There's something changing in this country and across the world, and those of us who observe real life have noticed it, while those who watch the lamestream media 24/7 think that the races and classes all want to kill each other.

My husband has his pickup truck decked out in anti-Biden and conservative stickers, including a large "Fuck Biden and fuck you for voting for him" sticker, and even his license plate expresses a very clear opinion, though for obvious reasons I can't mention it here.

Thursday evening, he had to work late, and then he had to stop at a couple of stores on the drive home to get parts for some problems he's been having with his truck, including a headlight that was out. We live about 35 miles from where he works, so he has a commute, and he was wiped out coming home and frustrated with everything going on. He passed a slow car on the highway, and then came the blue lights flashing. A state trooper. The evening seemed to be going from bad to worse.

My husband watched in his mirror, and the state trooper turned out to be a young black man. My husband said he just took a deep breath because he automatically assumed that the cop would see his stickers, and more importantly his tags, and show no mercy. And, of course, like any state trooper, he was stone-faced and stern as hell once he got up to the window, so it was impossible to read him.

The state trooper did all the usual checking licenses and registration, then came back and told my husband he would let him off with the lowest possible speeding ticket he could give him, even though he clocked the speed at 14 mph (conveniently) over the limit. He also gave him a warning about the headlight but no ticket, and then told my husband to be blessed.

My husband felt relieved and was about to roll up the window when the trooper turned back to him. He started smiling, pounded his fist on the side of the door, and said, "Man, I LOVE your tags!" They both started laughing and nodded at each other in a total MAGA bro moment. My husband said that it made the whole night worthwhile, even with all the trouble, because it just felt so good. And we know it's not unusual for law enforcement to be conservative, but it's a reminder that our preconceived notions about certain races and types of people are no longer correct in most cases. Most of those notions come from the news, the music and movie industries, social media, etc. It's all fake and it's all intentional deception.

I really do believe that black, white, hispanic, Asian, and all Americans have more in common now than we ever have in history. We're all under the thumb of tyranny and oppression together, and the only way out is to come together and fight it, and fight for each other.

On that same day, Thursday, I went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch with a coworker. The guy who rang up my check at the end was Mexican and pretty quiet. He looked like he was having a shitty day. Then he noticed my necklace, which has the Christian fish on it and also a couple of tiny shells from the Sea of Galilee. He asked me about it and we talked for a minute, and by the end of the short conversation, it felt like we'd made a positive human connection, no matter how small. He lightened up considerably, and again, it just felt good to interact on that level with a stranger. It feels so rare in these days of division and disconnection. But I think this is going to start happening more and more often, if we want it to and will allow it. We need this to happen for this movement to continue spreading. We need this soul connection, even with total strangers and all the random people we encounter each day. This is what God wants and, I believe, is a large part of the plan.


Spoiler alert if you haven't seen the film, but it shouldn't be any surprise.

In the movie, one of the main characters describes the laughter and clapping of children as "the sound of freedom." And while it might seem like a cheesy line to some, it is a true statement. The sound of happy, innocent children at play is the sound of a healthy society. And we don't hear that sound anymore. At best, our children are addicted to technology and formed into self-obsessed, entitled narcissists. At worst, they are indoctrinated by deviant fetishists, or sexually abused, or, in the absolutely most evil scenario, sold into sex slavery as the film portrays. While there are pockets of innocent, protected children around the country, our world is sick. And we no longer hear the laughter of children because children carry the burden of the damaged adults at the helm of society.

I am a teacher, one of the few conservatives left in the field. In my job, I have encountered so many children who come not only from broken homes, but have experienced various forms of abuse and neglect. I have one whose father was arrested last year for drug-manufacturing, and another who lost all his teeth because he chewed on furniture in response to being raped over the course of several years. And those are only two examples of the damaged kids I've seen lately. Young people's minds have grown so dark and hopeless that the only satisfaction they find is in the fantasy world of video games, social media, and pornography.

The movie is right. Until we hear the widespread innocent laughter and outdoor play of children and teenagers again, our world remains enslaved. Adults must start with themselves and spread this healing and joy to all young people. The last few generations, starting particularly with the Baby Boomers, have been lost. We must get right with God and with our souls before anything will improve. Most of us are not there yet.


Love him or hate him, trust him or not, this story from Alex Jones rings true. It absolutely seems to be the reason we're seeing these sudden attacks on illegals from other hispanics. And it's likely to get worse, and you can thank your CIA and Biden administration. The video is worth the watch.



Be vigilant. These commies know that churches across the West will be full tomorrow morning, and I'm worried about my family and frens who will be attending services. Enjoy a blessed Easter Sunday, but be careful. They're out for blood.


I caught a Fox clip this morning in which they talked about the current UFO situation. One of the commentators quickly mentioned landmines off the coast of California being another concern right now. Did I miss something? I can't find anything about this anywhere.


We have tablets and horse paste that we've been saving for a rainy day. Well, my husband and I have both come down with pretty bad head colds and I'm curious about trying ivermectin so I can recuperate over the weekend and be ready for Monday.

Has anyone here ever had a BAD experience with this stuff? Negative reactions or side effects?


I hardly ever get on Facebook anymore, but I did earlier, and a friend of mine from high school is "transitioning" into a "man." This has been going on for years with her, but this weekend she proudly announced that she "cut off her tits" and is celebrating it in her posts because now she's a real man, as if being a man means having a flat chest. The disturbing thing is how many people, including some I knew from high school, are cheering her on and saying how great it is and how proud they are.

As a woman, I find it extremely disturbing and offensive that another woman would butcher herself in this way when so many women have to go through this surgery against their will due to cancer. It disgusts me that this mentally ill individual is gloating about how "easy" the surgery was and how awesome she feels now. All while sporting a fake hormone beard and smiling in her pictures with her thumbs up.

In every possible way, the trans agenda mocks and destroys womanhood. And the only way to stop it is to reject it in every way. Refuse to play the game, to use the fake pronouns, to pretend to be okay with it. I'm just really bothered and disgusted tonight.


Esther 4:14 "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

You were created for times such as these.

This Bible quote popped up for me earlier and, on a worldwide scale and on a personal level, it hits me hard today. I often wonder why we were all placed here right now during such bizarrely dark times, but I also know that God wanted us here for this moment. Just wanted to share this because we are all a part of the Great Awakening. Take care of yourselves and stay healthy so that we can keep going.


Sorry in advance for the lengthy post. Sometimes I make a post where I'm just thinking by typing. I know that most people are kept in the dark by the media and that it takes a certain kind of person to see beyond the mainstream narrative. But lately it seems like we've entered a truly dark and bizarre time and that most people, even some on our side, aren't aware of the gravity of the situation that we're ALREADY IN. My examples may seem minor, but when you consider what's behind them, they're a sign of a much scarier problem.

I was talking with my husband the other day about the fact that no restaurants in our immediate area are open for dinner anymore. We recently chatted with the owner of a diner we like in our town, and she said that they barely have enough employees to operate for breakfast and lunch, and that they can no longer get anyone to work at night. This all changed during the original 2020 lockdowns, of course, and never went back to normal. All the workers in her kitchen that day were white. (I make this point for a reason to come.)

And it's the same across our entire region. Even restaurants that are popular and busy and located in touristy areas are struggling to stay open for all their shifts. Smaller places are only open until one or two in the afternoon.

It's the same across retail. Stores are always operating on a skeleton crew and have signs up that they're hiring all the time.

I went to a county job fair recently and accepted a position. I was one of two people at the fair when I went. And there were dozens of jobs available with this employer. Since it's with the county, the benefits are good and these jobs would have been in high demand at one point. But they were practically begging me to work there, when just a few years ago, I would have been the one trying to sell my skills to them. No longer.

At my husband's job, they're having to hire people from other states to come and work because no one in the area is applying for jobs, and they're constantly understaffed and behind on projects because of it.

But when you hear the news, they say that employment rates are great under Biden. Other news sources say that many people are working two or more jobs now to make ends meet. Then you hear people talking about how no one is working anymore, despite the fact that inflation is skyrocketing and food and rent are damn near impossible to cover now for most middle-class people. None of this adds up, of course.

The creepiest thing, though, is that my husband's aunt recently lost her father. He was 99 and had dementia, so it was expected. However, the family told us this week that he won't be cremated until February because the funeral home has a waitlist for cremations. Why? "Oh, they're just really busy this time of year because of the flu and all." Yeah. That makes sense. Totally normal.

So, a lot of people think that mass deaths of the vaccinated are coming, but I think that we're already there and that the media is doing everything possible to ignore the problem. I don't think that this entirely explains the lack of interest in jobs, though. I tend to think that there is a mass depression event happening among Americans, particularly young ones who were told of a certain American dream that ain't never happening for them. They'd rather take side jobs delivering packages or groceries than get a full-time job or career because they just can't face the world and what modern American adulthood means today. Whatever the case may be, the reality of the NOW is bleak.

Side note. We hear of these loads of illegals coming every day. It used to be that you'd see Mexicans working in kitchens and dish rooms at pretty much every restaurant, but now, at least where I live, you never see that. Is all this hype about illegals also a lie? Where are THEY getting the money to survive and pay for all their kids and family? Another example. We have a lot of Mexicans in our small town, but again, you never see them working in public places anymore. However, yesterday, we needed some chile peppers for a recipe so we stopped in a small local Mexican supermarket. The doors were locked. As we were driving away, the lady came running out and opened the doors for us, so we went in. She had the bare minimum available for sale and could barely speak English. The whole place was dirty and in disrepair. She kept complaining about being "so cold." She didn't sell peppers or any produce at all, but I felt bad for her so we bought a bag of chips. She only accepted cash, no cards at all, and yet her signs out front promoted sending money home to Mexico. It was just an odd experience. When we left, she locked the doors back. It felt like something out of an apocalyptic movie. This is not our America anymore.

Just thoughts I've been having lately. Nothing is as it seems. More than ever before, our minds are being manipulated on the daily, even by sources we may trust. All I know is that it's never been more important to get yourself prepared and to keep your health up. There was a story on Yahoo (lol) this morning saying that bread will become scarce this coming year (muh Ukraine war), as well as pet food and canned goods. If Yahoo is saying that, shit is getting real. I feel like we're entering a post-modern American hellscape movie and the sad thing is that very few people can see it or will ever admit it to themselves. Bread and circuses, dog and pony shows, muh racism and muh drag queen story hours, all as we careen off the cliff of our flimsy false Satanic reality. It's crashing down, and I wonder how many will choose to ever open their eyes again when we hit the ground.


I don't watch TV and I rarely even watch movies anymore, but I keep hearing about Pure Flix, so I checked them out. First, they're owned by Sony, which seems like a problem to me. Second, I decided to take a look at some of their job openings, and in the job requirements, it lists proof of a COVID-19 vaccination as a requirement to work for them.

I was going to try their free trial, but I won't now. This is disappointing. It would be a nice a if a truly "pure" entertainment source came on the scene.


Sometimes it's good to check in with the other side and see what they're up to. I was browsing some talk radio stations this afternoon and stumbled upon Thom Hartmann's show, which I hadn't heard in ten years or more. I didn't even know he was still on the radio. If you don't know him, he's one of the only successful talk radio hosts on the left and is basically an old intellectual hippie.

In thirty minutes of listening, he talked about our obligation to save Ukraine and how this is a valid war for the US because everything the media tells us about this war is true, unlike the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan when the Bush family lied. Putin bad, Putin needs to go, blah blah blah. He moved on from that to talk about how Twitter has welcomed Nazis back to the forum and had a guest on to discuss the evils of free speech.

It's amazing how these liberals have fallen for every lie they accused neo-cons of pushing back in the early 2000s. Endless wars and censorship are what they love now, while the modern conservative wants to end war and end censorship (except in the case of child sexualization, which the left has no problem with).

God help us that these people still make up a signficant portion of the American population, and pretty much dominated schools and university systems.

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