I talked with an escalation tech from MS's corporate support at my last job. He happened to be a native of Costa Rica and in our technical conversation, he asked me what I thought about Trump.
Of course I was a little wary being that I was at work and didn't want to dig any hole for myself by saying something odd.... but I did tell him I supported Trump. He told me he supported Trump too after I admitted it.
Wait what?
A guy that has lived in Costa Rica his whole life, is relatively smart to be working in the position he's in at the company he's in..... is a Trump supporter?
Of course my curiosity was piqued so we started talking about that, instead of tech shit. He told me the reason he's a supporter of Trump is because Trump is aware of what China is doing to the USA.... and he said China had already done the EXACT SAME THING they're doing now to the USA in Costa Rica years before.
He told me he felt bad for what was happening to our nation. The story of what he told me is as follows:
China approached the govt in CR and "offered" to build them a new soccer stadium. This won over the people of Costa Rica. China did not use any local laborers, equipment, or materials to build the stadium. It was entirely shipped in, on barges, all from China. Through greasing the wheels with a stadium they were able to secure special privileges. These included being able to operate businesses in small mom and pop shop districts with very small rental and tax rates. They operated these businesses at a loss, selling products shipped in from china at a cost that local competitors could not compete with. This resulted in many local shops closing, and the real estate being used for, you guessed it..... more chinese owned companies/shops.
He concluded that the whole purpose of this was to set up a money pipeline where china would absorb the wealth of Costa Rica's people. When you can sell products at a loss for the sole purpose of taking the money, moving it to China, and then using it in China...... that is evil.
I hope this opens someone's eyes here to what is going on in our country. He said this is right out of the play book of what happened in costa rica.
I'd love if anyone more familiar with these sequence of events could shed some more light/insight on this.
Thank you for reading.... I have known this story for over a year now and just now this morning thought to share it here. I knew you all would appreciate it.
Change my mind.