I'm mad at the secret service leadership and the military (by extension , Q team) for dropping the ball here and that's putting it lightly.

"POTUS is 100% insulated" my butt

I have a feeling I'm not alone.

DS Assets Turning Against MSM? (twitter.com) 🤡 MSM Conspiracy Theory 🤡
posted ago by rayw_wwg1wga ago by rayw_wwg1wga
Who are Jake Tapper and Dana Bash (www.timesofisrael.com) 🔍 Notable
posted ago by rayw_wwg1wga ago by rayw_wwg1wga

It's not news to any of us that he's been acting feeble and incompetent, at least for those of us paying attention the last 4+ years.

What if the DS finally realized that they've been played and are now scrambling to use this to dispose of him and replace him/them with one of their puppets once more?


Directly from the sauce: https://youtu.be/TCKefBtbjaE?t=37

  1. 1948 - Ashkenazis force UN to kick people out of Palestinian land and create Israel, citing Holocaust and "it's always been our land since beginning of time"
  2. Palestinian people, are rightfully upset with outsiders occupying their land, forcing them out of their homes
  3. Ashkenazi's through the CIA / MOSSAD creates Hamas to have a figure for Palestinians to rally behind ("freedom fighters"), but in reality it's controlled opposition (sauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgy6B_QOYAM)
  4. Ashkenazi's have their endless money-maker installed in the middle east solidly - never-ending conflict. Propaganda to rile people up on both sides (Arabs, everyday Jews, and everyone else). "Hamas = terrorists" etc.
  5. 2023 Oct 7 - The Israeli military "knew of the Hamas invasion" and were told to stand down (reminiscence of Benghazi, anyone?)
  6. Israel gets perfect excuse to "use any means necessary" to "eliminate Hamas" but in reality they're just hiding their crimes.
  7. Palestinian people who just want to live their lives and not be bombed into oblivion, protest the genocide - and some more extreme people see no other option other than to support the "freedom fighters" - except what they don't know is the "freedom fighters" is controlled by Israeli government...so you can't win either way.

So it's just one giant LARP (where we, ordinary people, get suckered in and some even die) to keep the Ashkenazi's in charge, and powerful. And keep ordinary people fighting each other, while they get more powerful and rich, while also achieving their de-population, one world government agenda all at the same time.


It is well-documented that Hamas was created by Mossad (evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgy6B_QOYAM) like Bin Laden was created by CIA (evidence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone). (Though, official narrative is to "counter Arafat" and "counter the Soviet Union" respectively, and how they "went out of control, beyond the scope of intent")

Doing some connecting the dots, you'll learn that they did not "go out of control" - so whoever they support - Israeli government, Hamas, Palestinian government, in other words, they're all one in the same.

So how do you trust / support Hamas to "stop Zionism" if Israeli government is the puppeteer behind Hamas? And vice versa, how do you trust Israeli government to eliminate Hamas if they're merely their puppet?

It's like trusting the arsonist to put out the fire.

Mind = blown


Question in title; honestly speaking, what would you do in this scenario?

Fraud is so blatant, maybe even more blatant than last time. All the wrong-doing is presented to the public as before, MSM suppresses, as before. But just like before, the Potato is "certified" again.

Then what?


As per the title, not talking about people who are deluded by the MSM but people who genuinely feel that way. We know it's wrong, they know it's wrong, but they still feel that way.

What's the cure? How do we help fix it?

I hear "shove them back in the closet" a lot here but that's just hiding the problem and not solving it. I'm sure they struggle with it too and would love to have it cured. But how?


I ran into a guy in real life that claims he voted for Trump in 2016 to boot out the Democrats because in his view they were doing a poor job. He claims he then changed in 2020 and voted for the dementia patient to boot out Trump, because he was doing a poor job.

I brought up the whole Clinton emails, Biden decades of family corruption thing. His only defense was "everyone's corrupt, all governments are evil" 🤦


It used to be red voters = believers in small government and blue the opposite. Then it morphed into preserving the constitution vs. changing it to fit the current agenda. And now it's truth and logic = red, and lies and gaslighting = blue.

Red pill vs blue pill in the Matrix.

Red pill = dig for the truth, no matter how deep the rabbit hole goes

Blue pill = believe in fantasy and stay ignorant

White hats' intentionally pushing the script this way?


The bill gives the President the authority to ban any web site or app deemed a national security threat, particularly election interference.

Which executive order from POTUS does that sound like? Which executive order gives the President authority to seize assets of those found to interfere in our elections...🤔


Perhaps this is just formalizing the executive order into law.


Just having some thoughts...at least myself, after being awakened, I found myself standing for truth more often than not. I finally understood what our founders fought for. No longer a sheep.

But I've noticed that more and more I'm forced to choose between a relationship with either family, friends or dating, or the truth. I refuse to pretend everything is fine, I refuse to think BLM is a just and righteous movement. I refuse to call Biden a title he never earned. I refuse to pretend the mRNA shots work.

Never felt more alone than before. Yes we have this community, but real life relationships have definitely taken a toll.

Any ideas for how we can solve this?


Think of it, you put aside your life of luxury to fight against tyranny. Your friends...some turn against you and brand you a traitor to the kingdom, a few support your cause, and sometimes secretly. It's tough but you fight on anyway. He had to endure so much more, over a longer period of time. But he and other fellow brave Americans fought on and won in the end.

It feels tough for us today because we don't have context, we only see what we see.


Parody character of Arnold - https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Rainier_Wolfcastle

Take a look at who the "Father" is


I get this a lot. "You are so negative about everything, your outlook, worldview, nobody will want to be friends with you"

Sometimes I get "all the people you praise, most people view negatively, and the people you praise like Trump most people frown upon"

I stand my ground insisting I tell the truth at any cost, but in some ways, it hurts because it does feel isolating and alone. I get that being alone is one of the costs of telling the truth in this world. How do ya'll handle this?

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