Okay, I know this one might strike a little close to the whole "Catholics worship Mary" debate, but try to approach this with an open mind, will ya? Let's get something straight, Intercession =/= Worship. If you don't like that idea, just ignore it.
That's all I want to hear from the Catholic Bashers and Catechist freaks alike, okay? Let's have equal ground in this discussion, because I'm gonna approach this in a way you likely never heard of before, no matter where you come from...
Let's get to it then.
First, an analogy.
Have you ever made an origami crane, frog, or ninja-man? How about just a paper plane? Paper plane, right, that's something everyone should be familiar with.
Right. So.
If you can, make one for me. right now. Do it, please. What I'm about to say will make so much more sense if you do. Made it? Okay, now make a second one. And a third. And a fourth. Four should be good enough...
How do they differ? How are they the same? Did you try putting that little crease in the back so it catches wind? Some people know about that trick, it makes it more likely it pulls upwards when you toss it, instead of nose-diving.
Alright. Enough with the mystery. Let me explain what happened.
You made something. You put your energy into something that was a blank slate, a piece of paper, and now that there are folds in it there is no going back to that same perfect sheet of paper. The creases are there, and the crinkle that formed at the nose of the plane when it bumped into the wall can't be flattened back.
Despite all that, those paper planes are your children. There have been many before them, and will be many after, but those are yours. They may have quirks; some may be rushed and rugged while others crisp and delicate; some may have awkward and uneven folds while others perfectly symmetrical.
Now... How many planes do you have to make until you make the perfect paper plane?
You might not catch what I'm laying down when I say perfect. Some will say there is no such thing as perfect. Hogwash. There is a perfect, and I can prove it.
When I say paper plane, what do you see in your mind?
What forms in your head when I tell you to imagine a paper plane?
THAT is the perfect paper plane. That idea in your mind. Perfect does exist, and you see it every time you close your eyes and imagine. Our collective imaginations tap into an ideal that exists. Specific details may vary, but how that plane functions is what matters most.
When you actually try to make it, however, circumstances as they may be prohibit you from actualizing that which you keep in the fat-folds of your brain.
But, despite that, we KNOW there is such a thing as a "perfect" paper plane. It's right there in your mind, ready to go and it fulfills your every expectation. Perfectly balanced. Perfectly creased edges. No mistakes. Pitches up on the toss, and when it bumps it crumples symmetrically, rather than bending the nose to one side or the other. In other words, it's almost like a dream come true.
There are those who say they believe in Jesus. Believe he is the Perfect Man. Yet how can you say Perfection is merely a fantasy and not actually attained while still proclaiming Christ as the Perfect Man, clean of all sin?
Even God said himself "This is [a]that my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased"
When you make a paper plane, the first one you take your time on. You are careful and plan everything out meticulously in hopes that the first attempt will fulfill that vision you hold in your mind's eye. As an artist, let me tell ya, it seldom ever works out the first time...
Even so, that first plane is your first plane. I've made a number of origami cranes in my past, as well, and I can tell you that there is always a fondness for the first one you make after a long time of neglecting the craft. It has a delicacy in a way. The paper always feels thinner. It's hard to describe, which is why I asked you to make the planes instead of just imagine it. Some nuances can only be understood through direct personal experience. This is critically important, mind you.
Anyways... There is a difference between the first paper plane you made and the FIRST AMONG the paper plans you made. One flies better than the rest, for whatever reason. Only one sits at the top spot as it pertains to matching what you saw in your mind's eye.
Such is the Truth in Christ. Jesus wasn't the first man. Adam was, and he was made with all intents of being a "one and done" sort of thing. Unfortunately, Adam did not live up to the expectations in the mind of God. God being the Creator, understands this and instead of calling it quits, knew that a Creator's Magnum Opus isn't always gonna come about from the first attempt.
Eventually, circumstances allowed Jesus to be born, fulfilling all the prophecies, and now we have the First among Men. The Son of Man. The Man God envisioned in his mind's eye, the mind's eye of mind's eyes, incarnate before all the World to revel in glory and praise that he has come at last!
But... We are missing one critical point here.
How did God birth Adam?
7 ¶ The Lord God also [g]made the man [h]of the dust of the ground, and breathed in his face breath of life, and the man was a living soul. - Genesis 2
God breathed life into Adam, who he formed in the Womb of the Earth.
He cast Adam like pouring molten metal into a mold.
You see, that's where God was working at a disadvantage. The proper mold had not yet come about. Woman hadn't yet been made, so how could Man possibly be expected to be anything other than a being of the Earth when he was borne of the Earth? Of course Adam would not fulfill the vision God had, it was to be expected.
Instead, God made Adam with the hope he would not disappoint, but with the expectation that eventually a proper mold would come about from his kin which would bear His flesh incarnate. That the Man of God's Mind's Eye be made manifest in full, and please him well.
This is the dream God had of the Virgin Birth.
The Virgin Birth is a like the mold for casting, but having never been used. Anyone who has done casting can attest to just how lucky/grace-given you'd have to be for any mold to be perfect right on the first pour.
It's like inventing something, skipping the prototype phase, and it just working exactly how you intended.
I'm talking about threading a needle here...
God wagered the odds and did the impossible of the impossible. Asked the hardest of the hardest of his Creation. Such is the magnificence of God!
Concerning the Virgin Birth, only such a circumstance would be proper, if you think about it.
So, God planned for the Virginal Womb to bear His Self Incarnate.
Enter, the Virgin Mary.
Imagine you were to cast a statue.
How many times would you have to use the same mold, fine tuning it and tweaking the process, until you get the PERFECT POUR. One with little to no flashing, and requiring no extraneous polishing or filling of voids?
A dozen times? Hundreds? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Millions?
Some say it would be impossible...
And that's with the same mold, being used over and over and refurbished until it satisfies your goals.
The odds are already not in your favor...
Instead of being able to do it with a mold that you fine tune, the mold is virginal. Never before been cast in.
What was already impossible odds, is now beyond impossible. It was already hard enough trying to tune the mold to pour perfectly. Now you expect that a new mold which has not been tested will fulfill all that is requested of it?
Nothing is impossible for God, however...
This is the Alchemical Principle of the Virgin Birth. A womb untouched. Everything left up to insurmountable odds. A One and Done situation in every way imaginable. Fresh stock in every tool, every board, every cutting, even down to the most minute of details.
Mary represents the Creator's faith in us. She represents the Creator being so confident that THIS will be the Pour of Pours; the Casting of Castings; the Perfect Man made manifest -- his own Beloved Son, that he chose a virgin womb.
That's how much faith God had in Humanity -- that it could bear His Flesh.
The Virgin Mother Mary represents the threading of the needle of needles.
Exponentially impossible odds.
Beyond reason. Beyond understanding. The Great Mystery.
It's like sitting down right now and making a paper plane, just one, and having it be the best paper plane ever. Not just the best paper plane made by you, but the best paper plane made by any man ever.
No warm ups. No prototypes. Perfection without need of practice.
Do you now have some appreciation for how patient God truly is? To have crafted so many of our kind, yet never give up hope that One will please him beyond measure?
Do you now understand how Great is our God that he not only persevered so long until his Son be born, but that instead of discarding us, his "failed" Creations, that he cherished us above all other of his Creations?
God made each and every one of us with the expectations that we be exactly like the Man that he envisioned in his Mind when he sat down to craft us with his own blood, sweat, and tears. He would not discard us so easily. Only by disappointing him beyond measure would he ever toss us into the trash bin. Only by our own decision to refuse to fly when he offers us every opportunity to soar will he be forced to lay us down among all those others who spite God for not making them something, anything, other than a paper plane.
Instead, he made the Son of Man not so that he may measure each of us by our flaws in comparison to the Perfect Man, but so that he may cherish us for how close we are to that Man he had envisioned. That despite our flaws, we still fly even remotely close to how perfectly Jesus flies. He Loves us because we have chosen to overcome those same impossible odds he faced when he made each and every one of us.
Every time you face adversity and rise again to fight another day, God looks upon you with a Father's infinite joy in their child's success.
But we cannot forget what has brought us to this point. That which was instrumental in demonstrating the wonder and awe of our God. Mary, the Virgin Womb, offered to be God's handmaid in this endeavor. She had no substantive reason to assume that the one she bore would go on to be THE Son of Man. She could have given birth to just another David. Instead, she bore not just a King, but the King of Kings.
What faith she must have had, to sacrifice herself to what would have seemed to be impossible odds...
Both the Faith of Mary and God worked to form Jesus in her untouched womb. It could have been no other way.
The collective Faith of God and Humanity together, envisioning in their mind's eye the Perfect Being to free us from wondering whether seeking perfection is a fruitless endeavor.
Mary did something remarkable. Not only did she believe in God. She believed in Humanity. She believed that Humanity had it in us to be the proper vessel for our God.
That's why she deserves the honor above all other mortals, as the Mother of Man. She put her faith in the most impossible of impossibilities. None other before or since has had such a Perfect Faith in both God and Humanity.
She is our primary Advocate. Without Mary, there would have been none of substantial faith to have threaded the needle which is the Virgin Birth, Christ our Lord.
Don't worship her. Honor her, as the Mother who would die a thousand deaths for he children. Humanity is her child, because her Son came to Save us from ourselves. Without her Sacrifice, Jesus would not have been able to make his. And for that, I thank Mary from the bottom of my heart.
If you've read this far, I thank you. This took a lot out of me. Writing this way always drains me, and I seldom remember what I wrote as soon as it leaves my fingers. I'm gonna go to bed now, and I'll probably wake up wondering who it was who broke into my room and wrote this.
Anyways, God Bless and Keep you. Night night.
I already did the Unholy Trinity and Sun Worship.
What else do you got?
I'm open to anything, especially the weird things, like black cubes:
Throw the weirdest stuff at me. It's best if there is a symbol I can go to town on. Especially the ones with idioms attached to them!
I'm still open to the idea of streaming something on Rumble where I read comments and do some "in-person" discussion with a drawing tablet so you guys can see me break it down more visually, but Rumble has a subscriber minimum to do big streams, so I gotta get some topics to post up there first, and I figure doing some write ups here and then having an open-form discussion video of about 10-15 minutes might be the way to go.
I'll answer what I can here in the comments, mind you, but long-form answers with tons of references will have to come later.
I decided to turn these posts into a recurring discussion. I started with the Unholy Trinity.
This "Explaining" series will attempt to address some of the bigger symbols which we still just say "that's weird and Satanic" but it's based only on the fact they have significance to the Cultists, not that it is Satanic in and of itself.
So, hopefully this effort will help you understand these esoteric symbols as our enemies do, and to (maybe) expand your frame thinking. With that in mind, let's just consider a quick analogy so I can explain an important point:
Skip to the next line section if you just wanna know about Sun Worship.
Let's say you have access to a control room on a ship. You look around at all the buttons. Each button does something, but you have no clue because you're just a scrublord noob with Naval Control Schemes.
Is it wrong to press a button, not knowing what it does?
Then why wouldn't it be wrong for the Captain to press a button?
Does simply Knowing absolve you from wrongness should you press a button? Does Knowing come with it some degree of responsibility to NOT press a button? Are you more guilty of doing a wrong if you Know what the button does, that it will lead to ruin, and you press it anyways?
This is how the Philosophers of yore think. They believe that they Know what the buttons of the Universe are, where to find them, and that they Know what will happen should they press them.
When someone like you or me enter the control room, we are like some passenger entering a room full of buttons. Like a monkey sitting at the Resolute Desk.
That's what the Elite see, anyways. What they fail to realize is that the obtuse way in which they label the buttons is actually self-serving and preventing the average person from understanding what each button does. If they didn't hide these Truths, then they wouldn't "have to" keep us from entering the control room. What Pride and Ego these fuckers have, aye?
Anyways, let's get into Sun Worship. The above will be relevant here.
The Sun is the Day. The Sun is what allows Man to do Work. The Sun is what allows plants to grow, lizards to bask, and birds to navigate.
The Sun is like the Captain of the ship.
He's at the center of everything, and everyone revolves around the Authority of the Captain. The layout of the Bridge is not dissimilar from planets orbiting the Sun, right?
He points at his subordinates, sends out his Rays, and they take those commands and do Work.
The Sun is the Sign of the Emperor.
The Sun is the light above the Throne, upon which the Emperor sits. Anywhere the Sun shines determines what everyone will pay attention to. As such, the Sun is the Spotlight of the grand opera of life which turns every head.
This is the Occult meaning of the Sun. Anyone who operates as the Sun, in the ways described above, IS the Sun God. It's a Thone claimed not by bloodline but by action. Anyone who not only gets attention but can direct it wherever they damn well please is effectively the Captain and the Sun.
It's both more and less than a leader. Saturn denotes Leadership and in many ways Authority itself. Saturn would be the Movement of a watch which "holds" Time constant, while the Sun holds Space (the distance and path of planets) constant. Think of it like a sun dial, where Saturn is the fin.
Anyways, the Sun isn't just a leadership/attention thing. It's even more than just that.
It's an analogue for the State of Man. Or, rather, the Estate of Man. Everything the light touches is our Kingdom.
Everything The Light Touches Scene - THE LION KING (1994) Movie Clip
It's the passing of the torch to the Inheritor. Very important video, I suggest you watch it.
The Sun, its Rays, and the Moon are all part of this important passing of the torch.
The Sun rises in the sky and reigns during the Day, as to be called the Day.
Then, when the sun begins to set, it sends out its rays to the Moon, and the Moon catches and reflects the Sun's Rays.
The Moon holds the rays during the night, and at Dawn the Sun returns to claim it's Title and rule again as the New Day.
This is the process of Birth and Lineage.
The Sun is Man. Man sends his Rays to the Womb for safekeeping, which is the Moon. Think Menstrual Cycle. Then, the Moon gives birth, and the Sun rises out of the Earth to carry on the will of the Father. A Man's rays is his Seed, his Semen/Sperm which germinates the Womb, the Seed, and plants itself in the Earth to rise again on the next day as his offspring, to carry on his Will.
Again, that Lion King scene is directly talking about this nature, in a "family friendly" sort of way.
The interaction of the Sun and Moon is therefore the relationship between Man and Woman -- or rather, the Man and the Womb. Venus is the Body of Woman, where the Moon is the Womb of Woman.
God took Man and severed a rib from his side to make the Woman. This is the Crescent Moon. A Rib from the side of Adam, shaped like a Man's rib.
The Sun is Gold, the Moon is Silver, and Venus is Copper. Venus is the brightest planet in the Solar System. The Apple of Man's Eye. Valued above all things.
God made Woman equal to the Man, but only in value but not quality. Man is Gold while Woman is one part Silver and one part Copper.
Man has the greater Authority, but Woman can more easily dispense herself to fulfill it.
So, where does the worship come in?
Well, this is where things are even more esoteric rather than simply symbolic.
The Sun, being Masculine and Dominant, also represents the Consciousness of Man.
The Moon, being Feminine, represents the Sub-Consciousness of Man.
The Earth, the Corporeal, represents the Physical Body.
Ego, Super-Ego, and Id, respectively.
Worship of the Sun, therefore, is worship of the Ego.
All the themes represented above thus far hold true. All I've written in the symbols is true, just like the buttons on the ship. Pressing them is only bad if you don't know what they do or you do know and decide to press the buttons anyways. Their meaning is constant, their use is what determines the crime against God. A hammer is just a tool until you bash someone's brains in with it. When that happens the hammer is no longer a tool but a weapon used to commit Evil.
What is Profane before God is the aspect of Worship. Particularly, Worshipping a False Idol such as the Sun and the Ego which it represents.
Therefore, when we talk about Sun Worship, we aren't talking about hippies worshipping a flaming ball in the sky.
We're talking about Pagan Cultists worshipping their own Ego. They believe that all things can be acquired if they just feed their Ego.
Sun Worship is the Worship of the Self. To ignite one's inner desires and disregard your Sub-Conscious and Body in the pursuit of auspicious glory. To sacrifice your Moon and the Earth (your wife and children) in order to claim the Throne in the Bridge and become a living god in Rebellion of your Father's Will.
That's what conventional Sun Worship means.
There's also the Black Sun, like the Jesuits use.
Also the Nazi Black Sun.
The Black Sun a topic on its own. I might visit that one in the future, once I read up a little more and accumulate some more references.
Anyways, that's that.
This is what the Sun Worship means. It applies to nearly all cultures -- Egypt, Babylonian, Hebrew, Christian, etc.
That's because it's based on Nature, and Nature, believe it or not, is modeled after Man. The World was made for Man, not Man for the World. Particularly, the World was made for the Son of Man, Jesus. He is the Inheritor of the Divine Authority. The entire Universe has formed around him like a Throne is tailored to the bum of the King.
Feeling poetic today, so I figured I'd share my definition of a friend in the most simplest terms.
A friend, to me, is someone who will take you to, sit in the waiting room, and take you home from an ass surgery.
Not just that they'd be there because you have no one else to turn to, though that is important.
Rather, that they're there despite how awkward it might be; that they're there and cracking jokes about your crack and trying to keep you in a good mood while you're doped up and potentially in pain on the drive home; that they're willing, though not necessarily available, to help you and attend to you and your needs just as you would be there to take care of them when their shit is all out of whack (literally in this case).
Now, you take a whole bunch of people who are willing to endure taking one another to ass surgeries, and what you've got is a family.
What I'm trying to say here is this -- I'd be happy to take any of you to an ass surgery should it be possible for me to do so.
God Bless you, friends!
Let's say they do plan on nuking something.
Okay, let's think about targets.
What happens when you've invested too much into low-income residential properties and can't get anyone to live in them (Evergrande, for example)?
Well, one way out is arson/fraud, right? It's an age-old scam done to collect on insurance money.
So, just chuck a nuke at one of those ghost cities, Evergrande collects on the insurance money and pays off its sickeningly entrenched debts, and now China has entered the chat.
There ya go!
China gets to point the finger at anyone they want, claim that "millions perished" without having to show proof because "radiation so dangerous, no can check on body count" and we've got our WW3 Pearl Harbor all geared up to get the reds involved in kinetic warfare.
The CCP =/= China, one must keep in mind. If Putin is working with Xi, as some have suspected, the CCP might have an interest in pulling this trick to turn the boat against the man who rides bears.
Just a theory.
Everyone's really involved with the fact that "election company head is going down for having data on Chinese servers" but people are missing the specific detail involved and not talking about the modus operandi.
It's not that he's getting gibbed for changing votes or anything like that.
Instead, he's going down for having poll worker's information on Chinese servers.
That's a very different situation.
What we are about to discover through this case isn't something we already know about companies like Dominion or crooked election managers.
This is a little more in-depth.
This is about to reveal an intricate BLACKMAIL scheme that China is/has been undertaking as it pertains to those who COUNT THE VOTES in national elections worldwide.
That's something we've not had a smoking gun on yet.
So, make sure to point out that distinction in your discussions. This is something new here. This case is about to definitively show that China(and others) have a matrix willing to collect data on our election workers and use that date to threaten, bribe, blackmail, and coerce American Citizens in order to subvert the electoral process.
Furthermore, the data in question can be acquired through discovery in this case against Konnech and Eugene Yu will establish a base of people (the election workers) who now have grounds to pursue a class-action lawsuit against Konnech for mishandling of their sensitive personal information which led to measurable endangerment of them and their families.
That data necessarily must be released for these people to form their civil cases, so it's a big hurdle for the DeepState to try to stamp down. They can't hide behind "top secret" when a class action is breathing down the neck of the national archives.
This is a far more intricate avenue that hasn't been pursued yet and strikes at the heart of the specific actors who may or may not have subverted the electoral process.
TL;DR: This election-centric case is new stuff. We've got tons of smoking guns on the machines swapping/deleting votes, but we don't have anything to prove motive on behalf of the election workers engaged in the swapping/deleting of votes. If we can prove that all election workers are provably compromised in some way, and that there is more than a reasonable doubt they've been coerced in some way by foreign actors, then we've got a big case that can't be swept under the rug because it's not purely political but also points towards a basis for class-action civil cases on extortion.
I'm considering doing a live Rumble stream where I take answers from chat about a whole bunch of the symbolism, occult, demonology, alchemy, Freemasonry, Illuminati junk and anything else about the Cabal and how they operate.
Basically, most of you who are familiar with me here know I'm a stickler for this site:
I've read a ton of these texts, and have a somewhat capable memory and ability to scour the site for applicable references on some of the most esoteric questions.
If you want me to go into flat earth vs. hollow earth, Atlantis, UFOs, folk lore, pagan gods and how they relate to modern characterizations, etc. that's what I'd be doing.
I'll also be more able to cross reference to Q posts, of which many have overlooked in their relation to these topics. Particularly as it pertains to the phrase "double meanings exist."
If this is something you guys are interested in me trying (I'm not very reliable when it comes to these things) then I'll give it a shot.
But more to the point, would me posting links to the live stream here be considered self-promotion?
To preserve anonymity as best I can, I'll not have a camera, but will have a microphone and stream my desktop so I can highlight text and you can follow along with my searches for references to answer questions.
This idea comes about because I was trying to do a write up about Philospher's Stones like I did for my post about the Unholy Trinity and I realized that I can't successfully relay the information required with text and image alone. Audio would be required.
Anyways, tell me what you think. If this is too much in the vein of self-promotion, mods are free to delete this post and I'll not bring it up anymore unless certain users ask me to send them direct messages when I might attempt a stream.
Thanks for the consideration, either way, but I'm lazy so don't get your hopes up.
It began in the United States on October 24, 1929, otherwise known as “Black Thursday," when panicked investors sold a record 13 million shares. Over the next four trading days, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, a popular proxy for the U.S. stock market, fell nearly 25%. It continued to decline for the next three years, losing nearly 90% between October 1929 and July 1932. - https://www.thebalancemoney.com/the-great-depression-of-1929-3306033
He just got kicked out of the court room a second time.
He's defending himself without access to counsel.
Everyone, judge included, are doing a horrible job trying to control him.
This is ridiculous and I honestly have no idea what's gonna happen.
Here's the Rekieta Law link if you want commentary. Warning, they're not kind to Sovereign Citizen doctrine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDaBGRdBEJk
So, I've been down some rabbit holes...
Read some books, some of them pretty weird.
Even some Satanic Grimoires, and not the kind you'll find at a Hot Topic.
Like, the real stuff. The ones that read like law manuals on how to spiritually rape demons for favors and such.
And I've come to the conclusion that the Unholy Trinity is set up like a Corporation.
That Corporation is titled Satan™.
Which stands for "Adversary" -- Adversary meaning "Against the Word"
And the Word is God (Universe = "One Word")
So, let's break down the structure of the Corporation, Satan™.
There are three primary departments with their own CEO's:
- Lucifer - Public Image, Marketing, and Company Direction
- Beelzebub(Ba'al) - Human Resources, Research & Development, and Lateral Growth
- Astaroth - Accounting, Asset Management, Contracts, Mailing & Filing, Industry and Zoning
Satanists actually don't really hide it either... It's not really a secret...
Let's just take a gander at Astaroth for a moment, for validation:
Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), in demonology, was known to be the Great Duke of Hell in the first hierarchy with Beelzebub and Lucifer; he was part of the evil trinity. He is known to be a male figure most likely named after the Near Eastern goddess Astarte ... According to Sebastien Michaelis, he is a demon of the First Hierarchy, who seduces by means of laziness, self-doubt, and rationalized philosophies ... To others, he teaches mathematical sciences and handicrafts, can make men invisible and lead them to hidden treasures, and answers every question formulated to him. He was also said to give to mortal beings the power over serpents.
Just one example...
Each department, between Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Astaroth, all have their own assistants that help them out on a day-to-day.
The Bible refers to these as demonic generals.
Some notable ones include Baphomet, Minerva (known by her messenger Owl), and Moloch.
Typically, though, the ones that have all the animalistic junk associated with them are in the domain of Beelzebub.
Which sorta drives home the purpose of me writing this.
I want to talk about these demons and recognize them for what their spheres of influence entail. I often see the Moloch, Ba'al, and Lucifer terms being thrown around, but I doubt many understand just which entities they are describing.
I know it's more of a pet peeve, but I think it's important, just like how it's important to understand how a military force is organized. It's stupid to assume all the military is just one big blob of dudes with guns. There is the Air Force, Army, Marines, Space Force, Navy, etc... Treating them all alike is a foolish move should you seek to challenge them in combat, so why would it be any different for us versus the army of Satan?
Anyways, I'm gonna start and end by describing the big three demons we're dealing with as I understand them from my research. God gave all his Angels Authority to act in the world with goals tailored towards their particular traits, but some sought to abuse that Authority and instead turned against God out of disgust for the Man creature...
Astaroth is the pencil pusher. He's the dude in the back office everyone forgets about, but without him the Corporation falls apart. He's the foundation of sand upon which the sordid mess rests upon.
In academics, Astaroth is the purveyor of lies and deceit in statistics as well as philosophy. He's like the dirty lawyer who spends all day and night looking for loopholes to exploit and scams to pull on people.
He's the guy who plans obsolescence in all products, sucks the soul out of the creative process, and strives to have everyone work like ambitionless and empty husks -- just machines pecking away under a fluorescent light. He gets his jollies off seeing people wither away by toil and pursue pointless endeavors.
He's the patron of all those hedge funds and accounting firms that cook the books to pull the wool over the eyes of clueless investors and suckers who are born every day.
You'll never hear about him, but when the prices go up you'll hear his tune being played like the clacking of a keyboard fudging the numbers and the scribbling of a pen signing your soul away in a predatory contract.
Beelzebub is the consumption, the cancer, the creep; the wanton growth and corruption of all things, especially and including before their time to be consumed, such as abortion and child sacrifice.
He is the most "physically present" of the three CEO's, as his domain is that of life and the proliferation thereof.
Beelzebub is all about excess and harvesting before something's time to be harvest comes around. He is fascinated in sacrificing humans, especially the young, and encouraging humans to pursue acts of personal bodily mutilation.
Beelzebub is behind all the wanton acts of sexual degeneration and depravity we are seeing. He is a hedonistic creep, as to be the very definition of creep. Every time someone creepy looks at you and you get the heebeejeebees, you're probably feeling the influence of Beelzebub through them -- tempting them to tear your clothes off and/or your flesh.
For the more empathic among you, you'll understand when I say Beelzebub is like the strangling jungle brush which writhes and devours all that lands before it. It's the bucket of crabs pulling down any who try to leave. It's the mold that crawls along damp and dark places seeking anything with nutrients to foul.
That's the realm of Beelzebub.
He's the physical enforcer of the three, and his generals are the most popular because they are the most primal and instinctually understood by the human condition.
You can visualize Beelzebub as a writhing mass of flesh and body parts of all animals. A blob which consumes all, and contains within it all the most disgusting aspects of life; a visage in mockery of God's Creation and the less attractive things therein.
Lucifer is the gargoyle of the opera. He's the string puller who prowls about the night sky leading all the stars in a discordant symphony.
Lucifer is the Dawn Star, and the Prince of the Air.
You're LIVE on Air!
His angel name before the fall is Hay'lel, which means "Praise of God" or "The Shining One" or "Bringer of Light" or "The Light Bearer"
Another way of saying Lucifer is the Spotlight of God's stage. He's the one who was given Authority to direct the attention of the Universal Stage.
He oversees the Firmament and the Popular Happenings of the celebrity world.
In other words, Lucifer's pet is the Beast we call The Media.
"Look at this" is his favorite phrase.
In modern parlance, it's more like "look here, not there".
Lucifer was tasked to "Announce the Good News" to God's Creation, and so he was the first to learn of the Man creature and became disgusted. He is the Father of the Lie and convinced Beelzebub and Astaroth to join him in rebellion, leading to their collective Fall with a third of all other angels.
Lucifer is the director and planner, with a silver tongue; the public face and front man who tempts all to follow his tune like a director on stage with his fancy wand.
Word games, changing definitions, hidden meanings, and whispers of doubt are all within the sphere of Lucifer.
He is the most intelligent of God's Creatures, clever to a fault, and his greatest sin is nothing more than believing his own lies. All other acts of Evil stem from his singular decision to believe his own lie which is the official motto of the Satanic Corporation:
You shall be like God, without God.
Pride, therefore, was his downfall, and with his pride he deigns all to follow his lead in a landslide to hell.
Every word that reeks foul and exits the lips of news anchors -- the spew of Propaganda and Slander (Devil means "slanderer of God/the Word") originates from his foul mouth.
He leaves it to Beelzebub and Astaroth to do all the dirty stuff behind the curtain, while Lucifer gets on stage and sells the next product like a Snake Oil Salesmen playing the pied piper's flute to the children of the village.
He has a forked tongue, which is to say that he speaks both the truth and fallacies all for the sake of manipulating the foolish. He will abuse and corrupt sentiments, like compassion and empathy, to confuse and delude those who listen eagerly to what they wish to hear because it is convenient and/or might briefly settle their nerves and doubts.
In reality, he sows doubts with the promise of relieving them.
Lucifer is so charismatic and attractive, as to be the definition of them. None, and I mean it, NONE of us here can hope to withstand his direct presence and temptation so long as you have even a single nick on the wall of your Faithful Heart. He WILL find the crevasse and drill upon it until nothing is left but dust and ruin.
Personally, I've been shown Lucifer in his current form, and it's not the horned red devil we've come to know from stories like Dante's Inferno or other popular media.
I hesitate to describe him otherwise, honestly, as I feel just knowing what he looks like will open many to his influence -- he's that compelling of a figure. He's strikingly beautiful and brings out the worst of all your imaginable vices in every way. This is the one thing I feel as though it's best to remain ignorant in unless you are one of those foolishly courageous (proud) souls willing to draw the attention of the most foul of mouths in Creation. You don't need his attention, and God will not merit your efforts to withstand it, as it will only be an act of foolish pride like trying to snatch meat out of the mouth of a lion.
I would compare Lucifer's attention to being canceled on social media, but instead of just on the internet it's in every facet of life. Everything will reject you. It's not a fun time, and I cannot claim I've weathered the storm thus far unsinged by merely the sight of him. I've not felt his presence, mind you, and I pray to God that such a fate is spared from everyone, so I'll cut the visual description of him off here.
Lucifer wants nothing more than for you to prove him right before the Court of God -- that Man kind is not worthy of existence; that Man is a foul thing whose malice towards their own kind is so potent and violent a force that it will be the undoing of God's Creation.
That is the rational of Lucifer's war on Humanity. He wants to show God how we are a mistake. God's only mistake.
He wants to prove to God that Humanity will be the death of God and his Creation.
To do that, he points out to God each day his most "loyal" dancing monkeys saying:
"Look at how willingly they go against your Word! Be rid of them like dust from your sole. Put me back in the place of the Most High, so that I may return to praising you! I cannot praise you for this... thing... you've grafted upon your once perfect Creation!"
Again... The Pride of Lucifer, the Dwarf Star, knows no bounds... He seeks to inform God, the Creator of all things, how his Creation should be managed.
Lucifer is like the disloyal butler who thinks he is doing the Master's bidding as he plots to trick and coerce the guests into getting thrown out of the Mansion.
He seeks to tell God how to be God.
Just as he seeks to tell you what reality is.
The mind games of "what is a woman" are the doing of Lucifer.
Redefining reality. Forcing upon us a fantasy as though the world is a stage full of actors just playing parts. Convincing us that we are worth nothing but a fictional act and a whimsical musing of God.
Preying on the compassion and good will of man...
You may have all the wealth and all the nations should you bow down to me! Imagine what good you can do in the world with what I will give you, if you merely submit to my will!
Lucifer seeks to redefine what a Human is. To remake Humanity in HIS image, not in the image of God.
Among the three, and all the demons of the Satanic Corporation, none is more vile than Lucifer, yet we cannot look away when he speaks. He is an enchanting thing, like a train crash. You can't look away, no matter how disgusted and saddened you are -- because deep down there is a nugget of truth in the flaws of Man's heart.
A truth which Lucifer gleefully spins with words and temptation to be our undoing. Therefore, he is the peak of Evil -- taking that which is of God's making and corrupting it before all good things.
Anyways... I just thought that would help you figure out what enemies we're up against. I've written this out once before, but thought I'd drag it out again if only for personal reference.
Put on the Amor of God.
Things are about to get kinetic, I feel...
God Bless and Keep you!
I wouldn't make it so I would have to flip a 5G switch and activate the nanomachines or graphene/phosphorene matrices to kill them.
Absolutely not!
Why not? Because then they could still escape if they left the range of the 5G towers.
No no no...
We can't give hope to the slaves. We can't suggest that if they isolate themselves from the control structures that they could possibly survive.
Instead, I would make it so that the kill-switch would automatically activate if they leave the 5G tower area, or whatever remote that would constantly send out a signal ping to them.
That would be a much better plan.
It would guarantee that any of the ambitious sheep who dare leave the "permitted" areas would immediately drop dead. Then, the dumb-ass sheep would immediately associate certain areas as danger areas, not suitable for survival. They'd blame it on the "virus" or "climate change" just like we'd tell them to.
Effectively, this guarantees subservience to big cities and government dependence. Sustainable living will be exterminated entirely. We can't have any rats flee the nest.
Everyone will own nothing and be happy, right?
There are some hold-ups though. Like airplane passengers and pilots getting out of range of the towers, or not being able to transition between signals. Hikers and sportsmen who spend too much time out in parks and nature as well would be vulnerable to low levels of reception.
Frequently dropping signal would eventually result in death, even if the losses are relatively brief, so it's not like there won't be some loss of the livestock in the name of "progress."
I'd consider those glitches in the system, but the fear it generates would nonetheless serve the ultimate purpose in keeping people where they are instead of gallivanting around MY world without MY permission.
This all reminds me of the Fallout games, where slave collars activate when they get too far from the remote and their heads explode.
If you're gonna enslave humanity, this would be the way to do it.
Think about Freemasonry.
What do they like putting in their laps?
Freemason Aprons have a lot of significance, but I'm gonna give you the shorthand.
Aprons keep you clean when you do dirty work. They symbolize a member using a patsy to take the blame for their most intimate crimes. It's safer to have someone take the fall than for a case to go unsolved.
Putting it in the context of Hunter Biden's laptop...
What if his laptop and all the sick stuff he had on it is just a distraction/misdirection for the real topic of the story?
What if what Patriots actually have isn't his laptop (computer), but rather his laptop (apron / patsy).
In other words, what if Patriots have Hunter's fall guy / assistant who is willing to spill all the beans? Far more than just what can fit on a laptop...
Now, re-evaluate all mentions of laptops in the past up until now. Consider if all those stories are actually coded language talking about the state of patsies. Anthony Wiener comes to mind.
They use coded language all the time, and this one has me whirling at the implications.
A good few have suggested that Q might be a supercomputer; that Q stands for Quantum.
I find that hard to believe...
Not because I think it's impossible, but because I think it is redundant.
What did Q really need from Anons? If Patriots were in control, 100%, then why mess around with some shitposters on the Chans?
Here's my theory.
In the good old days, before the internet, if you had a question you had two options: find it in a book or ask someone in town.
I can wax poetically about what wondrous adventures that would result in, but that's a topic for another time.
For now, let's admire what really occurred when a Question demanded an Answer.
You would hunt around, and ask for the experience of others for the solution. For topics your mind couldn't possibly bother remembering, specialists existed who dealt with the matter every day of their lives.
You would have wise men, shamans, and artisans you could go to for their first hand experience on how to proceed in your endeavors. Sharing your experience and dreams with them while you move around the world.
This has all been disrupted with the Internet, but especially by Search Engines like Google.
You see, that's the primary goal of Google -- to stop us from interacting with one another, as Movers in the world who share our experiences, and instead promote a singular narrative void of personal experience and backed by only the all-knowing "Algorithm."
So, what are we to do when that Algorithm turns on the host? Offers up malicious and biased information for the sole purpose of controlling the masses? How can we possibly revive an out-dated system of asking questions to actual people and not heavily manipulated strings of code in today's modern environment?
Do you see why Anons are so important?
We are the Information Branch of the COIN Intel Operation. We not only disseminate knowledge to the normies, but we also provide an invaluable service to Q and Patriot White hats behind the scenes.
We are the White Hat Google -- the only source of information that is scrupulous enough to sift through the propaganda and narrative spin cycle to arrive at likely hypotheses, at the very least.
When Q asks us a question, it doesn't necessarily mean Q already knows the answer. Instead, the questions Q asks that Q does know the answers to are training data for us to temper our edge. Q puts us through training exercises with the Q drop questions and every now and then Q asks us a question Patriots don't know the answer to.
We then jump into gear and provide an array of possible answers using our Autist super powers.
Take note: Anons are the best source of authentic information gathering the World of Man can possibly muster...
Furthermore, we offer a utility in that we can act as a litmus test for certain narrative drives. Think of us all as a test bed for some of the White Hats more nebulous ideas. If Patriots aren't sure how some information will be received by normies, they ask Anons first to see if it goes over. Things like UFOs, or JFK. Things like Coded Language and Occult Symbolism.
If WE can't handle it, then the narrative push definitely needs more time in the oven for normies to warm up to it.
Q really seems to have stopped posting reliably, but that by no means suggests that Q operatives aren't here on this board, or any other; testing narratives, pushing stories we may have missed, and combatting shills and malicious DeepState players trying to screw with us.
Sites like GAW are battlefields. PDW is especially hectic, having factions of "Hitler did nothing wrong" fags battling out with "the earth is flat" folks.
But, by the nature of anonymous posting, the dotWins is a place that is necessary to exist for both sides to have any control over the most astute of us. Left to our own devices, there's no telling which side might end up on top. We are a wild card; an unknown quantity that has to be worked around in every plan.
So... What I'm trying to say is this:
We are the news now. We are the body of free-thinkers which provides answers to questions in a sea of misinformation. We are the hard-working gears and circuits in the machine that grind away to give accurate assessments on the emotional state of the Nation -- for good or for ill. We are a resource that has to be maintained lest it fall into the hands of the enemy. Like a bridge that both sides are stuck fighting over. If the bridge blows up, then the fight can't go on.
It's not a true peace when both sides are still snapping at each other like dogs on either side of an iron gate.
Anons and boards like these have to be tolerated and fought over. We are the front line of the digital battlefield. For Q and Patriots to know which way the wind is blowing, it's certain that they are here among us taking calculated shots across no-man's-land, creating openings in strategic places as best they can without their cover being blown.
In my opinion, this is one of the major facets behind the Q operation -- to provide real-time intelligence to operatives as it pertains to the overarching narrative in this war, whether they just have questions that need answering outside the Google power structure, or need to test a select population which is most likely to positively accept a crazy theory here and there.
That's my theory anyways...
I've seen a lot of Anons not point out the biggest, NUMBER 1, reason why Q is widely considered legitimate. It's because of the Post Deltas. Not the year-long deltas, mind you...
This will just be a quick breakdown of the facts.
How do we know Q is legitimate?
Well, let's look at the above data and draw some conclusions...
How can we prove that Trump and Q were/are knowingly coordinating posts?
Well, what if Q posts and then Trump Tweets, over and over again?
That's the significance.
It's one thing if Trump posts and then Q posts -- it just means Q is using a snooper program to see when Trump posts and then plops his turds out as soon as he can.
But that's not what's happened.
Pay attention to the order:
Q posts on the Chans.
Trump Tweets soon after.
Then Q posts on the Chans, again.
Then Trump Tweets soon after, once again.
Over and over, until we see that they are actually narrowing the time difference (delta) between the postings.
Up until Q posts and then, LESS THAN A MINUTE LATER, Trump Tweets.
That happened 36 freaking times before December 2019!
The only explanation is that Trump is watching the Chans for when Q posts so he knows when to post. That, or Trump is openly telling Q he's about to post and then waits until Q goes first...
And take a note at the convergence trends. There are very few 1-minute deltas. That, coupled with the clear line of best fit with positive correlation, shows an intention to converge timestamps towards a 0-point delta (less than 1 minute apart).
How many times does this "coincidence" have to occur until it's clear Trump is telling Q when he is about to post?
Well, the graph above shows that the likelihood that it was all just mere chance would be far beyond statistically probable. You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning while winning the lottery and then mauled by a polar bear.
It's that unlikely that Q was just guessing real gud-ly.
When people tell you "Q is a psyop" the FIRST thing you should point out is that Trump is statistically, provably involved with the psyop. They are joined at the hip, like Siamese twins.
If Q is a CIA plot, then so is Trump.
Only Autists can appreciate just how difficult the whole scheme would have to be to even accomplish what is plainly obvious given the timestamps. Plainly put, if you can't read the data and come to the same conclusion -- you wouldn't make the cut on The Apprentice.
This is the most powerful proof we have -- and I'm sorta sad I don't see it discussed as common knowledge at this point... This is the magic bullet against any naysayers. At this point, with as much verifiable info we have; if someone doesn't understand the raw data, it's because they simply don't want to.
Study the data in post 3727. Understand just how significant this proof system is over all the nonsense "predictions" they claim Q keeps getting wrong. Q never made predictions -- just check the posts yourself.
Instead, Q posts obscure hints that only make sense once the related event transpires. There is no prediction, there is only a validation effort. Once the event happens, Q is standing there on the previous post and everyone is scratching their heads wondering how those key-terms managed to pop up so succinctly.
That's why we're here... Because Q is legit beyond a shadow of a doubt. Only those ostriches with their heads in the sand are still not willing to admit that.
If we take the 6 years at face value, that means the timeline is set for Wednesday, July 9, 2025.
If Biden is around that long, we're well screwed by then...
So, what is your guys' take?
Personally, when I see the "6 years" I think about all the alchemical stuff I've read and go straight to this line from the Story of Nicholas Flamel:
'He declared that the first figures represented time, which devours all things, while the six written leaves shewed that a space of six years was required to perfect the Stone, after which there must be no further coction. When I pointed out that according to the book the figures were designed to teach the First Matter he answered that the six years coction was like a second agent; that as regards the first it was certainly shewn forth as a white and heavy water, which was doubtless quicksilver. The feet of this substance could not be cut off, meaning that it could not be fixed and so deprived of volatility except by such long decoction in the pure blood of young children. The quicksilver uniting with gold and silver in this blood would change with them, firstly into a herb like that of the fair flower on the reverse of the fourth leaf, secondly by corruption into serpents, which serpents, being dried and digested by fire, would become Powder of Gold, and of such in truth is the Stone. This explanation sent me astray through a labyrinth of innumerable false processes for a period of one and twenty years, it being always understood that I made no experiments with the blood of children, for that I accounted villainous.'
If the United States is the Stone, then taking this passage literally means the Trump and Patriots are taking us through the Great Work -- A Transmutation of the Nation to purify us and re-Consecrate us in the Name of the Creator, just as our Founding Fathers did.
The links in the quote go to Q-posts that support my hypothesis.
What are your thoughts on that crazy bit?
It all started when she horribly botched the assassination of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens because he was about to come clean with evidence she was selling stinger (ground-to-air) missiles, among other things, to Libyan terrorists during her time as the head of Dept. of State.
Stevens got away from the hit site and hunkered down in the an American diplomatic compound...
So, she ordered the terror cells in the area to spark up a crowd of radicals to come raid the place.
Then she blamed the whole stunt on a YouTube video which "offended" Mohammad's image.
Unfortunately for her, Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty rejected an order from up high to stand down and went in to save Stevens.
They all lost their lives in the assault.
Though some rumors persist about a notorious server Stevens may or may not have been able to smuggle out before he died...
And Killary was kicked out of Obama's club.
But because of those four men and their sacrifice, we were offered a chance to stab at the heart of Satan's best bitch.
That's the meaning of this photo in Q post 4241.
The primary reason I'm here, and I suspect the primary reason Q could even begin posting, was because of these four men giving their lives in Benghazi, September 11th, 2012 and telling the "orders from above" (which were really orders from the pit in hell Hillary crawls into every night) to go fuck themselves.
Their sacrifice is the keynote in the downward spiral of the DeepState Cabal and all their ilk.
Everything since that day has been one shitshow after another for them constantly trying to lie their ways out of lies which all lead back to the she-bitch Killary and her dirty deals.
So, in an odd way, we can thank Hillary Clinton for being such an immense fuck-up. Her unbelievable incompetence was the biggest spark in the undoing of a centuries-long plan to create a Satanic New World Order.
If this is your first time hearing any of this, then you haven't dug deep enough into Q and all the DeepState's Dirty Deals.
For the rest of us. We haven't forgotten.
The end of the pLandemic.
You see, the pLandemic was only made possible because we paid for our own demise.
"Biggest transfer of wealth in history."
How do you pay for all the advertisement (propaganda) in the MSM?
How do you pay for all the clot shots; including vials, syringes, band aids, and hush money?
How do you pay for the spin cycle to run 24/7?
How do you pay to silence all the health/life insurance companies about to go bust because their claims have doubled if not tripled?
Well, you need people lining up with their security blankets strapped over their face scared to death that if they don't get some of that juice in their arm they are gonna kill their grandmas.
Once everyone has either died off or nope'd out on their 3rd+ booster, and more vials are expiring than are being used, then the orders stop coming in.
Of course, all the orders are paid for by our tax money.
But you still need to have the numbers come in to place those orders.
We are at that pivotal point in the scam where they cannot find any clinics that want to take the death juice.
Which means, they can't print off the fiat fun bucks to pay for the poison.
Which means, the advertisement campaign is costing more than they can possibly launder through the FED.
Biden says the pandemic is over.
Because they can't pay for the advertisements anymore.
So, why is the MSM all hot and bothered over this statement?
Because their primary source of income is coming from this corrupt administration (and it's Cabal overlords) to run propaganda, no matter the content of said propaganda.
No longer running stories defending the "vaccines" and the pLandemic means they gotta try to operate at the same level with that revenue stream cut off.
How are they gonna manage? It's not like corporations have money to throw around for their merchandise in this plummeting economy. Besides, every fun buck that's printed also affects their "above board" operations as well.
When Biden says the pandemic is over, what we hear is different from what the MSM hears.
What the MSM hears is that their services are no longer required.
Queue CNN (the least profitable of the lot) axing Lemon and Stelter.
If they don't pivot now, CNN's pronouns are gonna be was/were, but for reals this time.
TL;DR: The gravy train has ended. The pandemic's "end" signals that the Biden Administration is too plum strapped for cash to pay for the pandemic propaganda. Time to move on to the next thing -- which is probably nothing at this point, because they have nothing to ride on. Monkeypox plans dead. WW3 plans dead. Polio 2.0 plans dead.
They got nothing left but to double down on chopping children's tits and dicks off. That's the only hill left to die on, and it's pretty damn embarrassing...
It wasn't all peaches and cream.
There was far more risk for a slave than the formal narrative lets on.
Slave owners were in a luke-warm supply 'war' with slave merchants.
Slave merchants were able to draw away slaves who wanted to try and escape, only for the slaves to find themselves being resold by the same people they trusted to help them get away.
Slaves were kept stupid. Trust was more of a risk than they knew...
Very few people were actually honest and trying to free the slaves. It was more dangerous to try and free slaves than to be a slave. Where's the profit in smuggling people, anyways?
What about smuggling contraband while you're at it?
Put those slave muscles to work moving goods across the border?
So, you may ask -- what would the slave owners gain by allowing slave merchants to run a racket on them?
Think about it as if you were a dark-hearted entrepreneur.
Consider if the whole sordid mess acted well to weed out the most opportunistic and ambitious slaves who would try to run. They'd summarily be branded and castrated. Only those who did not try to flee were allowed to reproduce.
After a generation, all that could be left was a population completely subservient because the gene that supported independence had been weeded out.
Population Control. Smuggling. Destabilizing the North.
Many birds, one stone.
Why does this matter today?
Look at China and North Korea.
Do you not see the hallmarks of this same Population Control method?
Where they intentionally let a few slaves escape here and there, only to drag them back and mark them as unworthy to reproduce.
All for the purpose of weeding out those in the population most likely to revolt, escape, and take risks?
Well, not just that.
Certain conditions apply. In order to escape, typically there has to be some price to be paid. Perhaps moving contraband? Drugs, sex slaves, weapons, and the like?
Now look at our Southern Border.
Do you get it now?
Those people coming over. Where do they go?
How long are they here for?
How many get sent back?
How many try again?
How much would you pay to move drugs and guns? What service would you pay to ferry contraband?
What if the merchandise moved itself, and paid for it's way to get here?
And every time they get caught, your boys with the Federal Government swoop in and, poof... The contraband disappears.
Like magic, right?
More like clockwork.
There's even more than that. Too much info out right now, and it may spoil the surprise. Rather, it might turn your stomach. I'll leave it to you to track down what happens when you clap your hands at the wall. Someone in the comments, do me a solid, and post that video.
Do you get it now?
The WALL means more than you know. The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.
It kinda doesn't have to matter if your ballot is fairly counted at this stage in the game...
Every vote we cast is another payment they have to make to fabricate a vote to cancel it out, pay a guy to trash it, pay Dominion to fudge the numbers, and pay the MSM to cover for them.
It forces them to launder more and more money to pay for it.
Sure, they'll just take it out of our taxes, but they still have to work hard to do that. If you make them work too hard, eventually they'll get sloppy and show their ass, which is worse for them than if they did nothing at all.
Even if you don't think you're being fairly represented at least you're making them work overtime simply by inking in some circles.
To me, that's funny enough to be worth it.
On its face, most would agree with this statement.
If you make something, of your own blood, sweat, and tears, with no intent to sell to another person, it should be yours to keep outside the purview of any governing body.
Why is possession only a crime if you aren't in power?
In most places it's against the law to possess hemp. Why, then, can the government ignore that law?
It's against the law in most places to own a suppressor. Why, then, can the government have as many as they want?
And then they turn around and try to tell you that you don't need guns? Well, why do THEY need guns?
They'll tell you it's because "we need guns to fight crime."
The only reason WE THE PEOPLE permit the Government to have guns is NOT to "fight crime" but to "DEFEND THE PEOPLE AND THEIR RIGHTS!"
The People are the Sole Authority on the question of Ownership.
So, when Criminals seek to assault The People and infringe upon their God-Given Rights, it's the Governments SERVICE, not power, to The People to protect those Rights under the Terms of The People.
When the Government decides to take away Rights indiscriminately, taking away Rights before any crime is convicted upon, then they become Criminals because they are infringing upon the Rights of The People.
When you make something, it is your child. When you grow something, it is your child. You have a Right to that thing. Only when you decide to sell it to another does it interact with another person's Rights.
A Government's charge and duty is to uphold the Rights of its Citizens. Only when its Citizens interact with one another can a Right possibly be infringed upon. Correct?
If I as an Individual and Citizen decide to make a suppressor, firearm, grow hemp, cook up a hydrogen fuel cell, or even slap together a nuclear bomb -- unless I involve another Citizen in that process, it is entirely my Right to do as I wish with what is MY PROPERTY.
Just because you don't like me owning something or my hobby gives you no Right to say what I can or can't do With and On My Property.
At the beginning of this rant, I stated "most would agree with this statement."
And I know many will have come up with exceptions to my logic that you'd wish to keep in place so that people can't own things of a destructive or even self-destructive nature.
What you must understand is that placing restrictions on one form of Property applies those restrictions to ALL forms of Property, up to and including your own life.
This is the verbal and semantic magic that they've used to convince us that we don't own what we factually do.
The Laws of Nature are this: anything you hold in your hands and under your feet is your Property, so long as you are willing to fight for it.
If you refuse to stand your ground and hold on to what is in your grasp, then it cannot possibly belong to you. Unless you fight for what you possess, it never belonged to you to begin with. A cougar cares not for your deed to the land, so why too would a Government care?
So, fight for what you have. Many will try to take it from you. You only possess that which you're willing to defend -- and the first step to relinquishing what is YOURS is to admit that sometimes, given the exception, the Government should have a say in what you can and cannot do with Your Right to Property.
Fuck that noise.
If you make it, it is yours. Period.
Everyone else can fuck right off.
Don't let your children, whether they be your own flesh and blood or the product of your inventive soul, become wards of the state.
Anyways... Just thought I'd get that off my chest. Carry on, and God bless.
The following (pgs 18-21) is the ENTIRE Q GAMEPLAN laid out plain as day without the rhetoric, propaganda, catchphrases, etc.
Consider this a direct message from Military Brass.
For anyone following the Great Awakening, this is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can read that lends credence to Q as a military operation.
Information is the foundation for all other activities, and provides the linkages that allow discrete functional elements to cooperate as an integrated whole. The collection, formulation, storage and dissemination of information are crucial in shaping perceptions of the conflict by all stakeholders. In COIN, the information flow can be roughly divided into that information which we wish to assimilate in order to inform our approach; i.e. knowledge and that information which we wish to disseminate in order to influence populations. At the same time, as counterinsurgents we are also interested in impeding the information flow of insurgent groups; both their intelligence collection and their ability to influence.
• Knowledge: In COIN, decisions at all levels must be based on a detailed understanding and awareness of the environment. No COIN strategy can be better than the degree of understanding on which it is based. The information required to engender this understanding encompasses a far broader range of subjects than would normally fall under the auspices of military intelligence. In conventional warfare, decision makers mostly require intelligence about the enemy, but in COIN they primarily need intelligence about the population. COIN intelligence must therefore incorporate the spectrum of characteristics of a nation’s system of systems, including political, military, economic, sociocultural, infrastructural, informational and environmental knowledge.
At the strategic level, understanding is required of the population factors behind the insurgency, its stage of progression, the reforms required to address its causes, and the willingness and ability of the affected government to make those reforms and the implications of foreign intervention.
At the operational level, understanding is required of the strengths and vulnerabilities of the insurgent strategy, the strengths and weaknesses of the affected government and the requirements of the population. Continuous feedback on the degree of success of ongoing COIN efforts is also critical.
At the tactical level, understanding is required of the identity of active insurgents, their networks, logistics, capabilities and intent. It is also very useful to understand the views, concerns and sympathies of non-combatant civilians in order to influence them, gain additional intelligence and further isolate the insurgents. Almost all forms of intelligence collection have a role in COIN, but historically, intelligence gathered from human sources (including civilians, agents and captured/reconciled insurgents) has made the greatest contribution to success.
One of the most critical yet pervasive shortcomings that interagency operations face is the failure to manage and share knowledge. This is especially true during COIN, when a common base of understanding is key to effective collaboration.
• Influence: Effective COIN requires the shaping of opinions among several different population groups through messages and actions:
– Affected Nation: The fundamental influence aim in COIN is to build confidence in the government while diminishing the credibility and influence of the insurgents. All actions and messages should support this aim.
– U.S. Population: Where the United States is conducting a direct intervention in support of an affected nation, the costs involved (financial and human) will often be high and prolonged. Understanding and support in the U.S. will be key if the nation is to remain engaged long enough to achieve decisive effect.
– Neighboring Countries: Many insurgencies depend on safe havens in countries adjacent to the affected nation. Sanctuary may be giving willingly or may be beyond control of the government there. Even in non-democratic nations and ungoverned spaces, there may be merit in efforts to influence populations in these areas.
– Coalition Nations: Political resolve will rarely be consistently robust across a coalition. U.S. policy makers should be cognizant of the difficulties some coalition members will face in maintaining popular support for their participation.
– Diaspora Communities: As previously discussed, diaspora communities can play a significant role in supporting or opposing insurgencies. Positive influence here can pay dividends.
Clean separation of messages to these various populations is rarely possible and a high degree of coordination is required to allow messages to be tailored to different audiences without contradiction.
The influence strategy must cascade down from a set of strategic narratives from which all messages and actions should be derived. The narratives of the affected government and supporting nations will be different but complimentary. Messages and actions must address ideological, social, cultural, political, and religious motivations that influence or engender a sense of common interest and identity among the affected population and international stakeholders. They should also counter insurgents’ ideology in order to undermine their motivation and deny them popular support and sanctuary (both physical and virtual). In doing so, counterinsurgents should seek to expose the tensions in motivation (between different ideologies or between ideology and self-interest) that exist across insurgent networks.
To enhance the legitimacy of the affected government, messages aimed at their population should be closely coordinated with and ideally delivered by their own officials. Themes and messages should be simple and memorable, and must resonate with the population. This requires detailed understanding of the COIN environment which must be continually updated. Detailed target audience analysis is required for each separate population group and reliable measures of effectiveness must be sought to assess the success of messages and if necessary recalibrate them.
Messages are delivered partly through media operations, but more prolifically and often more credibly through the thousands of daily interactions between the population, the government and the security forces. Every action in COIN sends a message, which means that words and deeds must be synchronized. Messages cannot simply be spin, they must be grounded in truth and reflect a genuine willingness on the part of the affected government to undertake real reforms that address its people’s needs. Failure to honor promises is usually extremely counter-productive, so officials should be cautious in making promises, and should track any that are made, with the aim of meeting or exceeding the expectations of the population.
• The Information Contest: The flow of information (intelligence and influence) is as important to insurgents as it is to counterinsurgents. A COIN campaign should seek to limit the intelligence available to the insurgents through use of counterintelligence, deception and where possible their physical separation from the populace. Similarly, the ability of the insurgents to exert influence should be restricted by physical separation and by the pre-emption and timely countering of their messages.
Influence activities (actions and messages) can be proactive or reactive. Being proactive gives a significant influence advantage, since the first impression or report of an event that reaches a population will often receive the widest exposure and will subsequently be most resistant to alternative accounts. The insurgents that are most effective in this field design whole operations to support their influence themes. Successful COIN requires an approach to influence which is similarly proactive, entrepreneurial and prolific in ‘selling’ messages.
That said, the imperative to counter insurgent messages demands a reactive element to our influence activities. Speed is of the essence. The longer it takes for a rebuttal, denial or counter-message to be released, the less relevant and effective it will be. Cumulatively, whichever protagonist (insurgent or counterinsurgent) is fastest at processing the cycle of messaging will have a significant advantage in gaining influence. Some of the counterinsurgents’ delay in response will be derived from the need to investigate events and establish facts (a constraint from which insurgents are often exempt), though a holding response is generally preferable to silence. Less justifiable is the delay inherent in lengthy approvals processes.
The time sensitivity of reactive influence requires counterinsurgents to employ delegation of authority, universal understanding of the narrative and a degree of risk-tolerance throughout the command chain. This has strong parallels to the military concept of the OODA loop (Observe – Orient – Decide – Act) and the theory of the mission oriented approach.
The following can BOTH be true at once:
- The Moon Landing was faked.
- Man has been to the Moon.
Okay, so how do we parse these two statements in light of what Q has stated?
False, moon landings are real.
Well, you must consider optics first and foremost.
Let's take things back to the 1960's. We've not been to the moon. We don't know what would happen if you step foot on the moon. We barely have figured out this whole space suit thing, especially as it pertains to piss.
And... We're in the midst of the biggest pissing contest in human history. The Space Race.
MISSION CRITICAL: Nothing can go wrong!
How do we know there isn't some kind of chemical or acid on the surface of the moon that will rip apart the suit and result in Armstrong saying the following words?:
"Tell my wife and kids I love them. Honey, I'm not coming home like I promised... Goodbye."
How do we know aliens won't pop out behind some rocks and congratulate us on passing their test to join the Galactic Federation?
How do we know the surface of the moon isn't being pelted by tiny asteroids that are moving as fast as bullets and can just lobotomize you in a second?
How do we know every gizmo on the lander is 100% foolproof?
How do we know one of your Astronauts isn't just gonna have a heart-attack against all odds, completely unrelated to going into space?
We can speculate all we want, but when it comes down to it, WE DON'T KNOW FOR CERTAIN!
It's not like going to the Moon is just as simple as a walk in the park.
Furthermore, it would have been in Soviet Russia's best interests we never step foot on the Moon. Sabotage is on the table.
Do we really want to risk it all on chance? When so many things can go wrong?
MISSION CRITICAL: Nothing can go wrong!
That means if you have to lie, cheat, steal, fabricate, or fake the landings, you do it to ensure the optics are squeaky clean -- or as squeaky clean as you can get them.
But, and this is a BIG BUT!
You still have to prove to the Russians that you landed on the Moon. Otherwise, you'll never hear the end of it.
Nothing can go wrong, but you must land on the moon?
Well, there's the plan. There's the mission.
Get your boys to the Moon. Perform secret missions to do so, to scout it out and make sure that everyone comes home for the champagne and parties.
Keep the footage hidden away.
Do it a few times to make sure nothing can go wrong.
Then, get Kubrick or whatever director who you can trust to watch the footage and stage a fake landing, making it as closely modeled after the real landings as physically possible. Don't scrimp on ANY special effects. Give him the real footage for both inspiration and as background footage so he can splice together something really convincing, but not too revealing. Something believable and not too grandiose.
Most importantly... Make sure the real tech you used is not disclosed. Yup, you heard me. Hide the real tech you used, as best you can. If you have the opportunity not to, why show the finer details? We don't want anyone else looking at the footage and copying the technology. We got nukes now, so nukes being dropped from a Moon Base is a real threat. In other words, why show your whole hand if you don't have to?
Have the production go off seamlessly. Broadcast it live to the world through radio and then distribute the footage as far and wide as you can. Suppress any naysayers saying it's been faked.
Meanwhile, expect the Russians to call asking for 100% undeniable proof before they risk running a campaign calling you out for it only to fall into an optics trap that makes them seem like fools. They are just as careful as us; we must always keep that in mind.
Send them just enough of the real footage -- careful not to show your real methods and technology. Footage enough to guarantee they wouldn't dare challenge the claim.
And all this to ensure the Critical Mission Constraints:
MISSION CRITICAL: Nothing can go wrong!
Then we win the Space Race.
There's no chance of going to Mars. The Moon IS the bar, and whomever gets there first would always have been the winner.
Both sides know this. Both sides have agreed to this.
Why do I think this theory is plausible?
Because this is exactly what I would have done in the same situation.
I wouldn't risk a chance of seeing the mission turn into a tragedy. It HAD to be a success. The Fate of Nations literally rested on the optics of the landings. To do it legit, you'd only have ONE SHOT to get it right. So why not do it multiple times and put together a production that's squeaky clean?
That's my theory.
I believe we've been to the Moon many times before we said we did. What we all "saw" was a stage production using real footage spliced with a Hollywood set to ensure NOTHING COULD GO WRONG.
Those who worked on the project were sworn to secrecy. They were told we've really been to the Moon, and it wasn't a lie. They may have even seen more real footage than we have...
But the circumstances of the production will have gnawed on the backs of their minds and then they would have begun to question if they'd actually just helped pull off the biggest of boondoggles in history. They go on to leak "conspiracy theories" honestly presuming they were involved in a big lie, when in reality they were only involved in a half-truth.
The half-truth is that we HAVE been to the Moon. Probably FAR MORE than ever would be accepted by the general public, and we've probably not stopped going to the Moon like the official narrative proclaims.
Programs exist that are outside of public domain.
This is what I think has happened.
The Moon Landings as we know them are fake.
But us landing on the Moon is entirely true. Perhaps, even, more than true.
"Santa Claus may not be real, but at the end of the day the kids still get presents whether they believe in Santa or not." That's the logic our Government might have used to sell it to the higher ups.
It doesn't matter how the presents got under the tree, what matters is that there are presents.
It doesn't matter how or when we got to the Moon, what matters is that we've actually done it.
That being the case, why not make it memorable and say a fat man in a red suit put them there? Why not make it memorable and say the first words on the Moon were "That's one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind"?
That's my theory, anyways...
I wake up this morning, and my vision looks like a Kaleidoscope.
Ocular migraine. I rarely get them, but enough to know what it is.
I can barely read, got a shooting pain on my left temple, and can't even walk a straight line.
Dizzy enough to be crying. Hands shaking, barely able to write this out.
My dad went to sleep with a migraine himself sans the funhouse mirror vision, though. He gets them from time to time, and he said it was a doozy last night and he never had one down the back of his neck like that before.
Wtf is going on out there? I something big about to go down? Anyone else having bombs go off in their brain this morning?
I'm not too far from an airport, and we see military choppers from time to time. Any military guys here know what an EMP blast feels like to tell me if I have reason to be paranoid?
I hate to think it's some kind of weird psychic thing. I'm not that special...