supercanuck 24 points ago +24 / -0

This Vijaya was a lying piece of shit on Joe Rogan, and she's being a disgusting pos authoritarian asshoe in this video too. God, please bring the hammer of justice on these swamp creatures.

supercanuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

... and Pres. Trump enters with fireworks and pyro WWE style!

by Heckles
supercanuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

A refugee from TDW here. Can confirm. Had no idea what Q was till I did some research of my own. Can't say I am a total convert yet but the sheer amount of these "coincidences" are getting a bit too ridiculous for me to dismiss Q as a mere conspiracy theory. Besides, your positive attitude amidst all these chaos gives me more hope than anything else. Keep up the good work patriots!!