Just saw it during MNF - terrific!!!!
I have a friend who is a horse. We would like to give him ivermectin bc he's not been eating his hay, and stamped his horse knuckles on the ground 3 times which we taught him means, "I don't feel good." In researching, we've read he can take it either as a paste, or a pill. What is the best and most efficacious way to help our four legged friend?
They're here trying to call this a fake, and starting their typical games.
I swear I remember seeing it, however now I can't seem to find it.
Is this designed to ignite violence to head towards the UN stepping in?
Why else would True the Vote and associated entities be at the ready to capture all that footage and data?
....gotta be good news!
what do you honestly think we'll see?

What does this mean for the audit?
You will not hear anything other than "...next administration." STAY THE LINE, IT WILL HAPPEN TOMORROW!!!!