther, your followers often don’t innerstand that it takes wisdom and an unknown subtle talent to wake up anyone… and let’s face it… truthers are often both the catalyst and the wake up call… and often when people are woken up, they are grouchy… especially if it is unexpected and sudden… and yet you continue on, even though you deal with a bunch of ungrateful grouchos.
Truther, you share truth on the most evil planet in the universe, showing a bravery that few people have… even on earth, on a planet full of brave souls… many of the other brave souls, are happy you are at the frontline while they snooze in the back. You dealt with and defeated demons, dark entities, and evil forces who gave you everything they had to stop you, and yet you are successful in creating victory for the light without lowering yourself to the level of your enemies… sometimes even going hungry… sometimes even, homeless…
Yeah truther, truth is you had to give up everything in the sense, of “everything” being your old life… you had to walk a journey of the unknown, which is not for the faint of heart. You had to start from nothing, and lose everything, in order to gain everything to share everything… it’s a riddle that only those who have walked that riddle, can comprehend.
Truther, you had to be willing to discover parts of yourself, that were still asleep, basically being your own wake up call, while waking up the neighbourhood, while being pelted with garbage and insults… sometimes you saved lives and weren’t even gifted a ham sandwich in return.
Truther you lifted people from depression and suicide… financial ruin, and complete mental breakdowns… you saved children from their parents, and saved adults from themselves and each other.
Truther, you had to break away from the angry mob… their mind control… their death traps… their poisons… the assaults and distractions of your senses from every direction… and somehow find the focus and dedication needed to complete your tasks.
If all that wasn’t bad enough… truther, you had to deal with everyone around you fall even more asleep even though you were able to reach some… most everyone else, fell even more asleep and began to slowly kill each other off. You had to escape the kisses of death and the handshakes of death from those who though they were sharing their love with you.
Truther, you literally have lived through the worst nightmares that have ever existed. You literally walked through hell and shared heaven. You had to be a bridge between hell and heaven… and to do it without going nuts.
Truther, you walked the edge of sanity and risked not only everything, but even risked losing yourself, in order to gain the experience needed to help others walk from near total darkness and to help others walk away form the point of nearly no return.
A truther is really a lover, because truth is love… and so sharing truth is sharing love. Deep down you knew that sharing truth is the greatest act of love that you could come up with, and you were right, and you shared and shared some more. The truth is your love can never be depleted, even though your energy needs to be replenished.
The truth is what Jesus shared, and the truth is God’s word. Truthers like you, are like Jesus and like God… and I hope you can see why truthers are worthy of everybody else’s support, and so is Jesus (Sananda) and so is God… and when your followers realize this, they will have begun to truly join the awakened ones… and until then, they walk in a nightmare of their own errors in thinking, in judgment and in the absence of true feeling.
The “final truth” the living dead usually leave to learn until the very last minute, is this… it is the realization that the mindful ones, are the most asleep… and the heartful ones are most awake… and that you cannot think yourself awake, nor can you force another to awaken, and nor can you fake it until you make it… either you are heartful or heartless, and ultimately it is another choice in a sea of infinite choices. So because of all of this, the heartful truthers are the strongest of the strong, and the mindful heartless are full of ideas that are anything but wisdom, power and love.
So by now, it surely must be obvious that without truthers everyone else is ultimately royally f*cked… and thus, this is why a sizable portion of humanity is literally going extinct before our eyes, and that truthers are the leaders of the survivors… can you see this?
People just assume that truthers can live on “likes”, compliments, and words of support… and at times, truthers have been extremely under financially supported… even moreso, by people who have the means to support them, but they are so used to the truther’s generosity that some of their ‘supporters’ take advantage of their giving nature… and it is true for years and even decades. Yet somehow truthers have managed by the help of God instead of their own friends, and held the torch of truth burning bright.
Truthers are literally a bridge between heaven and earth… between humans and God… while the religious types point to Jesus as the way, truth and the light… you literally ARE the way, the truth and the light. So even though people give all the credit to someone who isn’t even on the planet, while visiting YOU every waking day of their awakening self… they still secretly believe Jesus is doing more for them, than you ever will… and God is someone who they pray for, for favours.
Yeah, your followers don’t owe you, the truthers, anything, but their support surely is appropriate.
The next time you have an opportunity to support a truther, don’t think of it as charity or an opportunity to be as cheap as possible, just because you are used to getting something from them for nothing, and afterall, old habits sometimes die hard don’t they? Instead, see it as an opportunity to gift someone in return for helping you save your soul, save your ass, and save you from an early death by your own hands, and even save you from the obvious extinction level event that is all around you that seeks to consume you in it’s flame of destruction… see it as an opportunity to help Jesus and God, help you… for the truthers may be taking their cues from Jesus and God, in ways where you can’t hear Jesus and God even as they shout at you, to avoid the dangers ahead that you created with your own hands and the devil’s instructions.
The next time a truther shares truth with you… see it for what it is… love, which is the greatest energy in the universe… and when you stand in the presence of love, you have the choice to either be enlightened, or darkened… and if so, don’t blame the truther, if your own hands have tightened their grip on your own silent throat.
One final thought how did you expect Jesus’ true teachings, and the word of God to reach you, if not through a truther? If your heart is closed? If your mind is controlled? If you live your days in doubt, disbelief, skepticism, and in all the seven deadly sins?
Yeah, the truthers are more like Jesus and God than many could bare to conceive… let’s now finish our toast to the truthers… the christs… the godly humans… Christ… the spiritual hierarchy… God… the angelic realm… Prime Creator… Supreme Creator, and the light within All.
Truthers, thank you for your service to unawakened and awakened humanity. May the light continue to burn brightly within humanity, may you continue to light the way, and may you be listened to, supported and may you successfully complete your mission to share truth on planet earth, as you ascend into the fifth dimension and in many cases, beyond… beyond space… beyond time… and even, beyond the comprehension of those who stand in your light… so be it!
Indian In The Machine