Mods removed post with photo of magnet sticking to injection site. They got the jab in Jan Both work at Walmart, who gave a $75 incentive to get the jab. One got the Moderna, one the Phizer. Magnet still sticks 5 months later. In the time it was up 101 upvotes, and 50 comments. So much for a free speech board.

..I am in south central Texas....I work in the local Grocery Store. We have seen an influx of these guys (as you can imagine). They keep heads down, and kinda wander aimlessly. So one day a group of like 10-12 came in. They were standing in a group kinda milling around. I engage but "No Se". So I am keeping an eye on them. after about 5 min or so, another guy came in. They were pretty happy to see him cause he started handing cash out to each of them. Then one by one helped them order Deli food. I then said to Karen 1 and 2, after relating the whole episode, that these guys are here illegally and probably fresh across the river. Karens took offense at that and turned me in to corporate HR, which made quite a big deal about it. I came close to getting fired, and I got completely written up, and I am told my job is no hanging by a thread. Needless to say I am highly and Righteously pissed.
......I was doing my thing at work today when I was approached by 2 people (man an woman) late 20's early 30's. They asked for me by name. Then out come 2 (count em) 2 FBI badges. "We want to ask you some questions" ME "about what?" Them "About Jan 6th". Me "I wasnt there" Them "We got an anonymous internet tip that you were" Me. Nope I was here working (which I was). By this point I am pretty riled up. Them "There is more....this photo was called out as possibly being you" Me...."Really? Do you think I look like that dude.??" Them "no" Them "do you have any proof you were here?" Me "Do you have any proof I was in DC?" It all got taken care of pretty quickly. They were very polite. I told them that If I would have been there, I would have been within my rights to be there, the election was fraudulent blah blah.
I had planned to go. Had it all set up, at the last second stuff changed, and I couldnt go. There were any number of people that knew I was going to go, most knew I didnt go. There are only a couple of possibilities who could have made an anon internet tip.
Exciting times