Newborn in our household. Mom is producing almost enough milk, but not quite. We are both unvaxxed. We needed to supplement and opted for donor milk. We are only 1.5 oz of donor milk in. Question is if the spike proteins or MRNa from COVID vax could be in the milk and if 1.5 oz of the breast milk could pass along enough of the vax ingredients to cause problems. I feel like an idiot for thinking about that after 2 bottles and not before. Running on low sleep and hoping I didn’t make a big fuck up.

I have stumbled across a reasonable quantity of Ivermectin and HCQ. Wanting to know if anyone has any resource on how I should dose. I don’t have any diagnosed condition or parasite, but want to get any nasty stuff lingering in my body out. I would imagine when using HCQ, zinc and vitamin C will be necessary which I also have. Sourced material preferred, still looking myself also. Thanks!

Anything come of that r/conspiracy post from yesterday? Someone was allegedly going to drop something big about Boris. Anything happen?


Q is our V. The story centers around a corrupt government which enforces lockdowns, uses famine and disease for fear and control and V takes it all down. Complete with revenge on high level pedophiles. Make sure to watch the extended director's cut. Enjoy. WWG1WGA!

Can I get a mod response on that? I already had one mod tell me he doesn’t know why it matters. Aside from the fact that it’s false, it also makes our community an easy target for the “anti-Semitic” tag.


Khazarians inhabited Ukraine and Baltic land until they were exiled by Orthodox Russians for being Satan worshippers. The relatively small population dispersed across Europe, blending in to every culture and religion along the way. They set up central banks, secret societies and control structures amongst themselves. They are responsible for the Crusades and the Knights Templar, The Free Masons and the protocols of Zion. Gates, Rothschilds, Payseurs, Kochs, and all of the other “bloodlines” families are likely Khazarian bloodlines. They intend to take retribution and have been planning it for centuries. The conflict is hundreds of years old and the Khazarians want their land back. It is also a religious war, Satan v Christ. Khazarians are SATANIC, so they have NO RELIGION. They blend in to whatever suits them best and hiding behind Jewish surnames is currently an easy way to deflect negative attention, which is what the shills on here are trying to do. Go watch the “Fall of Cabal” series on bitchute. Crude production quality, but all of the information is cited with sources and any mistakes are corrected, also with cited information.


Russia and the American Military, together, are the only two entities that can reverse course. Either Russia begins to expose the world wide corruption, beginning with the Khazarian Nazis in Ukraine, and the world population begins to see what has been covered up for so long or the world wide swamp declares war on Russia. If Russia can act swiftly, I believe it is possible the US Military may begin to arrest bad actors here and begin to cleanse our government. If they do, NATO and the UN would have to step down because the remaining countries would not have either superpower on their side. If Kiev can hold back this exposure and draw out the current military conflict long enough, they may be able to garner the support of the world population, including the US, at which point war would be declared by NATO and the UN against Russia. I think we are watching the beginning of whichever end we will arrive at. Watch closely. Pray. Stock up. Be ready.


Durham / Spygate / Hillary. Ukraine / Russia. Canada. Moderna CEO dumping stock. Pfizer and J&J halting production. Many of us here when it was “drip, drip, drip.” And many of those drips felt to be eons apart. The flood gates are bursting at the seams as we speak.We are approaching critical mass. We know the truth for a reason. Many of us have tried to share the truth. Some were successful. Some were ridiculed. Some lost relationships with their families. Some lost friendships. Pretty soon everyone will understand what we have been screaming about. It is our job to remain calm and share the knowledge we have accumulated. It is our job to guide the normies through their awakening. Thankfully many more are awake now than 5 years ago when Trump took office. That makes our job that much easier. NCSWIC. WWG1WGA.


The purpose of the psy op is yet to be determined. The two possible purposes are complacency or awareness. Nobody ever said Q is not / was not a psy op. I know a lot of things I never knew before Q. Q has completely shifted my world view. So yeah, Q is a psy op.


See title. Hard to find using gulag search. Not coming up with much other than keystone pipeline info and Biden not allowing new permits when searching on other platforms. Looking for more detailed info as to how the Biden administration is causing the increase.


Need a sticky or downunder.win so we can see what is going on. Keep looking for updates and don’t see anything.


No official rules yet, but I have my letter drafted. Feel free to use. I am not an attorney, so if any legal people here have any input. I will gladly take it.


OSHA, the Federal Government, the State of XXXXXX government nor XXXXXX management are authorized to give me medical advice or require a medical treatment of any kind. I do not consent to your unsolicited medical advice. This arbitrary mandate, which has no basis in the Constitution of the United States of America, Federal Code or the State of XXXXXX code, is a violation of my Human Rights and the autonomy I hold over my body as an American citizen. This pressure for me to disclose any medical status to you is a violation of HIPAA privacy laws and unsolicited medical advice may be viewed as medical malpractice. While I do not resign my position, I also will not comply with your request to disclose medical information or your request to receive any medical treatment; vaccine, test or otherwise.


They are removing the political opposition from the ranks of the military with rabid liberals who will not hesitate to turn their guns on us. I think we are pretty much fucked at this point.


I thought that was supposed to tick down early AM, Saturday. What happened? I don’t have the url saved.


I come here daily for hope, but it seems we are losing. Chauvin convicted of murder for an overdose. Maxine pushing violence with no repercussions. Biden is still the President. Taxes and gas prices are increasing. Jobs are leaving. People are getting vaccinated. Mask mandates are still here. Pedos are still roaming free. Our border is gone. I don’t see how this can end well for anyone, ever.


wallstreetbets.win is registered. I hope one of the apes from reddit bought it to bring here. This is setting up nicely for March Madness. GME and AMC took off today, and all WSB reddit communities were shut down.


I keep seeing posts about the happening, but I don’t know what the happening was. Can some one enlighten me? Thanks.


We know the MSM is used for comms frequently. We also know the Secret Service call box was not a Diet Coke button. The Diet Coke box was gone (according to the stories, we now know it was moved) and Trump drank 12 a day. If this was comms of some sort, we should focus on three things. Removal (since the button was removed), [D]iet [C]oke is probably DC, and then 12. DC is gone in 12 or [Biden] removal in 12? That would be from the date of the original Diet Coke button posts, which I believe was Friday but I am not sure. Anyone else have any ideas on “removal, 12 and DC”?? Sound off. _ _ Edit to add: the button was found on a different table and the images was posted on GAW earlier today. Important for a few reasons, why did they say it was gone when it wasn’t? And why call it the Diet Coke button when it is the Secret Service call box?


I’m running thin. I pray the plan is taking place. Because if not, we are all fucked.


Where is AF1? Where is Biden? Has he left the fenced in portion of DC? Has he stepped foot in the Oval Office? Same questions for Kamala. Where is Huma? Are all of the 30,000+ troops in DC? Is there a timetable for their release? If not, why?

Today was a blow, but we don’t know what is going on. Shills are still here, in greater numbers than ever before. MSM is attacking Q.

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