Have any of you guys seen a way to contact the woman who brought this to light? Has Maria Zack ever listed an email or something? I wanted to see if I could suggest she bring her info to the new pm, Meloni. She may be sympathetic and could possibly bring down the corrupt actors in Italy at least. If she does this, than one aspect of the fraud in 2020 can be definitively revealed to the world.

 This is speculation, but I think there could be some evidence for it. We know there is precedent for this in the past. Q seems to indicate that this was the case with Obama. This can be seen from his past relationships and connections. Including how Alaweed Bin Talal funded his education  and also was able to pock a portion of his cabinet. 

 Now this is my theory, the deep state is grooming Yolanda Renee King, 14 year old grandaughter of MLK, to be a future Democrat President. I came up with this theory because of a hunch I got from a reddit post. I while ago, I saw a redditor who claimed to be a "time traveler." I don't remember his handle. I don't believe time travel is possible, but he would talk about future technology and other topics in q&a sessions. Now this person's politics could easily be determined by how he answered some of the questions. For example, he would defend the woke people and nonsense saying they are good etc... He would also regularly disparage President Trump. Eventually he told everyone that Yolanda King was president, in his time period. I think he also said she or someone before her was responsible for lowering the voter age to 16.

Anyways, I think this redditor may have been someone who works for our government, someone in the deep state. Maybe an intel guy. I think he knows she is being groomed to be president and is trolling everyone and hopes to cause people to look back at his posts when it eventually happens years from now.

Now if you look her up, you will see that she is regularly being interviewed for her views and what she is pushing for her generation. She is described as being an activist since she was 13. She seems to be pushing for things such as gun control and I believe I saw she wanted to lower the voting age somewhere. Food for thought. Do you guys think MLK's grandaughter is being groomed for the presidency?

Didnt he say something important was suppose to happen yesterday? Did he say what it was?


I just randomly received a text from Gov Newsom's team. It outlines a plan to amend the constitution to restrict gun rights. We must work together to stop this. The following will be what the text says verbatim.

Hey Friend, Gavin Newsom here. Writing to let you know California will be taking the first step to amend the United States Constitution on guns.

The 28th Amendment will: raise the minimum age to buy a firearm, mandate universal background checks, institute a reasonable waiting period for gun purchases, and ban civilian purchase of assault weapons.

We need 33 more states to get it done.

That's why I am asking for your help:

Will you sign my petition supporting a Constitutional amendment on gun violence? It's a small and simple act, but will send a powerful message about the size and strength of this effort.

Add your name here: https://act.gavinnewsom.com/go/28th-amendment

Congress has not done enough. The courts prevent Congress and the states from doing what has to be done.

Given that reality, it's up to us -- together -- to act.

The 28th Amendment.

It's time.

Add your name if you agree: https://act.gavinnewsom.com/go/28th-amendment

Thanks. - Gavin Newsom Stop to stop

Sad update from true the Vote. 🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸
posted ago by skf93 ago by skf93

I was just updated drom an email From True the Vote. Some of you may have also gotten this message if you have emailed them in the past. It turns out Catherine and Gregg are not going to be released at a specific time. They won't be released until the judge gets the identity of the second source of konnech info. We definitely need to continue praying for them. This civil suit should have ended after Eugene Yu was arrested for doing what they said.


Anyone working the polls for the midterms, you need to be very vigilant when it comes to counting the votes. I believe a lot of the states are counting the "mail-in" and absentee ballots after the election day votes. This gives the cheaters working with you a chance to come up with enough ballots to get their preferred candidate to "win." Be prepared to record and report any suspicious activity. I definately believe something like this is going to happen for the Arizona gubernatorial race. They can't let Kari Lake win. There is a reason Sec of State Katie Hobbs doesn't feel the need to debate her or really campaign at all.

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