politifox 2 points ago +2 / -0

the cover story- where he's got some bad back injury - and so he wasn't able to get the treatment he needed - that doesn't fly - you are telling me he isn't getting the drugs / treatments he needs when his family is wealthy - Rich people - stem cells , fly to other countries to get treated - would never leverage just the bullshit health care you get from health insurance.

politifox 2 points ago +2 / -0

they stopped selling cars long ago lol - look at their sales numbers.

politifox 4 points ago +4 / -0

either he gets rubio's senate seat and will be a bulldog in the senate, or better yet just have whom ever is ag ( AG in name only lol) - hire special counsel to investigate different things - so hire matt gaetz to root out corruption in congress. He has the ability to scorch the earth there.