seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another potential reason for Buffett's sudden stock selling could be the fear that a US regulatory probe into anti-money laundering surrounding fentanyl cash laundering at Toronto-Dominion Bank could be expanded to major US banks.

In a conversation with Sam Cooper, an investigative journalist behind the Substack "The Bureau," and David Asher, a former senior investigator for the State Department, Asher revealed, "And most of what we're seeing is coming from this TD Bank case, and there's a lot more. We'll see which one of the big four US banks gets named next." https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/why-warren-buffett-dumps-billions-worth-bank-america-stock

seernewday 1 point ago +1 / -0

FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation

FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation Republished with permission from AbleChild Special Agent in charge of the FBI Pittsburgh Field Office, Kevin Rojek, provided remarks during a media call that simply raise more questions. For example, Rojek explains that the “FBI is now in possession of the subject’s autopsy and toxicology reports from the coroner’s office.” Great. When did the FBI obtain the autopsy and toxicology reports from the coroner? Is Rojek referring to the Butler County Coroner or the Allegheny County Medical Examiner? People often confuse these two entities. Specificity would be helpful. It matters. Next. Agent Rojek explains that “all reviewable evidence collected from the AGR roof and from the Subject’s body are consistent with the round fired by the Secret Service Sniper.” It is interesting that the FBI would use the word “consistent.” What the public needs to know is whether a projectile was recovered from the subject’s body and was there a rifling match between the projectile and the barrel of a sniper’s weapon? Providing the ballistics report would be helpful. Further, having a look see at the autopsy would also provide important information about which direction the projectile removed from the subject traveled. Specificity. Rojek explained that the FBI rendered “the scene safe and following our established evidence gathering procedures, the FBI contacted the Butler County Coroner’s office.” “Evidence gathering?” What evidence was gathered prior to the coroner determining time and cause of death? What evidence was touched, moved or removed by the FBI prior to the coroner arriving at the scene twelve hours after the shooting? Again, knowing why the FBI turned away the coroner at midnight would be helpful. Agent Rojek further explains that “the coroner removed the body from the scene and conducted a death investigation.” The coroner removed the body prior to his investigation? That seems odd. Wouldn’t the body be important in writing crime scene notes? What about photographs of the deceased on the roof? Agent Rojek also reports that the “toxicology revealed negative results for alcohol and drugs of abuse.” Really? What about other drugs, like prescribed psychiatric drugs? Did the ME conduct toxicology tests to determine whether the subject had been on one or more prescribed drugs? It is of interest, too, that there is no mention of the “white van.” Yes, that white van that police found by use of the police K9 unit. “officers searched the battered white vehicle from which they removed explosives after they were led across fields to its location by their K9 unit.” So. Why is there no mention of this white van by the FBI? More than one explosive device was found inside the van and there is a video of police combing through the van. Why is this van not mentioned by the FBI, even if it is just to say the van had nothing to do with Crooks. Of course, that would be a problem. Dogs sniffed out the van based on Crooks scent. Another automobile with explosives? It sure sounds like more than one subject or at least more than one automobile. So, no autopsy, no complete toxicology, no fingerprint or DNA data, and no ballistics report. Oh, and an extra automobile with explosives. Nobody wants to be Johnny Rain Cloud, but the FBI’s “updated” information only raises more questions that need to be addressed…questions that the FBI should have already answered. What’s the problem?

seernewday 1 point ago +1 / -0

During the disastrous CNN interview, Ms. Harris claims to have no regrets about covering up Joe’s disastrous mental state—a coverup that ultimately led to him being tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage and Ms. Harris being installed without earning a single primary vote. https://revolver.news/2024/08/cnn-interview-shines-damning-spotlight-kamala-biggest-lie-yet-she-botches-response-big-time/

seernewday 4 points ago +4 / -0

To big to rig? Current cabal mafiosi panicking with dwindling especially competent personnel (is heels up and tampon tim not enough of a tell?) and dwindling pull (collapse of all credibility with fake news and the 3 letter white shoes)

seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

The witnesses testify to the rotten and it's not them

seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a idiot talking to 24 other idiots at this point.

seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/breaking-telegram-ceo-arrested-french-authorities-refusing-follow/ "laws" - Can't have enough people protecting against censorship!! Fighting pedophilia is protecting the public and the laws associated with fighting such crimes... The are not mutually exclusive.

seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

Published on: 23 Aug 2024, 2:58 pm The Teamsters union has served Canadian National Railway (CN) with a 72-hour strike notice, hours after saying it was taking down picket lines and workers would return to their jobs.

"Please find this letter as official notice to the company of our intention to withdraw the services of our combined membership of approximately 6,500 members," reads the notice sent to CN on Friday morning by the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.

The notice says that the union does not believe any of the ongoing issues between the railway and the Teamsters to be "insurmountable" and that it remains open to negotiating with the company in order to prevent any "further work stoppage."

The strike notice comes after months of contract talks between the Teamsters, CN, and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC).

A statement from CN issued Friday afternoon said that while the railway remains focused on getting back up and running, "the Teamsters are focused on returning to the picket line and shutting down the economy, impacting people and jobs across the country."

Speaking in Calgary, François Laporte, the president of Teamsters Canada, told CBC News the company's demands would have broken the union's collective agreement and that its priority is to ensure union members have "decent and reasonable working conditions."

"We believe in fair and honest bargaining and that's what we want, we want a fair and honest bargaining with the company," he said.

Both companies locked out their 9,300 engineers, conductors and yard workers just after midnight Thursday after failing to reach deals with the union. CPKC's 3,500 workers went on strike at the same time.

Federal Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon referred the dispute to the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to impose binding arbitration, under Section 107 of the Canada Labour Code.

Now the CIRB will decide how best to settle negotiations and whether that requires binding arbitration. For the CIRB to impose binding arbitration, it must justify it as the only way to handle the dispute and that it is economically necessary for the country.

According to CBC, CPKC said it was prepared to discuss the resumption of service at a meeting with the CIRB, but the union refused and said it intends to make submissions to challenge the constitutionality of MacKinnon's actions. The work stoppage at CPKC remains ongoing.

Pressure from industry groups and provincial governments to resolve the conflict has been mounting for weeks.

The companies haul a combined $1 billion in goods each day, according to the Railway Association of Canada. Industries affected by the work stoppage include agriculture, mining, energy, retail, automaking and construction.

The impasse affects tens of thousands of commuters in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, whose rail lines run on CPKC-owned tracks. Without traffic controllers to dispatch them, passenger trains cannot run on those rails.

U.S. railways also have had to turn away Canada-bound shipments. Shippers south of the border also rely on Canada's two main railways, whose tracks run to the Gulf of Mexico and, in CPKC's case, to Mexican ports.

Rail consultant Greg Gormick told Western Standard inadequate attention to railroad issues was finally costing the government and the public.

"The politicians and most of the public never even notice the trains until they stop running or they get held up at a grade crossing by a long one," Gormick said.

"Just one more sign of how our national and provincial transportation policies and the lopsided funding programs are hopelessly screwed up -- and have been for decades.

"Chickens always come home to roost."

seernewday 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rail stoppages continue as CPKC, CN unions remain defiant following federal intervention New strike notice and regulatory challenge make it unclear when freight traffic will fully resume https://calgaryherald.com/news/national/cpkc-cn-rail-union-lockout-strike-august-23-2024

seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

The $10 Trillion Dollar Family That Runs The World: The Finks/Blackrock/Blackstone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjsYfPw4Y2Q&list=WL&index=2

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