So I was just doing my daily downvotes on the White House YouTube channel, and I couldn't help but notice that the Biden's message to China has something like 14k upvotes, which is WAAAAY more than the rest of the videos on the channel. If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about this current administration, I don't know what does!

That's all.


I just posted this as a comment to a separate post, but felt a strong desire to share it broadly with everyone here at GA.W. It's finally here: the day that the entire world has LITERALLY been waiting for. And as events are playing out, millions and millions of people across the globe are having to adjust their expectations as events unfold real-time. That said, quick question for everyone here: now that the "LARP" is seemingly over (at least as most of us have discussed), how do you all feel about yourselves? Do you feel like you're a better informed, more discerning person. Do you feel more confident in your faith and family? Do you feel like you have a better understanding of the world around you?

If you answered "yes" to any of those, then take heart; you're still alive today and can take everything you've learned through this experience to continue living YOUR lives. I sense that there's still plenty of fight in all of us if that day truly comes, but until then be well and at peace with YOURSELF, and use the lessons we've all collectively learned on this forum to live out the ideals that brought us all together to begin with.

Whether "the Plan" was ever a real thing or not, just remember: WWG1WGA (cuz that's the stone-cold truth!) I look forward to continuing this journey with those that choose to stick around, and take care of yourselves today!