sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don’t want to be that guy

Could you explain ELI5 what is fuckery about this clip?

I believe you just had a few beers and want more context haha

sillBag 6 points ago +7 / -1

Cenk and Ana have been slowly converting for the past 6 months.

They are very close to “done” with the left.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t have time to search for pictures of stossel’s ears lol.

Yes, the hair line etc do match up, but those are features that match on many many many people.

The ears, are something that is more unique and will reveal the truth… that it is Stossel.

Unless he’s had some sort of plastic surgery on his ears, like Joe had.

sillBag 4 points ago +4 / -0

How old was he? Very sorry for your loss

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do you post here if you lost internet…. Lol

sillBag 4 points ago +4 / -0

The reason the max total supply is shrinking is because there is a burn on transfers I believe.

It means every transfer of those tokens, some small amount of them get burned forever. Reducing the total supply.

It’s a deflationary token.

sillBag 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live in Idaho, and do landscaping on the side. Just yesterday I had to leave a job before finishing because I broke out in a very very bad allergic reaction. My neck, eyes and face got puffy.

I've never had an allergic reaction like that, in my entire life.

I also don't think I got bit or stung by anything, at least nothing that I felt or can visibly see.

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is they cannot buy enough bitcoin to truly crash the value… without first making everyone who already has bitcoin extremely wealthy.

This is why I’ve been saving for the past 3 years… repeatedly… and with much backlash… to get SOME bitcoin. Even just small percentage of one’s total investments… it doesn’t have to be a large risky amount to protect yourself from this.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

The odds of it happening after that conversation were 1:4900 still.

That being said, it’s still remarkable.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure BTC can fork and has twice before at least.

The thing is, the miners stayed mining the true BTC.

And if anyone tries to fork to a “new” BTC that has a higher supply… the miners won’t adopt it.

This is why it is so great. It is a truly decentralized, and actually democratic system.

No single person can decide to do anything.

And I’m only talking about bitcoin here, not eth. Obviously eth has no max supply… :)

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bitcoin cannot be printed from thin air. That’s why it’s more valuable than a fed reserve note.

Gold backed dollar doesn’t destroy the fed. They CAN STILL print new dollars. Yes this will inflate gold value but what happened last time??? Gold was confiscated by the populace.

The beast system can be implemented with any currency.

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

The other question I have in mind is:

If miners have to pay a 30% tax equal to 30% of the electrical cost... Does that negate the tax they already pay on their gross profits from mining itself?

Because if it does... then it actually will have almost no negative impact, might even make mining more profitable in America than it is today.

sillBag 11 points ago +11 / -0

I understand the daily updates are probably hard for you and the assholes don’t help.

Maybe you can give us a weekly update? Or just update us WHEN she’s made a good progress (not if… when! :D)

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

I develop many projects that use OpenSea.

Theres nothing a nft contract can do to pause offers on OpenSea. He can stop trades from being able to be completed but not offers.

Offers is purely a opensea function that has no reliance on the nft’s contract code.

Is it possible that there just haven’t been any new offers come in? :D

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0


It is not possible to create any more new bitcoins (outside of what is left to be mined which is only a few million).

This is exactly why BTC will continue to rise. And it’s exactly why gold doesn’t rise with any sort of similar pace. Gold can be quite literally be grown in labs.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

It already exists multiple times..


They are valuable cryptos but not as valuable as gold. Which is a very slow rising asset. In fact it is slower than the top 100 cryptos.

BTC, ETH, these two will continue forever and out perform every other asset class going forward for the foreseeable future.

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

You do realize that many of the reasons gold was originally valuable… are the same reasons bitcoin is valuable.

  • Hard to mine and obtain it.
  • Scarcity
  • Usefulness (gold became a bartering tender… Bitcoin is becoming a global bartering tender).
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