
He said they got arrested a while ago?

Tooo late to apologize.


MANY Usernames.. You are fighting with and following a computer!!!




why was his not canceled also?



Not to protect the politicians inside. They could escape dozens of underground ways. Certainly not to arrest them. Thats way more than needed. They are very well armed out there.

  • Will CCP attack if Biden is not President? They will be destroyed under Trump!
  • Is DOJ/FBI to be dismantled and these soldiers will arrest/fill some positions?

Why such heavy military? stryker vehicles. Not needed for AuntTiffy. Patriots are not a threat. (not right NOW anyway!!) Mike Adams has good points.

What the Hell???



Generations of Grandfathers, Fathers and Sons and Daughters have served and died and been taught to LOVE WHAT THIS COUNTRY IS ABOUT. I simply cannot believe they would go along with a plot to sell America to the international criminals and the communist chinese. I HAVE TO BELIEVE IN THEM!!!

EDIT: I Forgot to Add that I think Q is indeed Military Intelligence and Quantum Computer together.

some of them are killing themselves.