well... it almost seems purposeful. Does it not?
I've not mentioned writing anyone off as lost.
But, to not cunt about on all of this, let's ask a direct question: was Lincoln carved on that mount, despite presiding over a Civil War and a considerable portion of the nation resisting him?
You know the answer. And you know Trump's appearance on that mount is inevitable. And you know Lincoln's appearance was, at the time, much more unlikely.
i think Trump should be sculpted with a double scoop in hand! Let's not cunt about.
Oh, he's reviled. But the certain percentage is small. Not trivial. But small.
It's a terrifying prospect.
I didn't say you underestimate his admirability. I said you underestimate how broadly admired he is.
Uncle Bill. Of course. Should have thought of him....
Grif -- gotta say, for whatever reason, he escaped my attention. What's his story?
He's more admired than you estimate. And he'd look great on the Mount.
On a related matter, where would you put Mount #2?
Stop noticing!
It's almost as though there's an outcome that is being pursued.
heh. Frogs. ...That would be something.
Never thought of that.
This is respect and acknowledgement. Not worship.
Given that Mount #1 will be expanded to have 5... Should Mount #2 be permitted to have 5?
Ha! Can't believe I didn't think of AJ! Thank you.
Wonder if Jeff O'Donnell will be a guest. I believe he will be, given that he listed as an invitee...?
This is the most articulate Mike has ever been, in my opinion. He's a pleasure to listen to -- and I have never said that before.
Looks like you will be able to view the Lindell event live here...
Without registering.
EDIT: I am confirming that this link works. Watching now.
Thank you -- you are too kind.
It's hard to imagine that there'd be no overlap whatsoever.
Think big, or don't think at all. I like your style!
u/pitboss711 alerted me to this. Thank you, Mr. 711.
One of each. You're blessed! ...Ages? Babies? Older?
Don't tempt me!
I'm so tempted.
May I ask: does "Nana" mean you are a grandmother? And if so, how many? And boys or girls or some of each? :-)
Thank you, Nana.
Fantastic choice, and I should have thought of that.