What this woman it's doing to Lee Smiths God bless the USA is disgraceful
Well this guy's a closet child didler and fag. Soooo until Andrew tate becomes PM this is all fake and gaiiiiy
Thank you for the info fren.
Thank you for the info fren.
Thank you for the info fren.
Thank you for the info fren.
Thank you fren
Thank you fren
Thank you fren
He actually sounded cohesive. I guess trump has that effect
This guy probably protrcted child didlers.
Ummmm what's a "smart meter" ? Like is is something that commifornia implemented? This is the 1st im hearing of it
Always with the H man reference. Shall we talk about the beloved communist Genrik Yahoda? The original mustache man
Lol good point. But what I'm trying to get at is most of it's have gone down the rabbit holes and have a decent idea of what's going on
The only question is what's the next mission because what happens over the next 4 years is destiny. It really matters on making sure Trump and team secure future elections and get rid of woke crap, and fix our borders. All the other stuff is a cherry on top. Because we need to get back to being able to discuss ideas and tell communists and Marxists that their ideas are un-American, which we did by rejecting dems this time around.
I think our main mission here has been completed. GAW is now looking for its next purpose. And also rn most GAW users know all the big digs and anons have done God's work in waking up the sheeple. Like the avg time to truth from conspiracy is now at a Meer 2days as opposed to 6 months. We have news cycles and anons go to work and dig the fuck outta everything. There isn't anything we don't know or haven't speculated on. We're at the wait and see phase now. Only time will tell how right our speculations were.
No Hitler himself was not a communists
You've fallen victim to the communists version of events. Ever heard of a guy called Genrik Yahoda, he was the true Adolph Hitler killing somewhere between 8-12 million Christians in Ukraine. The Communists won ww2. And BTW that mustache man was dually elected, and his approval rating among the German people was like 75-85%. Because of the depression the communists brought upon Germany during the 1920's. I'm not fan of H man but he was on point about a lot of issues.
Would like to down doot if I could. This doesn't even scratch the surface of what occurred or properly describe who Hitler or the nazi party were
You're only scratching the surface of what that was all about. Ask why Patton said we defeated the wrong enemy when we went into Germany. Plus Nazis were also the ones who abolished the system of usery in Germany. It allowed the German people to prosper after being depressed by the communists running the country prior to then taking power. Also consult some of the other comments in this post for reference
He was not convicted. While he was accused I'm fairly certain those charges were brought to Romania by British surveillance services with phony details
Thanks had a brainfart writing it because of how irritated I was by this woman's brazen retardedness.