While I like 11.3 being part of the law of war what if 11.3 was being referenced to Revelation 11.3 ........

Revelation 11.3 (KJV)

And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. ......... I read this as Trump devolving his power to someone and Boiden not being in control. Sure he's "resident" and he can do normal operations, but isn't in charge of the military

Thoughts or take your own interpretation from the Bible verse


I think this spells out whats happening and puts devolution in better context and what might be happening. Also Article 2 gives the way Trump is reinstated. but i recommend reading through both.



Now at the end of 2 he says he comes back because he's still president. Yeah seems like a let down but the reason he comes back is because hes a gov in exile. This is actually the most plausible reason in my opinion. Plus he gives a historical account of how a president in exile was reinstated which doesn't seem to get much attention here. I know our collective here has changed but I want to keep the theorizing part of our research going since it helps gather our info to help make sense of the nonsense that's happening. Also if there is 10 days of darkness it will be used to round up all of the other bad actors who have committed crimes against humanity through the vaccine mandates who cant be directly tied to the election invasion.

Let me know your thoughts and theories but i think this is the best and puts devolution in a whole new context

Steal is happening right now. Please let's not let this slide! Look at Bergan County NJ at 2 am it was 100% reporting for R candidate 52-47 now it flipped 47-52 for D candidate @2am and the race is razor thin. We lost 20k votes at 2am. We have a chance to take over here!

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