Be interesting to see what happens from here…


I keep trying to red pill my friend but it turns out she's a lost cause. Here's a text she directed at me yesterday...

Ladies-I "bought" into the vaccine and I really think I made a good choice. If you're going to bash the vaccines and masks, please take me off the thread. I'm probably saying this since I'm cranky because I've been in bed all day with vaccine side effects ?


I keep seeing the question posed on why Trump would be giving the secret handshake. I think the answer is that he is or was a freemason. Remember they front as a men's club. It's not until you reach the 34th degree that you learn you are worshipping satan. Up until that point you are a member of an elite club that helps promote the businesses of their fellow brothers. How do I know? My husband joined the freemasons. He was told that he needed to promote when possible freemason businesses and employees. They were to stick together. So the handshake let's people know you were in the club and now they are obligated to work with you.. So from the outside it seems like a great business strategy. Unless we see pictures of Trump with the evil symbolism i wouldn't worry. My husband only went to the initiation and was creeped out and never went back but he learned the handshake night one. Trump walking away from the group makes sense of the hatred and lies being spewed by the msm . One of the punishments for betrayal is a ruined reputation.


Frens i need some help. My 12 year old niece committed suicide in late February because her foster brother who my SIL was trying to adopt after having him in their home for 2 years was removed due to the fact that he was black and they were white. They wanted him placed in a black home. They cut off contact. The last phone call Kyree was crying and told them they lied to him when they said they would never give him up and that he wanted to come home. My sister in law is in dire need of direct contact information for Mark Robinson the Lt. Governor of North Carolina. Would one of you be willing to use your computer skills to help me with that? We are fighting to get Kyree back home and believe he can help as he was a child in the system. TiA


I was talking to a Doctor that I work with yesterday (nice guy not based, got the shot...) he said that his buddy who is a cop has been called out to Newsom's house a couple of times because his wife has tried to kill herself. She was taken to the hospital where they shut the whole wing down for her. Story is that she is devastated over his cheating scandal. I'm hoping that's just a cover and the real reason has to do with happenings. At the very least it seens like things are stressful in the Newsom household. To be fair I'd probably try to kill myself too if I was married to him!

I want to go down the kids under the Whitehouse rabbit hole. I can't imagine that Trump would wait until Biden was put in office to remove them so I'm not sure I'm totally on board with it being legit. Does anyone have any suggestions/link on where to start to look into this? TIA


I keep hearing rumors that the inauguration yesterday was prerecorded and that everyone there didn't seem to be happy or celebratory. I was too upset as I watched yesterday to see past my own emotions. I legit could have been the new neon jacket girl from Trump's inauguration screaming noooooo... So today I decided to rewatch it with fresh eyes. I noticed Nancy Pelosi in sun glasses and very straight faced, hardly claps and doesn't smile. What struck me the most was watching Biden's daughter. The second she takes off her mask she takes a deep breath not lack of oxygen breath but let me control myself from crying breath. There's no smile in her eyes. She tries to make eye contact with "Dr" Jill but Jill stares straight ahead no smile either. Then she keeps closing her eyes taking deep breaths and as soon as he swears in the dam breaks and she begins crying. This does not seem like they are celebrating this seems like they have been caught and are now having to act out this part for the world. Hence the blank E.O. and pentagon refusing to work with Biden's team. I am no body language expert but I remember reading a comment from someone on here who was. Just was wondering their thoughts? Looking at it from this perspective it makes me wonder if Trump was trolling them when after Biden swears in a stern voice tells everyone to take their seats and there is this long awkward pause. Yesterday I thought for sure the NG would descend and start making arrests. I wonder if that was done on purpose and if all the swamp sat there waiting for the same thing!!


I have tried to send 4 different people a link to different posts on here today and none of them receive my texts. I knew I couldn't send it through fb and ig but now they are censoring my text messages!!!


Until I started trying to decipher Q drops or follow along with your aha moments connecting the dots. I tried to get into Q a year ago but gave up because it was too cryptic for my brain.. Jumped back on board as I'm watching things play out but trying to keep up with you all is kinda humbling not gonna lie....