
Today I want to write to you all about a nootropic (supplement) called phosphatidylserine. You can order it on Amazon right now.

Many have been going through lots of stress lately, whether it's from the tyranny, life, a stressful event, or for normies- worrying about "covid".

When we stress like this, the body produces cortisol which makes us feel intense, stressed, hyper-focused etc.

The problem is, the body can get stuck producing this same level of cortisol, because it gets used to it. You then feel terrible all the time, even when you have no reason to be stressed. The result is what I believe many call "PTSD", or depression, et cetera. Who would have known that this was actually a physiological phenomenon?

Welcome to the Great Awakening.

Phosphatidylserine supplements, and you'll want to make sure they're the ones made from sunflower lectin, inhibit cortisol and thus reduce this excess of stress.

I took 100mg capsules at breakfast, lunch, and dinner while under severe distress and almost immediately felt like my old self again. Healthy. This stuff really works and is amazing. It can save so many lives.

I a read personal testimony that after 1-3 months of use, the effects stick with you as your body gets used to producing normal cortisol levels once again. This would make sense, but I just started taking this so I can't personally tell that part of my own story yet.

Keep in mind this is not just for people who have "PTSD" or "Depression", but literally anyone who thinks they could use a return to their natural mood. Some people just use it as a nootropic for its benefits.

Here is some more info: https://empoweredsustenance.com/phosphatidylserine-benefits/


Here is a good personal testimony from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/dvn10z/200mg_phosphatidyl_serine_sunflower_sourced_for/

Please, do your own research- make sure you don't have any cortisol-based diseases that this might effect. Always talk to your doctor, etc.

Make sure you get the ones made from sunflowers or soy. Not from animals.

From webMD: "Phosphatidylserine can affect how certain medicines work in your body. Talk to your doctor before taking this supplement if you also take:

Any type of blood thinner or have any blood-clotting problems Anti-inflammatory medicines used for arthritis, headaches, or pain Performance-enhancing drugs or supplements used to increase athletic performance or stamina"

And please, help me spread the word to all. Mods, please consider stickying this if you see fit. I believe this is important and relevant. This can help not only people with PTSD, etc. but even just normal people trying to get on with their lives. The positive effects are real. Even leftists can benefit from this as they won't be trapped in a constant state of stress, etc. and can begin to think more clearly. Even people on this website who are growing impatient, stressed out about the DS can clear their heads and recalibrate. I want to emphasize that this effect is not an inebriation or a high. This is literally just a nootropic that returns you to a healthy state of mind by addressing the problem at its root cause.

Praise the lord for guiding me to this amazing supplement.