First off I am a patriot and an avid believer in President Trump, with the exception of promoting the vaccine. I follow many of the voices that are encouraging us to trust the plan and are looking for President Trump to reclaim his rightful place as president, and I am personally anxious for this to happen as our country’s status right now is horrifying as we watch the disintegration of our liberties and the political corruption that is being allowed to take place because of a failure of implementation of justice.

I expect this message will be difficult to receive and I have considered for some time whether to even share this information because how it may upset some people who have their hearts set on how they think things should or will take place, myself included.

Because of my life experience of being a devoted student and teacher of the Bible I have come to trust the scripture and the prophecies contained in it over all other sources of anticipation of the future events. One thing everyone has gotten correct is that God wins, always, but what is often not understood is that how he wins is not always the way that we want to see it happen. Think of the apostles and disciples as they watched Jesus being crucified, they surely did not see the victory in that, and those in Heb 11 that were torn asunder and died because of their trust in God. So my point here is many of us have preconceived ideas as to how we think this whole thing will unwind but what does the scripture actually say?

In Revelation chapter 5 we are introduced to a book which has 7 seals which no man could open except the Lamb of God, which is referring to Jesus who is presently at the right hand of God.

This book with the 7 seals is referring to the events of the end times. From Revelation chapter 6 to the end of chapter 11 we see the opening of each seal and ending chapter 11 with the beginning of Christ's millennial reign. What this gives us is an outline of what is going to happen between now and the reign of Christ.

In chapters 13-20 are different details given that apply to the seals as they are opened.

The first 4 seals (ch. 6) that are opened are represented as 4 horses. In the Bible days horses were the ultimate fighting machine in warfare, so that gives us some insight as to what these horses represent.

**** Seal 1 is a white horse and rider going forth to conquer. **** Seal 2 is a red horse and rider with a sword to take peace from the earth. **** Seal 3 is a black horse and rider with balances in his hand, suggesting scarcity. **** Seal 4 is a pale horse and rider with the name Death and Hell and to him is given power to kill ¼ of earth's population by the sword (warfare, biowarfare?), by hunger (scarcity of essentials?) and by beasts of the field (who might the beasts be, Cabal, DS, etc?). Because of the events in our current world situation we can see a fairly high probability that these seals may actually apply to our day and age.

These first 4 seals I believe are referring to the beast in Rev 13:1-10. ***** Rev 13:1 Beast rises up or emerges out of the sea. This tells us prior to this point in time the beast was hidden or submerged until this time and place in man’s history he is exposed or revealed. Who does this sound like, Cabal, DS, etc? ***** Rev 17:3 tells us the Woman (Babylon, global financial system) was riding the beast. ***** From this we can see that the Beast and the Woman are interconnected. ***** Beast has a mouth like a lion (threatening), like a leopard (swift, fast), feet like a
bear (tear things up and destroy them.) And the devil gives him his power. ***** V.4 who is able to make war with the beast, in other words its power is so global that it is difficult to fight against, does this sound familiar? ***** V.5 Power was given unto him for 3 ½ years to do his dirty work. ***** V. 7 The thrust of his power is directed at the saints (believers in Christ) first and then to all kindreds and nations. Are we seeing this happen now? ***** All that dwell on the earth shall worship (follow) him except those whose names are written in the book of life of the Lamb of God.

My conclusion on these 1st four seals. 1) The Beast has emerged and been revealed the world is beginning to see it, and understand it has been operating in the shadow for a long time. 2) The Woman (global financial system and world wealth holders) who is riding (controlling) the Beast (deep state), getting him to do her bidding. 3) Beast has purposed war on all the earth’s inhabitants especially targeting believers in Christ, is this depopulation we hear about? 4)The Beast will kill and destroy ¼ of the world's population through war, hunger, and the beast's evil deeds (vaxx). 5) The Beast is given 3 ½ years to do his dirty work, I think this will take us up into the 2024 election cycle, and then he will receive the deadly wound. Is taken down. I think we are in the midst of Seals 1-4 and when we get to the 6th seal we see that the beast receives the deadly wound, and I believe this is what everyone is looking for. For me this gives a time framework and event framework of what we can expect.

Unfortunately once the beast receives the deadly wound, there is a 2nd beast that arises and leads the world into the introduction of the Antichrist 666 and the mark of the beast etc. Once the Antichrist 666 takes office the 7 year period prophesied in Daniel 9 begins.