Wtf =D

Can today get any weirder? lol


Updated with MAC steps at the bottom.

Update #2: I want to add that this should only be used temporarily. In the event GAW ever changes their IP address you will need to update your hosts file with the new IP.

Update #3: Added authentication.win record

Hi frens,

Some asked me to make a thread about this directly so that it could be stickied. Mods, if you deem this sticky-worthy go ahead.

For Windows:

located in windows\system32\drivers\etc

there contains a file simply named 'hosts'

copy this file to your desktop

edit it with notepad

at the bottom of the file add these two lines exactly greatawakening.win authentication.win

save the file (to your desktop) - ensure that windows does not add a .txt extension to this file. Then drag and drop it into your windows\system32\drivers\etc folder. Yes on the overwrite.

This will allow you to be able to access GAW even if worldwide DNS ceases to exist.

I would not recommend leaving this configured forever, incase GAW changes IP addresses or anything. But knowing how to do it for temporary purposes is a good idea.

For MAC:

open a terminal


Type sudo nano /etc/hosts and press Return

Enter your admin password and press Return

Using the "Nano" text editor can be a bit hard.. but follow these simple steps:

Use the Return key to create some space below the existing records

Input the IP address:

Press the Tab key

Enter the domain name:


Press the Enter key to start a new line

Input the IP address:

Press the Tab key

Enter the domain name:


Save the file by pressing Ctrl + O

Exit with Ctrl + X


Update: Oops, I meant TTL.. not ARP :D

The reason being is most users connect to Facebook or Instagram DAILY... which means their TTL cache would still be applied...

This happened either several days ago and users are just now starting to be affected as TTL cache expires... or something more deep. Actual routing problems.

This could be the start of the take down and the 10 days.. I hope all of us are prepared if so.


Edit: Thank you Frens =)... I quickly realized there are many reasons to not reveal such statistics yet

There are numerous clear signs of issues with ballots and signatures..

What would the result of the election in Arizona be if all ballots that are deemed "illegal/invalid" are removed from the picture?

I mean that is pretty much the crux of the issue... Did it make the difference necessary?

Logically, I think it is very likely they did... but I think this is a critical and important point to make that was not made (from what I heard).


It's interesting to me that this draft got "leaked" yet not one single place online can I find it...

Ask yourself this:

Why would not ONE media outlet release this document?

Could it be.. because they are wanting to be able to set the narrative before the public get their hands on it and can come up with their own narrative?

That right there makes me come to the conclusion that what we are going to see and hear today is going to be astronomically yuuuuge.


I doubt it, just thought I would check.


Kobe Bryant died in a Helicopter crash right at the start of all this insanity "pandemic" starting to hit the news?

i member

Anyone else feel like he tupac'd himself up outta this bish to his own island somewhere? lol


It's a video that was floating around here a couple months ago... it's got a song playing and it shows the children with panda eyes and its just really jaw dropping..

I am hopeful some of you will know what I am talking about and has a link for it =D


The moment when the Taliban are doing more to help get our citizens out than our own government.

This will come back to haunt Biden.


He says the trucker strike is not happening... that full blown concentration camps are going up.. and nothing is going to save them

He said the trucker strike is one big gaslight

is there any truth to what he is saying? I have only seen footage that says otherwise... but him being a boot on the ground.. and a based aussie patriot boot... that I very much trust and believe wouldn't lie to me... is telling me none of that shit is happening



I was at this Hospital just last week for something non-covid/flu related.

The ER was COMPLETELY EMPTY. I was taken back IMMEDIATELY and I was the ONLY patient there.


Watched some MSM looney tunes lately... and one thing I've noticed about the Afghanistan and Taliban coverage...

I keep seeing the SAME Taliban soldiers.. there is one guy with long black hair who wears a hat that I swear is in like 20 or 30 different clips that have played on MSM in the past week or so.

Anyone else notice this? Is it just as simple as the fact that maybe the journalist happens to be traveling WITH this specific soldier?


My wife is Canadian and very very much wants to go visit her family as soon as the border opens.

She told me today she wants to get vaccinated so that when it opens she can go right away.

She doesn't completely believe all of this stuff... she thinks it's a bit looney tunes... but she has had some reservations about getting the vax this entire time.

But now that the opportunity to see her family is presenting itself... she is turning blind to the vax scam and is now wanting to get it.

Can you frens help me find some good, verified, that doesnt look like its conspiracy theories... articles... or videos... explaining very clearly the true risks of getting this vaccine? Specifically the parts about how it can transfer to others through close contact.

Thanks frens... I have been digging all day for things I have read over the months but I am drawing a total blank on the best items to ask her to please read before making her decision this soon.


Hello All,

Some of you may or may not know that I have extensive experience in blockchain technology, and run several businesses utilizing the technology... with and without smart contracts.

The ethereum address attached to the Q picture in McAfee's instagram... might be a scam attempt from one of his social media guys.

The reason I say this:

Every transaction on mainnet ethereum have been triggering the transfer function on a WHACK'D ERC20 token, sending back and forth with UniSwap... which is a decentralized exchange protocol. Meaning there is a very good chance whoever it is is just trying to earn easy free money off the news.

That being said... it's very weird, and if that address starts processing transactions with signed message data, or anything significant that I see, I will let you know.

But for right now, this looks like it could be the social media guy trying to make a quick buck.

For what it's worth. I don't believe McAfee is actually dead. Something weird is going on behind this, but that ethereum address I think is a bit of a distraction.


Anyone with half a brain, can look at that video and clearly see something is NOT RIGHT with it. It's extremely blatant and it cannot be explained away by camera angles, compression, or anything else.

There is no physical way his hand should have been able to appear fully infront of that microphone, unless the person holding the mic was literally trying to stick it in his arm pit.

Now the REAL question.... WHY? There is no logical reason for this appearance to be faked like this.

I believe the reason is more obvious than we are thinking. That video was not a mistake, they wanted that to get out, and for people to see it. Pretty much anyone on the fence about the administration's legitimacy just got convinced heavily.

My personal family members have been skeptical of what my thoughts are regarding what is going on... after showing them that video, they now fully believe there MUST be something bigger at play.

That video, is the biggest source material red-pilling we have gotten thus far.

PlAnEz ? ✈️ Planes ✈️
posted ago by sillBag ago by sillBag

So. There is this cessna 172 breaking records in Canada right now:


But wait... lets search that registration number... C-GECG


This plane was in a crash... a very strange crash where the plane just slowly descended into the ground, with no comms from the pilot. But look at what this plane does and who for... Is it normal for the military to re-use registration numbers from supposed crashed flights?

"The occurrence flight was conducted on behalf of the United States Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as part of the Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network’s aircraft program.Footnote1 The program collects air samples at specified altitudes and locations across North America and stores them for later analysis."

Planefag Qoincidence? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by sillBag ago by sillBag


First Timestamp: 00:09:37

Notice Amy Klobuchar (yellow jacket) moving to her RIGHT to exit the seats to go to podium to speak.


Also Notice: People start to sit because they were told to (check far back right to the left of the entrance where they walked in from)

Second Timestamp: 00:09:38

Notice Amy Klobuchar is now moving to her LEFT to exit the seats to go to the podium to speak.

Also notice: Dude magically appears at Podium???

Also notice: People are suddenly standing again??


on twitter.com/potus biden ALREADY has in his bio... "Tweets may be archived."

lol :D

I still have faith that something will be done by our amazing men and women in the armed forces.


I have full faith in God. And President Donald J Trump.

He is still in control. Both of them.


I'm gonna shit a Stacy Abrams


As soon as Biden steps foot in DC, it starts.

They can't arrest him until he is inside DC.

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