“Your Dad’s a Democrat!”


admit Joe Biden received 80 million votes.

She was never supposed to lose.


Started on Fox to see if #FauciEmails was on, nope just BS, so flipped to CNN since they are basically the same... but holy crap all they talked about was Trump. Found out from CNN that Trump plans to speak at the GOP thing in NC soon. It's hard to imagine what the dummies think but geez they have gotta be sick of hearing Trump this Trump that... Trump Trump Trump... hahahahaha


America is racist -> virus is racist -> vaccines are “safe” -> Biden targets minorities for “Shots at the Shop” -> America is no longer racist -> turns out vaccines kill -> America racist again


Did you really need to be told this?


Keep sending that positive energy out into the world. Thank God, and be merry.


We are in a state of chaos, our government has to crumble to be rebuilt. Hold the line! It’s going to be Biblical!


Feel free to review bomb these Nazis. https://pediatrics5280.com


took about 1minute after talking about it for all team comms to go down. no other audio was effected. visual indicators of mics working still worked.


It seemed to me like the entire goal of the west world themepark was to perfect the genetic memory of a clone, but as of that season 1 finale episode was unsuccessful. The same glitch the owner’s clone seemed to endure seems earily similar to Biden. How he seems kinda like the grumpy old basdard that he would have been if it were really him, but other times doesnt seem to remember what he is doing or saying. This behavior isn’t the same type of behavior that I am familiar with representing cognitive decline because it doesnt contain any rage or emotional outburst, just seems like a clone’s gentetic memory failure.

TLDR Biden is a clone, and cloning tech is not perfected.


By suckin my dick!


“Just because they had socialist in their name” That’s the whole of it, her entire argument, verbatim. I honestly don’t know what to do with her. The sad part is she only became political in 2016, and since then has turned into a filthy commie. I guess I need to thank her because my journey to unravel her false reality led me here.


The vax is here to depopulate the world to 500,000,000 people in the next 100 years by sterilizing the vaxxed or causing such significant birth defects it’s all about to be over? Last I saw the number was 220Mil vaxxed world wide. Combine that with the fact the vax is contagious, the population is absolutely fucked. People will figure this out in 5-10 years, and it will be total fucking anarchy... unless we have a hero that brings the guilty to justice. My feeling is that this is why we have Q, Trump is our hero... but they don’t care because the damage will be done, which is what they really cared about. They cull the population every century, it is their purpose.


I thought this was a setup from the beginning to spark Civil War. I thought this long before I discovered 17, long before I saw that the night club owner was an actor at Sandy Hook too, long before I found out the same coroner who did his autopsy also did Epstein’s. Now that I’m fully awake thanks to 17, there’s no doubt in my mind this was the cabal. MSM will punch up the idea that he’s going down, so the outrage is even greater when he doesn’t. Honestly a couple years ago, it coulda been me, but thanks to 17, not a fuckin chance.


Let's start walk-outs in mass. 1 Hour out of your day, to go to your favorite shopping spot that requires masks to shop there. 1:30PM EVERY SATURDAY. Mask up, go in, fill up your cart with no intention of buying anything. Be in line at 2PM, blow a whistle if you have a bunch of people with you, otherwise just unmask at the same time, and leave.

Leave a note if you want, make an announcement if you want, but just leave peacefully. They will eventually begin pleading with their corporate overlords to drop their obedience policy.




I can't even count on 1 hand anymore how many volcanos have erupted since Jan 20th alone. I remember reading that when Mt. St. Helens erupted it created more carbon in the atmosphere in 7 days than humans had for over the 100 years. Now they need a reason for this green new deal and the Paris agreement, and they have the green light, and all the sudden volcano after volcano erupting this year.

This is today: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/lw0e7j/mount_sinabung_volcano_erupts_as_seen_from_kuta/


“Our movement of proud hardworking American patriots is just getting started,” he said. “And in the end we will win!”

Sounds like he’s talking about Military to me.

MSM Sauce: https://nypost.com/2021/02/28/former-president-donald-trump-makes-keynote-speech-at-cpac-2021/

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