
The veep showed up 17 minutes late, Baier told members of the β€œSpecial Report” panel


There's that number again


The infamous moment of "you know what I'm talking about"..."actually I don't" : https://youtu.be/aLC2XjW_Z08?t=1020

What if by "you know what I'm talking about" - she's referring to the fact that President Trump is secretly still the Commander in Chief, under devolution?

Seems like she was trying to point to "we're not ACTUALLY in power, Trump is in power, it's his fault" without coming out and saying it directly, because coming out and saying it directly would be worse?


Right for the wrong reasons, but if it works, it works.



That meme about how people always understand in movies which sides the resistance...

Well that's just it then..in MOVIES you see and hear everything on that side and it's prominently featured and promoted in said movies.

In real world they see the side promoted by the media and think that's the side of the resistance...



Some people decode this as

  • military taking over openly?

  • he made a deal after the threats?


Where the heck is the military? Why aren't they stepping in?




Not a surprise, but interesting how they're so open about the connection.


These happened (Assange while in Prison) / supposedly happened (Malik Obama said on his X account that it was going to happen and he would talk about Big Mike with Tucker) - but we haven't seen anything come out of these for months. What gives?


No..it's equal justice under the law.

If the law says doing X equals Y punishment, then all those who were found guilty of X must be given Y punishment.

If Trump can be charged and found guilty of felonies simply by having accounting errors, then so can everyone else including "Biden", Heels Up, Bill Gates etc etc


Not sure if you guys remember the plot from the two movies. Woke injections aside (forget about "Cpt. Marvel" etc)

The setup goes:

  • Thanos the big purple guy - goal: "save the universe" by depopulating the universe at random (genocide)

  • The Avengers / Guardians / Wizards - try to prevent Thanos from achieving his plan - most notably - Dr. Strange and Iron Man (the leader).

Important plot points:

  • Before the battle with Thanos, one of the good guys, the wizard, Dr. Strange uses the Time Stone to look forward in time, to see all possible outcomes of the future (he found 14,000,605 possible outcomes, and only ONE where the good guys achieve victory).
  • Along the way, Thanos kills off people who get in the way (these people can never return).
  • They clash and battle...
  • During the battle with Thanos when he's about to kill Iron Man, suddenly Dr. Strange gives Thanos the Time Stone (which Dr. Strange prior to looking at the future, said he would never do). (thanks to u/ZerroDefex)
  • But Thanos gets what he wants, and decimates the universe using the necessary pieces ("infinity stones"). Just before Dr Strange is erased from reality he tells Iron Man "it had to be this way." (thanks to u/ZerroDefex) Or so it appears. (Avengers Infinity War ends here)
  • In Endgame, the heroes realize they lost. Story picks up 5 years after.
  • The good guys, by the slimmest odds, find a way to time travel to gather up all the necessary pieces ("infinity stones") to bring people back.
  • Thanos (from a different time) and the good guys (in present time) have a rematch
  • When Iron Man and others managed to being everyone back from being erased Dr Strange tells Iron Man that if he had told him ahead of time then he never would have followed the plan and do what was necessary. (thanks to u/ZerroDefex)
  • Iron Man (the leader) sacrifices himself, using the same technique Thanos used earlier to decimate the population, instead to decimate all of Thanos' team, and is himself killed in the process.

Sound familiar?

  • Thanos = Deep State

  • Iron Man = POTUS

  • Dr. Strange = Q and Looking Glass

What if, Q saw all the possible options, and saw this one as the way that "We win"? Despite choosing this route meant still having heavy losses, it at least meant the bad guys couldn't enact their depop plan on the world and/or avoiding a civil war?

Coincidentally these movies were both released in 2018/2019:

Makes you go,...hmmm...

If the bad guys can use movies to spread propaganda, so can the good guys, right? Allows this idea to enter the public's consciousness...


Still very much relevant today: https://qalerts.pub/?n=4951

How do you 'show' the public the truth?

How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?

How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?

It had to be this way.

Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.


The 2020 election was allowed to be stolen. And it appears that the keys to the country were handed over to the DS (however we think a lot of them are actors).

"People have to see it for themselves."

It's quite easy to understand this post now, especially after almost 4 years.

That said, there's definitely moral issues with this. Like the consequences of this show are real.

I guess all we can do is hope for the best prepare for the worst.


Sauce: https://x.com/thevivafrei/status/1816137633065554360

Q from Rep Bishop: "Did Crooks fire 8 shots?"

A from Wray: "We have recovered 8 cartridges on the roof"


  • Initial reaction was: he's not saying yes or no to whether all 8 shots came from Crooks - so it does not rule out a second or third assassin
  • Why did he use the term "cartridges" rather than "casings" or "shells"? Because as a law enforcement person, the terminology must be very precise - "cartridge" means something different entirely: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartridge_(firearms)
  • If we interpret this as an accident/misspoken and he actually meant casings - then the initial reaction would be correct
  • If we interpret this as intentional wording, then what he's saying is Crooks didn't fire a single shot since they found intact rounds... (this would add up with the other hints we saw - body cam footage where the gun was far away from his body and it didn't have any blood / blood trails on it, as well as the testimony where officers confronted him on the roof in prone position but "within seconds fired upon Trump" which would be physically impossible - so if that's the case, someone else fired upon Trump)

And Q said "Trust Wray" - perhaps this is a way he found for disclosing the truth?



Watched the entire hearing... the following points perked my ears up

  • two snipers were stationed on second floor window (allegedly belong to Butler Police)

  • snipers spotted "crooks" and sent pictures to PSP (PA State Police) head and NOT Butler Police head (wtf moment #1)

  • both snipers "left their post" and went to look for "crooks" (wtf moment #2)

  • two DIFFERENT police officers from different departments gave each other a boost to get onto the roof and were scared off by "crooks" (wtf moment #3)

  • 8 bullet casing were found on scene confirmed by the Colonel; when asked whether they were all found near "crooks" body - he answered "that's what I was told" (wtf moment #4)

  • at the timestamp it is clear that they both have a clear shot of both "crooks" and Trump from that window

Don't recall exact timestamps, something along here: https://youtu.be/EJ9oSavqu-g?t=13859

At the very least, look at the timestamp in the video - that's the money shot.

What if these TWO snipers were both in on it and both lied and reported "oh we saw this perp we gonna leave our posts now to go after him" (wtf moment #5 WHAT SNIPER LEAVES THEIR POST IN THE MOST VULNERABILE POSITION IN THE AREA? - my commentary)

So then one of them takes real shots at Trump (first 3 in the videos we seen), then they let the patsy "crooks" take the next 5 shots, and then the other sniper takes out "crooks" and silences him - "hey guys, we got him" - report over the radio.


"Biden" foreshadows what is going to come (back in 2020) "I'll develop some disease and have to resign": https://youtu.be/zpP9q3osRlU?t=67

"Biden" says "I'm sick" https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1813715902250017022

"Biden" haphazardly sends a letter indicating that he's "dropping out" of the race (we know someone did it on 'his behalf') https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1815080881981190320

More evidence of the 25th in progress: https://x.com/LauraLoomer/status/1815574528845635764

Trump said this would happen: https://youtu.be/imqVPnX_nRc?t=5


Had this conversation some time back (before the assn. attempt) with an extended family member (who lives in Canada), told them about "The Plan to Save America and the World".

Here were their counterpoints

  • America thrived under your "deep state" leadership - economic boom, technological boom, so they aren't/weren't so bad after all

  • If the so-called "White Hats" are military and they selected Donald Trump as their guy to overthrow the "deep state", aren't they just "another kind of deep state"? Where does "we the people" ever come in to play? Or is it just "elite factions" duking it out all the time over and over? Where is your "American democracy"? Was it all fake all along?

  • Twitter was "a billionaire making changes as he saw fit" - once again nothing to do with "We the People"

Bear in mind, this is a person that...

  • Does not like Trudeau

  • Does not like mass imports of Mozzies

  • Generally "supports the Conservative party"

  • But then praises Trudeau for sending money to the U-shaped Crane

  • And does not believe there were widespread election fraud anywhere in the West.

  • Supports the mRNA clot shots but against mandates

  • Does not like Trump because people around them don't like Trump

"Biden" to resign/step down/drop out soon? πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by rayw_wwg1wga ago by rayw_wwg1wga

Before Trump, most of us had no idea the extent of corruption, how many corrupt, evil people occupy important positions within the system. Symbolized by the swamp - it's all covered up by murky waters.

But now the murky swamp water is entirely drained and we see just how deep the evil and corruption goes. It's through the entire thing - courts, Congress, Hollywood, three letter agencies, the legacy media, fakebook etc etc.

And now we have just seen, this includes the Secret Service. And unfortunately our President put his life on the line more than ever to show this part of it. Literally almost got assassinated.

But now we know for a fact how deep it goes, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Pray for Trump - he's our only hope.


Yes, this kid we saw did in fact try to assassinate our President and almost succeeded. However, he was definitely not the mastermind behind this. In fact, I would say he was a victim too. Please hear me out.

Bright kid, brainwashed by schools and legacy media into hating Trump to the point that he'd be willing to kill. And someone mentally vulnerable and easy to manipulate. One day, the feds reach out and look for a volunteer to do this, very easy since their propaganda has groomed a generation of kids that think killing the president is a good thing. A percentage would be up for doing it.

Who provided the weapons, ammo, bomb making materials, ladder, the situational awareness, getting him set up on the roof top without interventions, etc etc. it's obvious the deep state chose the kid to become cannon fodder for (what he thought because of being brainwashed) was righteous move like jihadis are brainwashed into thinking blowing themselves up is righteous.

So then you have the same feds that chose this kid to do the job also rig President Trump's security to falter. And you have a burner phone to communicate with the kid telling him where to go etc.

Parents knew he was having mental issues and did report (we know now) that he went missing the morning of the assassination attempt: https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1813606034591916156

If this report is true, I think the parents did the right thing However it looks like the law enforcement involved once again ignored everything. Looks more and more like it was coordinated at the very top.

We are all angry yes but we need to be angry at the true enemy: the deep state.

I'm also appalled that the media doxxed his parents and published their full details - name address date of birth everything. I bet the deep state did that on purpose so that people would harass the parents, who (in my analysis) have nothing to do with their unstable son's horrible action and they even warned the authorities about him.

Focus on the deep state and their puppets - fight fight fight!

Law enforcement saw the assassin 30 minutes prior (www.wpxi.com) πŸ–•TREASON! πŸ–•
posted ago by rayw_wwg1wga ago by rayw_wwg1wga
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