Kingslea 1 point ago +1 / -0


Kingslea 2 points ago +2 / -0


The lineage is as follows:

Hamilton Brown Jr. (son of Hamilton Brown)

Hamilton Brown (son of Hamilton Brown Jr.)

Christiana Brown (daughter of Hamilton Brown)

Oscar Joseph Harris (son of Christiana Brown and Joseph Alexander Harris)

Donald J. Harris (son of Oscar Joseph Harris and Beryl Finegan)

Notable Facts

Hamilton Brown was a notorious Irish slave owner who actively worked against abolition.

Donald Harris has spoken about his family history and believes they are related to Hamilton Brown.

Kamala Harris’ great-great-great-great-grandfather was Hamilton Brown, a plantation and slave owner in Jamaica.

Northern Irish historian Stephen McCracken has researched the family tree and confirmed the connection between Donald Harris and Hamilton Brown.

Kingslea 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think they just want to get the band aide off. Trump does not like it. He needs to wear something on that ear for at least another month. People will give him hell when he takes it off. We will see pictures of his ear all over the internet! We do not need the attention on Trump's ear.

Kingslea 4 points ago +4 / -0

In all actuality, this would be a very scary ticket. Evil and Evil. That manish creeps me out to the core.

Kingslea 2 points ago +2 / -0

Recent reports indicate that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent presidential candidate, has been in talks with Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, about potentially dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump. According to multiple sources, including Politico and ABC News, Kennedy met with Trump in Milwaukee on July 15 to discuss national unity and, reportedly, the possibility of Kennedy endorsing Trump and potentially taking on a role in a second Trump administration.

Private Meeting and Discussions

During their meeting, Trump and Kennedy discussed ways Kennedy could be involved in a second Trump administration, including a senior position in health issues. However, sources close to the talks revealed that Trump’s team expressed concerns about the legality and optics of such a deal.

Kennedy’s Denials and Campaign Updates

Despite these reports, Kennedy has denied rumors of dropping out of the race, stating on social media that he is “in it to win it” and citing his growing popularity and ballot access in all 50 states. His campaign has also released internal polling numbers showing him performing well in a head-to-head matchup against Trump.

Current Campaign Status

As of July 26, Kennedy’s voter support has reportedly slumped by up to 3 percentage points since Kamala Harris entered the presidential race, according to recent polls. However, Kennedy’s campaign remains active, with a private reception and address scheduled at a Bitcoin conference later this week.

No Official Announcement

At this time, there has been no official announcement from Kennedy or his campaign regarding his intentions to drop out of the race or endorse Trump. Any such decision would likely have significant implications for the presidential contest and the political landscape.

Kingslea 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had to take a break today....on the TV.... instead of the "news" I am relaxing watching Jerry Springer Re runs.

It does make me realize though why they know that Gen. X is the Shit. Gen Z has some problems.

We have the whole United States on the Jerry Springer Show.

Jerry Springer is the Corrupt President conducting the show.

He has his editors etc. finding the stupid crap to display on the stage.

This leads to "All the worlds a stage" you have all the dumb woke people up on the stage.

MAGA in the Crowd Knowing how stupid EVERYONE on the Stage is.

Kingslea 1 point ago +1 / -0

They kick Kamala out and Big Mike becomes Pres. forerunner. They can not just tell Kamala NO. She has a lot of info on their ass. Big Mike has already said she does not want to run. I figure that one of the reasons she or he says this is because people will say it is just Obama's 100th term.

Kamala asks Big Mike in front of everyone and their dog that she wants Big Mike and then he is in. Kamala Out. Then Obama can put anyone he wants in.

Kingslea 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which I still do not understand. A lot of the male black see what the hell they have been doing to them.

Kingslea 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can not tell me that that has not happened. You know they are some nasty freaks.

Kingslea 1 point ago +1 / -0

They really do not want Kamala. They are going to get rid of her just like they are going to get rid of Biden. Or already have gotten rid of Biden.

Kingslea 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is going to be all they can think of all at once.

But, first they still have to spill the beans on each other.

I def. need to up my food.


Repent and ask God to show you the way.

Kingslea 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I think will happen is that Big Mike will become the VP and Kamala will have to step out of the race because of her parents. Then Big Mike will be the one running.

Kingslea 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is a white space. Between his arm should be part of the present background. They put a previous recorded video over the background.

Kingslea 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Now that Harris is clearly on the glide path to the nomination, Obama plans to offer his backing to the freshly minted Democratic candidate."

Freshly minted my ass!

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