I got covid at a party on July 3rd (Im fairly positive I got it through shedding) and was starting to get flu like symptoms by the time I went to bed that night. July 4th, I was in bed all day with flu symptoms, and had a temp that got as high as 103. I broke the fever that night and on the 5th was starting to feel better and my flu symtoms turned into a bad cold that really set into my sinuses and kept trying to set into my chest, that lasted for a couple of weeks.

Now, did I go out and get some bullshit PCR test as soon as I knew I was getting sick? Of course not, I treated my sickness like I have countless other times before, with common sense. I didnt call the "frontline doctors" or run to Tractor Supply and buy up all the horse paste, I let my body fight it naturally.

Im 48 years old and I take fairly good care of myself. I exercise and watch what I put into my body as far as diet and I quit drinking alcohol. I got pretty sick, but I have been sicker and I knew that this so called "covid" wasnt anything life threatening. How do I know it was covid if I didnt get "tested"? I lost my sense of taste and smell and just recently got both of them back.

Like I said earlier, I used common sense when I was sick and that seems to have gotten lost in all of this covid nonsense. I isolated myself, I put good nutritious meals into me, drank orange juice and stayed hydrated and let my immune system do its job, pretty simple.

It blows my mind how people have no clue on how their body works or functions and will go out and eat shit like horse paste or load up on Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquin (which are still petrochemicals) instead of looking into how to change their diet and stop eating fast food all the time or cutting back on booze and drinking more water or something as simple as getting outside in the sun for some vitamin D.

Im done dealing with retards and Im probably gonna get some shit over this post but I dont care. If people would just take better care of themselves we wouldnt be in this mess we are in.....


I was visiting with my neighbor today who is in his mid 70's and is in great shape for his age. He told me that he got his 3rd covid shot last week, he didnt specify which brand. He also told me he got his flu shot at the same time as the covid shot, literally a needle in each arm at the same time.

He was very proud of himself as he was telling me all of this, almost as though he was bragging. He told me he is taking the shots because he wants to show people that there is nothing wrong with them. But do you want to know why else he has taken the shots? He said the other reason he has taken them is because Trump said they were safe, and that if the vaccine was something that was created under Biden's watch he wouldn't be taking them.

It's that same rhetoric from Trump that hoodwinked my Grandmother into getting the moderna shot. Now I could really care less as to what anyone wants to put into their body but it stings a bit to hear a loved one admit they took the shot because Trump said it was okay. He really needs to stop with the "the vaccines are safe" horseshit because he has to know, just as much as everyone on this site knows, that the vaccines are not safe and people are dying from it.

But another part of me wonders why neither my neighbor, my Grandmother, or any of the countless others I know who have gotten the "vaccine", why haven't any of them had any reactions to it? My Grandmother is almost 88 years old and had knee replacement surgery back in June and is now getting around like shes in her 60's. I mean, my Grandma is tougher than a $3 steak, but why hasnt she had any issues?

The last thing I said to my neighbor today and my Grandma the last time I spoke with her is, and I hope this is the answer to my question; I pray that you got the placebos. I guess only time will tell......

How fucking stupid do the JFK Jr. believers feel right now? I never once believed any of that bullshit, my intuition told me so. But where I got fucked is my intuition also told me a lot of what "Q" was saying was going to happen only to get kicked right square in the nuts.

I'm not gonna lie man, I have fucking sobbed over this shit, it fucking stings, but I put my trust in God so in the end everything always works out.