“School shooting” distracting us from what?

-Tampon Tim subpoenaed.

-Hunter Biden is set to go to jail for 17 years.

-Brian Kemp is involved in voter fraud in Georgia

-Aurora, Colorado's illegal alien takeover.

-Maui testimony

-Tenent Media: Benny Johnson, Dave Rubin, Lauren Southern, Tim Pool are controlled and not organic.

-Kimdotcom is naming the jews.

-Kamala's fake black jive talk? Etc.

Same playbook. Same story.

This is why they call him "Coach." (media.greatawakening.win) 🤢GUARDIAN OF THE PEDOPHILES🤮
posted ago by theedreport ago by theedreport

Except from a recent opinion by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals (I think Plaintiffs have a valid argument on the “pointed objects” ban):

The Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago from August 19 through August 22, 2024.

Both the Chicago Police Department and the Secret Service have roles in protecting the persons attending the Convention or close to its venues. They have established security perimeters and issued lists of items that people will not be permitted to possess inside the perimeters.

The City’s list, enacted as part of an ordinance, comprises: • Laptops, Tripods, Monopods, and Selfie Sticks *If an invited guest arrives with a tablet, they will be redirected to the X-ray line for screening and then permitted entry with the tablet. • Large Bags and Suitcases exceeding size re- strictions (18” x 13” x 7”) • Sealed packages • Drones and other Unmanned Aircraft Systems • Animals other than service/guide dogs • Bicycles, Scooters, Folding Chairs, Balloons, Cool- ers • Glass, Thermal, or Metal Containers • Umbrellas with metal tips • Any pointed object(s), including knives of any kind • Aerosols, Tobacco Products, e-Cigarettes, Light- ers, Matches • Firearms, Ammunition, Fireworks, Laser Point- ers, Stun Guns, Tasers, Mace/Pepper Spray, Toy Weapons • Tents and Structures • Any Other Items Determined by Chicago Superintendent of Police, in consultation with the United States Secret Service and the Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Commu- nications, to be Potential Safety Hazards.

The Secret Service has its own list, which appears on the City’s web site: • Aerosols • Ammunition • Animals (other than service/guide animals) • Backpacks and bags exceeding size restrictions • Balloons • Bicycles • Coolers • Drones and other unmanned aircraft systems • Explosives • Firearms • Glass, thermal, or metal containers • Laser pointers • Mace/Pepper spray • Packages • Signs exceeding size restrictions (20’ x 3’ x ¼” ) • Structures • Supports for signs and placards • Toy guns • Weapons of any kind • Any other items determined to be a potential safety hazard

The three plaintiffs in this suit, who assert that they plan to participate in marches or protests at or near the Convention, contend that the City’s list is unconstitutionally vague.

The district court denied plaintiffs’ request for a preliminary injunction, and they appeal. Plaintiffs are particularly exercised by the reference to “pointed object(s)” in Chicago’s list. What about ballpoint pens, they ask? What about the buttons and badges that are ubiquitous at political conventions (and protest marches), and which often are secured with safety pins? Are they really going to be stripped of writing tools anywhere near the Convention—or, worse, arrested for the temerity of wearing buttons bearing political slogans?

Plaintiffs lost."

Fixed it. (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by theedreport ago by theedreport

Biden was illegally installed in 2021. A watered-down version of the 25th was used for him. It wasn't a coup, as people are stating. It was a pay off to Biden.
He steps aside, and now Kamala is the illegal President, without the vast majority of the people knowing.

She's illegally holding the office, multiplied by two. It wasn't Biden's legally in the first place, now it isn't hers legally either.



" Indian's are deemed as genetically "ARYAN", which is why Adolf Hitler used the Swastika as Hinduism & the NSDAP had the same spiritual supremacy beliefs (as we are aware of Brahman Hindus who think they are "chosen"). Northern Indians do look white & have blue eyes & white skin in the northern mountains.... But Indians in the South (Tamil Nadu) look like swamp savages of some genetic mixing from Africa & Arabia.

Kamala would also be eligible under British Nationality Law to hold a British Passport, as her dad was born in Jamaica before they ceased being a British Colony on 6 August 1962..... India became a republic 26 January 1950, so this means Kamala Harris is also British through her mother as her mother was born in the British Raj & as we know how many Indians use the British Raj loophole to get a passport to live in Britain & PICK THE EYES out of Britain & shitting on it for "being too white".

Under US Law, she is legally a US Citizen due to dirt-right birth-right citizenship but she is also British through her parents."




Invoking the 25th involves letter sending. Biden, or the black hats or white hats controlling him, have sent a letter to democrats in congress, and the 25th is being played out quietly now, as to not cause panic in the streets. This has to be done in order to keep people calm.
We may never see the other letters that are being sent, but if there is one letter from either the VP, or the Cabinet, then Joe is done. If they take the 25th to the actual congress, those who support Joe with their vote to keep him around are finished in the eyes of their constituents.
Remember, Trump told us the 25th was going to be in play for Biden. Letters being exchanged are the marker that this is happening right now.
In no other situation would an actual President write a letter to members of their own party to reassure them that they're the only person who can beat their opponent.


Sooo, how much longer are the moderators here going to shadow-ban posts? Asking for a fren.

Friendly reminder. (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by theedreport ago by theedreport
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