Feels like the simulation is starting to glitch.
Yes it is, and it is absolutely worrying how long it's taking Americans to figure this out. Moves, countermoves. Balloons, satellites. Earthquakes, chemical spills.
Was the train derailment an attack on US soil by a foreign entity? Were the balloons China showing just how brazen they have become? Was the earthquake in Turkey caused by seismic ship in its epicentre by using HAARP technology? Why did the Russian satellite in space blow up? Am I going to be able to pay my phone bill this month?
Mods fail to remove shills and doomers but why can't I do it myself?
This forum has been coopted by the shills and doomers. Mods do nothing. I suggest visiting patriots.win to see what a high-energy forum looks like. Could be a good exercise for the mods too.
Obama, Clinton, Pence with flies on head
The explanations of the pictures are as follows:
1.President Barack Obama swats at a fly buzzing around his head as he delivers remarks on the Affordable Care Act and the New Patients Bill of Rights (June 22, 2010) https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2010/06/22/128014699/the-buzz-around-obama
2.During the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, a fly briefly landed on the Democratic nominee’s face while she was speaking. (2016) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/that-time-a-fly-landed-on-hillary-clintons-face-during-a-presidential-debate/
3.During Wednesday night’s debate, a large fly landed on Vice President Mike Pence’s head and rested there. (Oct, 7, 2020) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/07/us/politics/the-fly-pence-head.html
Wondering what people think about this. I've never been particularly religious but even a blind man could see that many events seem to be lining up with Revelations and other books as well.
I understand that "Antichrist" might mean different things to different people. There's the "Spirit of the antichrist" which is supposedly always at work. Then there are institutions that have been accused of being the Antichrist, for example, the Vatican and the Catholic Church. Then there are specific people that have been deigned Antichrists. From Nero and Antiochus Epiphanes IV, to Napoleon and Hitler.
However it is said that there will be one final personification of the Antichrist to bring about Tribulation and the rest of it. Is it possible he/she is alive and growing in our world today?
Hey I'm looking for a post from a while ago about "The Parasite Pill" or at least that's what I remember it being called. Anybody have a link?
Look at the comments in this thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/15JnPOOuWs/this-year-is-jewish-shmita-100-y/c/
Pure racist garbage. This was stickied by the mods and the perpetrators were not punished. Whoever the mod was that stickied this should step down in my opinion. We have a hard enough time as is without mods working to discredit us from within.
That will not look good.
After losing the Presidency in 2020, Donald Trump strangely remarked that not only is he going to get one more term, but that he might get two. At the time people were speculating about NESARA and the dissolution of the federal corporation. But what if it is much simpler.
The USA is in a state of devolution. Trump is currently acting as some kind of Shadow President (think mirror) with Biden acting as the Minister Resident(Sleeper). After this charade plays through to its conclusion, the real President will return from behind the curtains for another 4 years. This time the swamp has fully revealed it's operatives and MO and is ready for a proper draining. Done by none other than The Awakened People of the United States of America.
Almost like Australia knows their only chance to stop China's egress is a strong and powerful United States of America with Donald J. Trump at the helm.