I was watching independent media, like Ben Shapiro and Tim Pool, leading up to the election. It seemed clear that Trump would win in a landslide.
Then the election happened and he lost. At first I rationalized it. It was really the media vs Trump, they had proven their ability to get people out during the BLM riots, so maybe they actually won.
Over the next few days the evidence began to mount. It became clear the whole thing was a fraud and would need to be overturned in the courts. Then, to my absolute shock, the courts squashed case after case until it couldn't be ignored. They were in on it. It was clear because the media loved every second of it, and I already knew to believe the opposite of whatever the media said.
I was desperate, trying to understand what was happening or how to fight back. I started posting on social media and getting vocal. Then Trump announced Jan 6th and I bought 5 hotel rooms, one for all the way to the 21st.
I invited everyone I knew and even hosted a few pedes. I felt confident that a strong show of numbers would give courage to our weak senators. I engaged in phone calls and social campaigns and watched as more and more support came in for Trump.
On the 6th, I went to the rally with a live streaming camera and a microphone as symbols of what I wanted to happen - a peaceful demonstration where truth and free speech won the day. I ended up taking footage of the event, I never went inside but was able to get everything at the back. Really amazing! As we left, I asked for news about the Senate. That's when I heard Pence might have betrayed us. I was crushed.
The next couple days felt so cold. It wasn't just media and judges, it was everyone. The politicians on both sides were colluding against us. They stole the election, they stole Georgia and the Senate, they were coming hard for patriots. I talked to my uncle who lives in DC, he was so angry with me and was considering turning me into the FBI. So was my cousin. Was I living through a communist revolution? Did we lose?
I almost bought tickets home, but I decided to push through my fear and stay in DC all the way to the 21st as originally intended. I started producing videos and posting on social media. I started taking to everyone, including my relatives. I found that many people believed the same thing I did, and that those who didn't were able to talk with me once I made peace and listened to them for a bit.
Now it's the 30th. Nothing happened. As expected.
I don't know if Trump is part of a shadow government or was paid off. I don't know if the military has a secret plan or if Q is playing for the good guys. I don't know if Biden is a puppet or if everything he does carries the full weight of the law and will come crashing down on our heads.
All I know is that I believe.
I believe patriots are standing up to tyranny and waking up fellow citizens every day.
I believe there are still good men and women in our government and our military.
I believe in Trump's character and the Melania would never support a communist or a weakling.
I believe Q has proved their legitimacy a hundred times and that they are truly on our side.
And most importantly, I believe we will win.
I'm awake now. I'm not afraid to speak my mind or discard the mask or stand up for what's right.
I may not have the power to change what's happening in our government. I'll have to trust Trump and the military to do those things for me.
But I have power to change my environment and the people in it. Moving forward, I'm going to behave as if we've already won.
No longer will I be reading this forum 20x a day hoping for some kind of validation. I won't be couch locked, trying to understand what's happening.
I plan on rejoining society. On building my business. On loving the people in my life. And standing up for what's right.
And I'm sure I'll check in from time to time. This is still one of the best news sources I've found.
So until next time, it's been an absolute pleasure and God bless. Cheers!
There are many different pieces in the game of chess. Each piece has certain abilities and limitations that define its role. What's our role?
I was just reading this post and couldn't help but notice the last couple lines... https://greatawakening.win/p/11SK7FxNJ3/remember-when-q-predicted-trump-/c/
These people are sick. We, the People, are the cure.
Pedes are members of society. We make up part of "the People." And we are highly informed at this point. We are digital soldiers and citizen journalists.
Compare that to the populace as a whole. I've been watching post after post talk about how hard it is to wake up normies:
- They are busy, so they stick to regular news or their friend's opinion
- They don't know what they can do, so they ignore the deep evil because it makes them feel helpless and hopeless
In this game of chess, our role is to counter the media. The mainstream controls the top down information flow. Q and team are releasing more and more information, but who is sharing it? https://greatawakening.win/p/11SK7FxNAm/just-in-case-you-actually-think-/c/
That's our job. We can counteract the media narrative by speaking with the people in our lives and educating them about what's happening.
This is a challenging position to be in. It would be very easy to come across as egotistical, crazy, or any number of things that would turn off the regular person.
Our job is to speak the truth in love. Listen first, establish a connection, then share opinions only when they are open. This allows them to process their confusion safely first, cladding space for new information. It also gives us clues about where they are open to truth.
We know that the truth will set us free. It isn't necessary to go straight to pedophilia. In fact, the real battle seems to be in casting shades of doubt on the media, which does all their thinking for them.
Why? People respect authority. The mainstream dominates that market. But people respect live even more, and that's where we can shine.
I know Q said it requires military and I know we have our popcorn ready. But here's a couple arguments for why we should continue to fight until we cross the finish line together...
- Wouldn't it be better to share this moment with our friends and family? Or at least help cushion the pain of waking up suddenly.
- Isn't being proactive better than watching and hoping?
- Wouldn't it be cool if we continue to coordinate as a citizen's digital militia? We're starting to see the power of this - sharing truth, fighting on the stock market, boycotts, etc...
Even if we are able to sit around and watch the show, I'm personally more interested in what happens next. Our world has been raped and pillaged for God knows how many years. Millions are starving. Millions more live in abject poverty. Yet most people are unaware or don't know how to help.
We, the People, are not done. We've only just begun. Imagine the world we could create if we continue to get organized?
I was thinking about all the normies in my life who are oblivious or afraid of what's happening. And then I think about why I am not. It's Q, or really what Q represents - goodness.
The idea behind Q is that there are good men and women in our country willing to do whatever it takes to defeat evil.
Putting my faith in the plan gives me hope and courage. I use that to go red pill my friends and family.
This alone is a type of proof we can use to verify Q. Because ultimately, with or without Q, we'll be ok as long as we hold onto the high energy and our constitution. The fact that Q helps inspire those feelings is encouraging!
I will not surrender or be defeated by my own weakness. And I will do everything in my power to help in this fight.
My role isn't just to trust the plan, it's to help red pill normies and start their journey of education. That can be done any time for any reason, regardless of whether Biden is occupying the White House or not.
I have my popcorn ready, but I'll be working as hard as ever to keep opening people's eyes to what's happening and the hope we have. Cheers!
TLDR - Were Joe/Jill military gaffs actually scripted events to help us identify Jill's shoe changes and lending credibility to the movie theory?
I feel like we're actually beyond this topic now, but it caught my attention and I wanted to share.
I've been disappointed with some of the easy debunkable stuff surrounding the fake inauguration / Castle Rock claims. I'm not saying those aren't true, just that a lot of the "proofs" are easily debunked, to the point where I almost wonder if it's being done intentionally to demoralize. This could be related to the post about reverse psychology shills: https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJtIjoSD/reverse-psychology-shills/
Well, I noticed something interesting today that feels a little stronger to me personally, so I wanted to share. It started when I read this post that show the CNBC live feed skip forward, almost like it cut to a different feed and they didn't sync it correctly. https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJxrSqEr/this-looks-interesting--i-got-th/c/
Now I can see reasonable explanations for how this happened. But what actually caught my eye was the Jill Biden shoe swap theory, as pointed out by u/OuttaMyAshes, who linked to this post https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/11SJtHdL0j/enjoy-the-show--jill-bidens-shoe/
Here's a quick screenshot of her shoes at the three different timestamps: https://broward.ghost.io/2021/01/22/the-inauguration-was-fake/
What's interesting is that the shoe color timestamps listed both have notable events taking place within seconds of those clips:
- Clip one starts at 4:45:23, just before Joe does his "salute the Marines" line https://youtu.be/FognBPhs5rw?t=17120
- Clip two starts at 5:31:37, just before Jill fails to get a handshake https://youtu.be/FognBPhs5rw?t=19885
- Clip 3 has no significant events nearby, but I don't think that matters. https://youtu.be/FognBPhs5rw?t=36000
Could those have been scripted events? With the real point being to draw attention to the shoes?
Think about why we noticed the shoes. Was it because somebody watched the entire thing and noticed the change? Or did a couple clips go viral, and then some people noticed the shoe differences?
TL;DR - Is it possible we've been successfully infiltrated by shills selling hopium in order to distract us from what matters most - deep research and reporting to normies?
So this may be unpopular, but I'd like to post a counter narrative to what I'm seeing on this board post-election.
For starters, I'm seeing a lot more "reason and logic" posts coming through. These have a lot of text but lack links or hard evidence. Here are some recent examples:
- Biden's oval office is fag https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJt8Wnfd/bidens-oval-office-is-fag/
- Make the liberal head explode https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJt8WFVN/how-to-make-a-liberal-head-explo/
- My take https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc575h/my-take/
I personally love this stuff because they seem to tie everything together so nicely, but they are not consistent with the type of research we're known for. And what's troubling, is that when you do dig into the references, some of the evidence isn't super compelling. See this post which was stickied yesterday https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoZpQJS/can-we-please-fact-check-claims-/
Here are a couple examples that actually discourage me, not encourage me. These are very light proofs and seem like we're getting a little too high on the hopium train:
- Blank executive orders debunked https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoawzQ0/blank-biden-executive-orders-deb/c/
- I think Biden's in the Oval Office https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc6lmf/sad-to-say-but-i-think-biden-is-/c/
- Disappearing people debunk https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc5wVG/example-of-parallax-problem--dis/c/
- Magic podium (see Pence / Kamala - again, camera angles) https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoay5cG/magic-podium-and-teleprompters/c/
- One of these is not like the others (read comments - heels) https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoaxXeL/fancy-a-quick-game-of-one-of-the/c/
- Hillary was not at inauguration (read comments - heels) https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJt8Xcog/one-thing-is-for-certain--hillar/c/
Contrast those this, which seems infinitely harder to pull off:
- Q just blew my mind https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoXXXH6/q-just-blew-my-mind/c/
We are all aware that there is a massive influx of both shills and newcomers, thanks to the recent media attention:
- Stop responding to shills https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoU8cdF/all--you-need-to-stop-responding/
- Why is everyone trying to discredit Q https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc4I4o/does-anyone-else-think-this-is-s/c/
Now, what if we flipped our current narrative upside down? We're saying the Biden presidency is a movie. But if they could pull off something of that magnitude, then why couldn't they do the reverse as well?
For example, I find the number of hot mic "leaks" rather suspicious:
- Pelosi arrested? https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJt8WWki/18-seconds-best-with-headphones-/c/
- Biden admits Trump "beat the hell out of us" https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc5OGv/biden-admits-trump-beat-the-hell/c/
- Hunter accepts plea deal https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoZoJuq/11639-posted-by-the-official-whi/c/
Both sides seem to be playing this game now. We currently believe the white hats are in control, but that has yet to be proven I'm afraid:
- 17 flags behind Trump https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoSz7qb/yesterday--17-flags-q17-/c/
- 17 executive orders https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc6UbR/executive-action-vs-executive-or/
- 17 freshmen Republicans https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc5fWS/17-freshmen-republicans-just-wro/c/
Other people are calling this out as well...
- Something just occurred to me https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoaxGbK/something-just-occurred-to-me-/
There's a ton of coincidences that seem difficult to explain
But have we done some basic research on these? For example, we have a huge list of resignations - but some of those go back months. Is it unusual for people to resign like this, or are we just paying attention to it now? https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoXXo7s/actions-all-around-the-world/
I guess what I'm saying, is that there's a lot of circular logic going on right now.
Here's one example...
- DeSantis and Abbot pull troops https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJt8XLdJ/desantis-and-abbott-have-both-or/c/
- Checkpoints removed https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc6D9d/most-road-closures-and-checkpoin/c/
- Why would they pull troops https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJt8WFhi/why-would-red-state-govs-order-t/
- One interpretation https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc6lmb/theory-regarding-the-30k-troops-/
Here's another example...
- Why is this website still up? https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc5wIv/if-youve-ever-doubted-q-ask-your/
- Why did nobody ask about Q before? https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc5wAc/the-milliondollar-question/c/
Either we are being protected by white hats, or we are tools of the deep state. How? Think about what we're doing and not doing...
- We're at the far end of the spectrum of ideas. Normies won't be able to digest any of this. Meaning we are staking our reputation as researchers on this.
- We are eating popcorn and watching the show, instead of reporting on the insanely aggressive actions coming out of the new administration. This means the normies will be unaware of what's happening, because we're the only ones that tell them about this stuff.
- If we are wrong, by the time we come back to regular reporting, we will have a lot of damage control to do to regain normie trust.
Believe me, I desperately want the white hat theory to be true and to believe that everything will be amazing moving forward.
And I also think there's a concerning number of problems with this whole thing - like if Q was a black hat psyop, then does that mean Trump is complicit in it? I hate even touching on that thought.
Ultimately, I think we can break this down as follows:
- If Q is real, then things will turn out great regardless of what we do now.
- Either way, normies rely on us to distribute factual news.
- Continuing to report on the admin will only help the cause by deepening the normie despair and forcing awakenings.
- Eating popcorn and diving into the deep end has no benefit beyond making ourselves feel good.
Hope this wasn't too much of a bummer post. I'm just concerned about the quality of posts and our collective hopium obsession right now. I'd love to see more hardcore research come out, along with a focus on distributing information and organization.
Otherwise this has just turned into a reality show and there isn't much point to being involved other than for entertainment. Which is fine of course.
Did we just witness the most elaborate head fake of all time?
- Q was real, verified by Trump, Pompeo, etc...
- Troops everywhere, tanks on rail, ships in Cali
- Trump loyalists installed, EOs deployed
- Millions of patriots in DC, most loyal base ever
- Media losing their minds, ABCs going nuts
- Trump & co gungho til the end
- Also obvious that bad things will happen to country and Trump regardless of any deal...
Like I'm seriously confused. It seems like such an insane amount of overkill just to disappoint a couple thousand meme warriors.
I'm not even mad or disappointed really, just kind of scratching my head like wtf, lol...