rn_paul_was_right 2 points ago +2 / -0

while i knew Sessions would never do anything from the start, i also cant say what would have happened if Sessions had jumped into the fight guns blazing. none of us has a time machine (except John Titor), so we dont know what the alternative outcome would have been.

maybe Sessions pulled strings to shut down Mueller before it dragged out Russia Hoax for 3 years. then the Bolshevik Coup plotters would have used Sessions' interference to do to Trump what they did to Nixon in Watergate. the Coup plotters were looking for any excuse to frame Trump for a crime to then justify impeaching him. including setting up Trump to create the crime.

maybe if we could see that alt Timeline, where Sessions crushed the coup plotters and inadvertently triggered the "Saturday Night Masaacre" like under Nixon, where Nixon's AG was indicted and all of Nixon's top staffers were forced to resign, leaving Nixon alone and weak and vulnerable, then maybe we could see what Sessions avoided by recusing himself.

regardless of Trust Sessions, i am furious and beyond Blackpilled that here we are 5 years later and not one co-conspirator who attempted to overthrow the President has been indicted or jailed.


rn_paul_was_right 4 points ago +4 / -0

yes, i think it was an attack on Q. the purpose is to hangout false leaks, which are then later discredited and proven false. then whoever believed it is cast as a big dummy and fool.

this is a play straight out of the JTRIG playbook.

my first big problem with Shadowgate is that the whistle blower Tore Says claims stolen valor. she says she earned a Purple Heart. she served only 8 months in the Navy. if she lies about something that big, why should we believe anything she says?

my second problem is the premise of Shadowgate makes no sense in the context of what we already know from the Snowden leaks. it is ludicrous to think private military contractors are stealing NSA's data streams. do you realize how big NSA's bandwidth is? no other entity on earth could steal NSA's data, simply because they dont have the network and storage capacity to drink from the SIGINT firehose.

from the Snowden leaks, we already know NSA + FVEYS are slicing and dicing EVERYTHING we do online with a microscope. anything PMC's could do would be 1/1,000,000 smaller. if you want to get mad about being spied on, get mad at your govt.

here are some Snowden leaks which were mostly ignored, but were among the most important in my mind, because they showed the INSANE length to which FVEYS went to spy on EVERYONE. these slides are from 2012. imagine what they have now. back in 2012, FVEYS were already mapping EVERY event for EVERY IP address to know who did it, where they were and what they were doing.

it's already too late to undo the mass surveillance.

everything you can think of that you do on the Internet, the FVEYS have automated systems like AI that filter and categorize it and connect it to your real identity.

these are SCARY slides. the blackmail and mind control potential alone are terrifying.





