deleted 2 points ago +2 / -0
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spyder 4 points ago +4 / -0

The error in my initial affidavit took place AFTER I wrote it, my original introduction was changed from what I wrote and the document that I sent to a different person was saved under my name, when I requested anonymity, as I had kept since the mid terms, because of other work I had worked on. Sidney did not have issues with my info, other than that first affidavit, as I had worked with her up to the time before the Symposium.

The 36 Tbs of data is because they took the info from the Excel spreadsheet that Mary Fanning brought up in the Absolute Proof documentary, then was backfilled using a IXVeriWave generator to back fill it with white noise. There was included files that showed this in the information provided.

An NDA can not be used to hide fraud, and the room full of Cyber Experts were frauded, the American people were frauded and I dont even believe it is Lindell's fault in this. I honestly believe is the victim in the PCAP issue.

spyder 4 points ago +5 / -1

Since the symposium happened I have found out that the information that Lindell had been told he was going to get, that was not presented till we received it starting on the 4th of August, was most likely manufactured information. As can be found on internet archive now, as it has since been deleted, https://web.archive.org/web/20211120144734/http://canada3.blxware.net/ there are many subdomains like this that shows the SCORECARD data was not likely to be organic from the supposed program that is even laid out in the Snowden files. I honestly believe Lindell is the bigger victim as I know he does not know anything technical with this information, and those around him, either are strictly yes men, or did not know the history that Dennis Montgomery has. Since the Symposium those on the Right who had been following all of this and only knew one side of the situation have decided to resort to death threats against me, big deal I can handle that even with a pace maker, but the death threats and vile statements to my wife has been the biggest frustration. Folks in Lindell's telegram group talking about putting a boot up my wifes dead corpse and other such pleasantries have been but highlights of this months long insanity.

And to other statements that have been made by Clements, I told him that I am not a Christian, a decision I came to of my own decisions after my time in Iraq and Afghanistan. I grew up in a family with ministers and preachers, my father being a critical thinker researching the history behind Christianity, and I even learned as much as I could about all of the religions within the Abrahamic belief set. Yet in my travels to these Muslim nations, to my childhood growing up in Father Flanagans Boys Town, at the tail end of the Finders Scandal, I realized that even Jesus was against organized religions as much as George Washington was against Political Partys. I have never disavowed YHWH, Jesus, nor anything that the COMPLETE bible teaches, which the one original copy in Ethiopia with the Apocryphal Books teach. I just remember the days of Jimmy Swaggart, and Oral Roberts, and see this movement full of religious gaslighting and it would sicken a person outside of the herd mentality, because both sides, Socialists in the LEft and the Religious Zealots of the right are a part of.

I am a Constitutionalist, motivated by my aforementioned moments from when I was in Iraq and saw Iraqi's get to vote for the first time, so while people have nice fancy houses, new cars and go out spreading info on things they do not have the full truth of, Ill stick to researching the truth, where ever it may exist. I wont lie for either side and stick to facts, because truth is the only thing that can deal with not just the fraud occupying the White House, but the fraud that exists in much of corporate America and the enemies within our Gates. NO more no less

Si Vis Pacem Parabellum

spyder 4 points ago +4 / -0

• During the presentation Ron Watkins receives a call from his lawyer and makes a strange announcement that “Conan James Hayes took physical hard drives from Mesa County, without authorization from County Clerk. Return them to the clerk.” Tina Peters, Mesa County Clerk tells the audience that no physical hard drives were taken, well… not unless they were removed yesterday while she was travelling interstate.

I finally went to be at about 4:30 am to get ready for the next day. Thursday came and I stayed in my room till about 10am and then went downstairs to the foyer. I avoided everyone and off and on was between the foyer area and my room, looking over the files and information that I collected. Thursday night I turned my phone off early, at about 8pm, was about to just go to bed, yet at midnight I went back down to the foyer and turned on my phone. Waldron had messaged me telling me to be down in the foyer at 0330 to get ready to go home. RON time would be at 0430. I looked at the time and realized I couldn’t go to sleep. At about 0130 I packed my stuff and went down to the foyer. At about 0300 I checked out of my room and got ready to return to Addison airfield. At 0430 Waldron showed up down in the Foyer area and informed me I was bumped from the flight and that I would be flying home commercial. I was being bumped from the flight because Tina and her entourage were flying with Waldron to Texas. 
I returned home on a flight though American Airlines and returned home on Friday 13 Aug. 2021. On Friday night, the 13th of August, I called and spoke with Pete Santilli, my wife was on the phone as well as Pete’s wife Deb. I spoke loosely about what transpired at the Symposium, as I did not have much time while we were in South Dakota to talk. I spoke to Pete about how Col. Waldron gave me instructions to be downstairs and read to ship out at 0330 on Friday morning, only to have him show up at 0430 to tell me I had been bumped from the flight and had to fly commercial while Tina Peters would be on the plane with him going back to Dallas. Mike Lindell would later speak of this on Monday Aug. 16th on FrankSpeech when Mike Lindell decided to slander and defame me, in hopes of getting ahead of any statements that I would make. Pete Santilli, a gentleman I had dealings with dating back to 2014, recorded this conversation and would send the recording to Mike Lindell and has since been rewarded by Mike Lindell by being put on FrankSpeech.

Over the weekend I went quiet. Did not talk to anyone, did not post to social media, did not talk to media. I was waiting to see what Mike Lindell, David Clements, Joe Oltman, Dr Frank, and everyone were going to do for their next move. On Monday the 16th, Mike Lindell started going to the media and made statements about me and the symposium. Accusation that I was a black hat there to sabotage the symposium, Col. Waldron on the previous Thursday claimed that there was a hack on their data, a poison pill as he called it, Clements claimed that I lied about the hard drive, that I deleted data. Then on Monday night Mike Lindell uses FrankSpeech to spend close to 2 hours to slander me, accuse me of being a traitor, says if America falls to China it is my fault and the plays the private phone conversation that I had with Pete Santilli.
spyder 4 points ago +4 / -0

When I returned, I was given a flood of questions. Within the short time I was gone, the CE’s realized that there were no viable PCAPS and certainly none that lived up to the statement of China hacking the 2020 elections. Considering the 2 rooms were full of some of the most prominent PCAP experts in the US, Election experts like Harri Hursti, a person the Kurt Olsen said they did not even want there, I could not baffle them with BS. I explained to these two rooms that we as Red Team members came to the same conclusion, that we had not in fact seen any viable PCAP data as specified by Mike Lindell and that we had even voiced our objections. As the CEs looked through the data, I had provided of the supposed PCAPs, the Tina Peters data had arrived. The hard drive that was provided included 2 Encase files titled EMSSERVER01 and EMSSERVER, as well as PCAP files from 3 different County Clerk offices, Lake County, Clark County, and Mesa County. Also, there was a folder full of Election night reporting data that was acquired from Lake County in approximately Dec 2020. I took this information and handed it to selected members in the breakout room and let them start to look at that instead of the PCAPS which was a waste of their time. Considering that there was approximately $100,000 an hour of Cyber talent that were close to walking out of the Symposium. Using this data, the CEs began to look though the info and one of the experts even had a copy of Encase to be able to run forensic analysis of the data. Tuesday evening during a conversation in the Red Team room I talked to Tina Peters while sitting against the back wall of the conference room. Tole her how I was glad to have this work as it might be able to help me keep from having my house foreclosed on and was glad for the work. Time told me, oh don’t worry about all of that, Mike would pay off my mortgage. I looked at her and said oh no I couldn’t do that; I work for what I get. At the end of the day, I quickly left the building after what felt like a day of me being thrown under the bus by Waldron. I spent a few hours in the Red Team room where we discussed how Tina Peters would be out on Tuesday and we would do a walk though of the Encase files. I went to bed at approximately 3am again and woke up at 8am. I returned to the symposium to handle the CEs in the breakout rooms with the new information from the Mesa County Forensic Audit. Every time I provided data to the rooms the obvious naysayer was Harri Hursti, yet I felt I should act professional as I was working in a Professional capacity. As we started on Wednesday, I went between the two breakout rooms, the flood of questions, first about the PCAPs, as there were many who were still looking at the data and then information from the Mesa County files. The PCAPs from the 3 County offices somewhat confused a few within the rooms, yet I explained where they came from. The files all have forensic data showing that they were gathered by a laptop named CJH-mac-book. Conan James Hayes. As I listened to the finding from the CEs, Harri Hursti commented that he saw that the two Encase files looked like they came from 2 different machines. The UUID numbers were different, driver files were different, and he claimed that the missing data was put in a separate partition. After Harri told me this I went to the Green Room that Tina we in and asked her a few questions about what happened when they did the imaging. I asked her if the “trusted upgrade” was a software or hardware up grade, she specified that it was a software upgrade, and she was present when the upgrade took place. I asked her to clarify if the server was exchanged or just a software upgrade, she reiterated that it was a software upgrade. I returned to pick up my laptop as Ron was done with the walk through of the Mesa County images and then went back to the Breakout rooms. The large cyber expert breakout room with approximately 20 people in it were using FTK to view the files while the smaller room there was a gentleman in the smaller room that had Encase and the needed Dongle to run it and he began looking through the images. This gentleman would later be hired by Russ Ramsland and paid by Mike Lindell to do a forensic analysis of these images. His first name being Doug. After I was done working with the CEs I was asked to go on stage and start the walk through of the Mesa County images with Ron Watkins and Mark cook. My laptop was used with Team Viewer so that Ron could access the files on the large screens at the Symposium. After about 5 minutes of trying to get everything up and running, it was decided that I would move up to the control room and patch straight into the main sound and video board as there were communication problems. I went up to the main control room and got my laptop setup and running so Ron could do the walkthrough. With everything running successfully, I went back to check on the CEs in the breakout room. When I walked into the Breakout room there was a gentleman there named Kurt Wiebe, a known NSA whistleblower. I walked out of the Breakout room after about 15 minutes of fielding questions and saw Kurt Olson where I asked about Wiebe being in the building. He told me he had let him in the building and into the breakout room. I stepped outside to have a vape, talked to Pete Santilli, Brian (CANNCON) and talked on the phone. A moment of a break. While standing outside, Kurt Wiebe shows up and starts talking to me about how he was in the Breakout room giving all the people in there the run down on Dennis Montgomery and all the reasons he plays tricks, mostly to keep from losing his national asset status and talked about how he had scammed Arpaio and others over the years. A gentleman standing out front it seems overhears us talk and joined in our discussion. The gentleman at the end of our discussion then tells me he is a reporter for the Washington Times, a known conservative news paper and tells me he was writing a story then walks off. While still standing outside, less than 15 minutes later I go back inside where Kurt Wiebe meets me and tells me the re was a story about my comments that just hit the Washington times. He specifically told me that Michael Flynn called Mike Lindell and told him that the story had just hit the media. From that point on I had people left and right asking me questions. What I said who I talked to and so on. Kurt Olsen came back to me and told me they had spoken to the reporter and had a list of corrections that they asked of him. Kurt Handed me the reporters business card and demanded that I call the reporter to follow up on the specified corrections. I finished out at the symposium and went back to the hotel. I walked to a secluded area at the hotel and called the reporter, a gentleman named Joseph Clark who specified he was former Navy Intelligence. While in the Red Team Room, Kurt stated to me that I was restricted to the hotel till I left. That was at around midnight on Wednesday night. Afterwards I stayed up, doing my usual discussions with people that were down in the foyer and went to my room at 0300. When taking a HOT shower my shower had steamed so much it set off the Fire alarm, where I had to wait 45 minutes after drying off and the fire alarm going off in the hotel the entire time. Initial findings of the Mesa County EMSERVER images: • Ron Watkins (CodeMonkeyZ) joins the discussion remotely, although amidst several technical difficulties. They examine an election system drive image from Mesa County, Colorado, an election management system (EMS), which behaves like a mainframe for the voting system. They have two images: an earlier one that contains data and logs dating back to 2019, then another image that was taken after a “system update” whereby data is missing. All event logs and error logs are gone! What the technicians are trying to determine: “Why did they make these changes?” The previous data was “zeroed out and deleted”. The law of 22-month data retention is not happening. This appears to be a common issue. Every step should be completely tracked and made transparent. Hardly anyone can see (currently) what happens between when they vote and when it is stored and counted. • These systems should not be proprietary! Election systems are not covered by NIST standards. Why not? • The server image appears to contain a file created in 2016 and has been vulnerable since 2017, with a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability. Voting systems containing this vulnerability were placed online. In total, he found 53 files that are vulnerable with a score of 7 or above on CVE chart - remote code executions. • When 3 security researchers reported the security issues to the vendor (possibly Dominion, or ES&S, or other), instead of the vulnerabilities being fixed, they were sent “Cease and Desist” letters. • Question is asked: How do we prove that machines were connected to the internet? o This can be done by creating a forensic image of a machine (prior to the logs being wiped, as they have in some other cases) o Otherwise, it’s possible to capture the traffic live, as it’s happening, for which they have some data • Apparently, the security experts presenting are having issues with their sharing platform being currently hacked, so they’re struggling to present • The technical presenters discover a VBS file in the inetpub folder that appears to be from 1997-1999 and contains commands to create processes (execute a program). This might be a concerning discovery. • They also look at log files that seem to show remote connects and HTTP requests. • They also discover a “remote file manager”, which is a potential security vulnerability, as it may allow a remote attacker to upload/download/change files on the machine. • A “RankChoiceStyle” file. Does Mesa County use rank choice voting? If not, why does this file reference RankChoiceStyle? Mesa County confirms that they do not use it but have been considering it for future use. • The log files show HTTP POST requests logged on election day, with a 200 OK response indicating it succeeded. Filename /EmsApplicationServer/RemoteFileManager.soap. This may be a normal part of the closed-network communication of the EMS server, or possibly contain a vulnerability – unconfirmed. • Editor’s note: the following Maricopa County EMS network diagram shows how it’s supposed to be connected: https://recorder.maricopa.gov/justthefacts/pdf/Maricopa%20EMS%20Diagram%20V2.pdf An EMS server (which it appears to be what is being examined) is connected to ballot tabulation machines and adjudication workstations, plus scanners and printers. These are all over a LOCAL network but are not supposed to be internet connected. We can’t tell if it’s internet-connected at this point. • Regardless of internet access, it seems that the issue that they’re trying to flag is that there were a lot of log files present on one date, and a lot of log files were gone after Dominion performed their “update”. “The logs folder is almost entirely GONE. At least 3 years of log files have been wiped. After the update, there’s only 3!” • Someone asks: “What about the deleted files, can they be accessed? Have the techs tried a file recovery yet?” No, since today’s the first time they’ve seen the data, it has not been attempted yet. • It appears as though when Dominion performed this so-called “system update” they may have decided to install a completely new disk image rather than just a “patch” update. This does seem suspicious. If they wanted to cover their tracks this would be an excellent method and convenient excuse for doing so. It appears (although not confirmed) that they performed a full-disk image. If there was any intrusion or malfeasance involved, this is the exact area of the disk that would be manipulated. • They ask: “Why would they perform a full-disk image during the recent update, but not on earlier updates?” That is particularly curious. The earlier log files are dated back 3 years, so previous updates did not appear to destroy them. • Ron looked into the adjudication client, and the configuration file and it’s parameters. It wasn’t clear from the presentation, but it’s possible that some or all of the adjudication client was removed in the “update”. • Officials need to ask: “Was the machine certified after the update?” If not, it is being run illegally on uncertified machines. • “There’s so much smoke here. There must be a fire. Something is wrong. And they’re blocking every attempt at figuring out what is wrong.” • A question was asked about whether the team was running a full virtual machine (VM) or just looking at a disk image. The image is currently just being explored and not “mounted” or running. As such they can’t run any programs (yet). They might, however, be able to explore the Windows registry if they exported the files and opened them in another tool or editor. • They discover that there were previously 2 disk partitions and now there are 4. • There were claims that a machine like this appears open to having additional operating systems installed, creating a back-door entry into the system • Strangely Dominion seems to have deleted the old SQL Server databases in the second image, meaning most (or all) of the election data may be missing from the second one. • They find a script (a Windows batch file) named “dehardening” which appears to reduce the security on the system for some (yet unknown) reason. The script was dated 10-19-2020, a couple of weeks prior to the election. A dehardening script would normally exist alongside a hardening script too (since you normally reduce a system’s security for a brief time only to apply some kind of upgrade). It’s quite unusual to not have a combination of scripts, or to leave a system unhardened. • It’s clear that there needs to be a detailed cyber forensic audit of these servers. • It was Dominion employees who visited the county – and they were the ones who coordinated the “updates” of the machines • According to the whistleblower, Dominion was visiting every county in late spring / early summer • They come across a file Remove restrictions.bat - that sounds bad. • Someone finds an “adjudication key” file present on the Windows desktop (for which user was not clear, but it seems very insecure). Editor’s note: Researchers can obtain the 17GB disk images via the following torrent magnet links (you will need a Bittorrent client).

spyder 3 points ago +4 / -1

I have been quiet to prevent statement being taken out of context. I have begun to make targeted statements, as yes, Mr Lindell did file an arbitration against me yet this is invalid and I am dealing with that. My attorney, who understands election fraud and has worked with a number of key people during this fiasco has been helpful in the other research we have been working on.

I will begin my explanation by saying this, I have worked on researching election fraud since 2018. Not for profit, notoriety nor validation, but to do the right thing. There are many who are involved now who do not have these as their motivation. Its human conditions, the way most people think and act, I understand that.

Here is the beginning explanations of what actually happened and why. I have been informed the Symposium happened to get me out of the way and who came up with it. Pete Santilli, the person I was on the phone with was a part of what happened, which is a shame because I had dealings with him since the Bundy Ranch but his show being put on Frank Speech was all the motivation I needed to understand.

The Lindell Saga

I was hired by Mike Lindell LLC. as member of their red team to analyze and validate information that was claimed to be proof of Chinese interference in the 2020 elections as claimed by Mr. Mike Lindell. Phil Waldron and David Clements were initially the two people who brought me in for this event. On August 2nd, 2021 I was emailed by Phil Waldron via protonmail from the email address of

Phil Waldren <[email protected] with a message copy sent to the following addresses as well: [email protected] as well as [email protected]. The contents of the email were as follows: The purpose of this email is to begin communications to establish an expert working group to validate or invalidate a unique data set. This data was received under anonymous conditions IAW provisions of the Cybersecurity Act of 2015. It will be provided to the NCIC and pertinent Law Enforcement Agencies, as required. This project will be performed under the legal supervision and fiduciary oversight of Lindell Management LLC and is expected to last for two weeks. The attached NDA is intended to prevent premature disclosure of the analysis of this data to the public (it will be publicly disclosed very soon), but members of the group who agree to work on this project are encouraged to discuss ideas and analysis freely. This NDA is also intended to protect the identities of the members of this team until they decide to make their participation public. If and when the members validate and are satisfied as to the authenticity of the data, members of the team would be invited to attend a symposium to share the work processes and data to a larger audience and help a very technically diverse audience understand the data. The specific information that is available to be released publicly will be provided to the team in an approved talking points memorandum - due to the sensitivity of this project, some specifics will be protected for legal and personal reasons. Along with your executed NDA, please "Reply All" to indicate your willingness to:

  1. Participate in the analysis/validation of the data set – team member identity during this phase of participation would be protected.

  2. Participate in the symposium as a panel member - your participation and identity would be made public.
    If you are willing to participate, please indicate your standard daily reimbursement rate. All travel related expenses to the symposium will be covered for those that choose to participate. There will be two Video Conference Calls tomorrow, 3 August to conduct the initial review of personnel who have had access to the data to review the file structure and explain the unique nature of the data. The first call will be at 0930 CST, with a follow-up call at 1330 CST. The Links will be sent to those who indicate an interest in pursuing this project. Please feel free to call with any additional questions.

    Then on August 3rd, 2021, Phil Waldron from the email address:[email protected] Phil forwarded the NDA statement for me to sign and return. After this email, a follow up email was sent out to the following email addresses: Phil Waldron [email protected] When texting on Signal with Col. Waldron on Aug. 4th, I was asked about not just working in the Red Team capacity but also being on the panels that were being set up for the after-action review from our analysis of the provided materials as well as working with the variety of people there and had specified that I would be paid $30,000 for my time and work. I agreed and was looking forward to being able to use said money to catch up on bills and get caught up on my mortgage. On August 7th I was brought into a chat board on the app called Element into a chat room called PURPLE UNICORNS with Phil Waldron, Mark Cook, Shawn Smith, Todd Sanders, Conan Hayes, Ron Watkins and a few other people that were unnamed. Within this chat board the discussion of what the data looked like would begin. We would be provided with the following ling and username/password for access. ww-nas-001.wizwaretech.com/wizSHARE/ username: slice password: slicer2001SLICEIT Upon access the first file that was provided was a file called “slice.bin”, where my first attempts with the file were to import as a bin, which did not work, then convert to BIN information to HEX and attempt an import with Wireshark which did not work as well. I returned to the chat board to ask the people red team members what the issue was where they told me that the data seemed to have been encrypted and required a file to decrypt it. While on a video chat though the site “jitsi.foschat.com/zxmcjm” the group of us; Mark, Shawn, Phil, Ron and myself were on a live walkthrough with Conan Hayes who showed us how he decrypted his files, which differed from the “slice.bin” file. Instead, he opened a file titled “cexecute.exe” with a source code that contained a link to the website vault32 which since the symposium has been wiped and erased. Also included were two other programs name cscore and cmaps. The claim that Conan made was that these files were used for decoding the Slice.Bin file, of which no one within the red team were able to successfully use to go through the files. Conan later would provide what were claimed to be decoded files, yet those files were alterations of data that came from a file Mary Fanning had discussed back in 2021. This was my first clue that the data provided was recycled data that had been previously disclosed publicly. While we had our discussions in the App “Element” the entire Red Team leading up to the symposium came to an agreement that the data provided did not show any viable PCAPs and that Lindell’s claim of PCAPs showing China hacked the election were not provable.

    I drove to the offices of ASOG at Addison airfield and met up with Kurt Olsen who was already at the offices. He was sitting in the conference room on the phone while I talked to Russ. After approximately an hour of being at ASOG Mike Lindell’s plane showed up. Col. Waldron and Mike Lindell were already on the plane and Kurt, and I got on the plane. WE took off and headed to Colorado Springs to pick up 2 of the red team members, Mark Cook and Shawn Smith. Before we landed in Colorado Springs I sat across the isle from Mike and spoke with him about Voter Fraud and Election fraud. While on the plane Mike handed me a hard drive that had come from Conan James Hayes that had all the supposed PCAP data. There were 3 main folders on the drive with Election night reporting data, Slice files that were cut up into separate files and another folder full of Edward Snowden files from EdwardSnowden.com, all the same files that were on the wizware drive that Mark Cook had set up. During that discussion, I asked Mike if he had a chance to read any of my affidavits that I had written while working for Sidney about Foreign interference in the 2020 elections and what I had seen. Mike told me he had never read any of my work and admittedly stated that he had not even heard of me prior to David Clements and Col Waldron had suggested me working on the Red Team. After picking up the two other team members, Col Waldron, Kurt Olsen, and myself moved to the back seats where I sat on the right side of the plane behind Kurt Olsen. We then landed in Sioux Falls, SD where we rode in 2 SUVs to our hotel. One vehicle was a Ford the other a Chevy. I was assigned to a hotel room on the 3rd floor, and I quickly went to my room and unloaded my suitcase, then moved down to the conference room on the first floor where the Red Team would set up and begin going through the provided information. We began setting up everything that would be needed ranging from the white board to the bulk of laptops and cabling that would be needed. Mike Lindell was seen in our room off and on the first night we were there and for most the part we had everything sorted by midnight and everyone went to their rooms. I stayed in the foyer of the hotel and talked to the range of people who were there as I am not much of a sleeper. By 3am I went to my room to go to bed and get ready for the morning. By 7 am I was up and back to the Red Team room where all the members were there. From Col. Waldron, Shawn Smith, Mark Cook, Ron Watkins via Mark Cook’s cell phone and Lisa Draza were all in the room as we looked through files, discussed what information we saw and didn’t see. As we had discussed prior to coming to the Symposium we still had not seen PCAP data that we were told would be provided. We voiced our concerns to Col Waldron many times and showed him what we were seeing to lead us to that conclusion. Then later around 4 PM Mark Cook was notified that Dennis Montgomery, who was supposed to be coming with Conan James Hayes, had a stroke, was in the hospital and would not be making it. Mark Stated that he had called the hospital and asked to speak to Dennis and the hospital had patched him to Dennis’s room and he had spoken with him. This would later be refuted by Joe Oltman who said he had guys call the hospital who told him no one by that name had checked in to the hospital within 10 days prior to the Monday. On that Monday Joe Oltman handed me a box with a hard drive in it. He claimed the hard drive was a copy of the Antrim Forensic Audit. I did not have time to look at the Drive yet would give it to members in the Breakout room to look at as well on Tuesday. However, the drive was missing one of the Encase files, file number 06, and later after doing a forensic examination of the hard drive I found that that file was not deleted, as was accused of me, the file was Never put on the drive.

    Finally, all of us in the Red Team had the chance to voice our concerns about the data with Kurt Olsen. We told him what we had seen and not seen with the information provided and we voiced the idea that the symposium be delayed or cancelled due to the data not being what was stated. Kurt then went and discussed with Mike then they bother returned for us to go over what we had issues with. Lindell had stated that we were not understanding what we were given, and the Conan would be there in Sioux Falls shortly for us to have him help us with the data. When we started explaining all the problems we had seen with the provided information, Mike began to get increasingly irritated, vocal range increasing and lashing out as several of us for our comments and statements. At one point Lindell went on to say that “With all of this information, that Sidney Powell even had, no one could do anything with this information, I am the only one who can do anything with this” Finally Lindell told us that Conan would be landing in Sioux Falls at approximately 2100 and we would be able to ask him questions. Yet Mike specified that he wanted Conan in bed by 2300 so that he would be well rested for the start of the symposium on Tuesday. Mike Left the room and Conan showed up with Mike and Todd Sanders showed up in the Red Team room at approximately 2300 hours for us to ask them about the provided data. We began asking about where the PCAPs were within the “Slice.bin” file where Conan, who had 2 mac book laptops with him, Todd having 1 and was using one of the monitors that were in the room, went over the cexecute.exe program, Conan’s behavior indicative of someone who was not comfortable of being questioned. Sweat on his for head, stuttering, lack of answering questions, and avoiding the questions that were being asked began to raise a red flag for a few of us, as Mark, Shawn and myself kept looking at each other as we were seeing signs of deception, something that at least Shawn and myself had training in recognizing. I was trained in detecting deception when I went through Detainee Operations training at Fort Lewis, WA when my unit, 5/3 Field Artillery was first assigned to Detainee operations at Camp Bucca, IR in 2008, which would be cancelled when Camp Bucca was closed at the end of our training.

    After Conan left all of us in the Red Team realized that the symposium was not going to go as planned. Previously in the day we were told about Tina Peters, the election clerk from Mesa County, AZ and a few of us theorized about changing the focus from the PCAPs to the information that Tina would provide to try and save the symposium. I stayed up talking to a few other people in the foyer and went to bed at about 3am.

    Tues day morning, opening day. I woke up at 0800 and gathered my laptop and other items, put on my hacker hoodie, and headed to the symposium. At the entry way I received my Staff lanyard and moved to the Mock election room where the other Red Team members were. I walked around frequently, said hello to people I knew, Pete Santilli, even introduced myself to Brian Cates, a reporter for Epoch Times who has constantly been critical of me and told him perhaps he should ask me about what the truth was, his stunned face looked up and agreed. For the most part I kept my discussions short, just brief introductions. Within and hour into the Symposium, Col. Waldron and Kurt Olsen took me to the Break out room where the experts were and Col. Waldron asked me to go into the room and handle their questions, of which I found out later that the CEs that were in there very quickly realized the information that was being given to them was bogus, the internet speed being throttled and downloading the information was taking too long for the them to be able to effectively study the provided information. I offered to help them went and grabbed my bag and grabbed a copy of the data that was provided to speed up their process. I then left the room for approximately 10-15 minutes to walk around.