salutethemarines7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dear Death,

Something, something.

The end.

salutethemarines7 3 points ago +3 / -0

Since March 2020 I always had hope that the little man would get what’s coming. I watch that short shit Lying through his teeth in multiple interviews, intimidating and coerce the simple minded into getting injected with an experimental vaccine.

On another note, phoney Fauci… guy is only a small player in the grand game.

Grouchy Fauci is only the lamb to be sacrificed for the bigger lie. Which is something so dark, and evil an every day “normal” person would be in horror, shock, and terror.

salutethemarines7 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not trust Ricky. Ricky is a huge animal activist, but he was seen on Twitter promoting experimental vaccine.

I call him out for taking a “Placebo” Twitter banned me ?