This is the first of three conversations that we have before you admit you believe the Earth is flat.
Convo #1 - "I don't think we've ever been to space"
Convo #2 - "Some more really dumb shit"
Convo #3 - "The Earth is flat."
Snap the fuck out of it or seek professional medical help and get some lithium or something before you lose your mind. You just referenced the Netflix "Space Force" show as a reason why "space is too hard". Jesus Christ man...
This is the first of three conversations that we have before you admit you believe the Earth is flat.
Convo #1 - "I don't think we've ever been to space"
Convo #2 - "Some more really dumb shit"
Convo #3 - "The Earth is flat."
Snap the fuck out of it or seek professional medical help and get some lithium or something before you lose your mind. You just referenced the Netflix "Space Force" show as a reason why "space is too hard". Jesus Christ man...