szol 12 points ago +13 / -1

I like how the guy is afraid to breath without a mask but is ok with shaking a strangers hand. ?

szol 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump would have been shit on no matter what his response was. I should have broke the last paragraph in half. Censorship in the media is actually happening clear as day.

szol 2 points ago +2 / -0

If covid never happened do you really think Joe would have won? I'm not saying the virus was manufactured, it could be completely naturally occurring. However the MSM is so corrupt and fake they spin every death as Trump's fault. Now using logic how exactly was a virus from China Trump's fault? But retards on the left will eat it up because they are brainwashed sheep and listen to whatever they see in the media.

Now this is just a conspiracy but I believe CCP and Dems conspired to release covid because they understand how weak and fragile there base is. Also mail in voting would have never taken place to allow as much fraudulent activity to occur. If you have trouble understanding how the MSM and big tech are biased and corrupt , how they censor anyone that thinks differently and push propaganda, then there's really no way you can be red pilled. This stuff really isn't hard to figure out if you just think logically.