four seasons landscaping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XelsNvpibpQ

jeep: kansas (pompeo), reunited states, etc: https://youtu.be/D2XYH-IEvhI

michelob ultra: celebrity look-alikes

lombardi: celebrity deepfake hologram

add any interesting commercials to this list below ↓


either he's the master and commander of the greatest military operation or we're just going to have to go back to the pre-trump era of redpilling normies with dank memes.

But for some reason i'm ok with not knowing and i'm not as manic about finding out every single detail. Q has been quiet so not sure where to go from here other than focusing on life and redpilling the people around me.


'mr president, you must not step in front of any windows or leave the building without this black bag over your head - for your protection sir." - USSS Agent 12345


Watched the entire rambo franchise over the weekend - some interesting things:

part 1: shows how useless wars damage people for life

part 2: vietnam corruption and the military industrial complex

part 3: afghanistan corruption with russia

part 4: myanmar corruption and genocide

part 5: mexican cartel and human trafficking

silvestor stallone starred in and wrote or produced all of the above movies/screenplays - he's either a grifter or helping share truth.


they create the violence, terrorism, and disease and then offer to protect us from it - we don't want or need government protection!!


a false flag attack on our power grid, conducted by GEOTUS team to redpill the masses? that seems pretty scary and less evil than 9/11 style murder.

i imagine it would be useful as a stress test of our emergency systems and protocol. imagine the power grid "attack" goes down for several days or a week - this would be a massive redpill for people who don't think about communism, war, or invasion as even something possible.

(1) trump writes eo to prevent china involvement in power grid

(2) biden lifts eo

(3) GEOTUS team shuts down the grid for 10 days

(4) normies panic and freakout and realize that we are all vulnerable and need a strong national defense against communist psychos.

(5) our military gets all the glory and credit for handling the "crisis"

(6) we get to expose biden and co for their international allegiances and backdoor deals that endanger our citizens

Think of Q as taking a book, tearing out all the pages, setting aside every 10th page, then mixing up the pages and reading them out of order.

As you progress through the pages (drops) you’ll find clues (markers) to look out for later.

Once you have read them all once, you begin the process of reorganizing them into a timeline.

Then we reread them again and continue to organize them until a fuller picture comes into view.

All of which is designed to teach us to take an intentionally confusing world system and unravel it.

Once we learn how the world works we can justifiably stand against the system and demand change.

This is the whole point of Q.


It certainly does look a little pre-recorded. The VIP tents weren’t used, audience was awkwardly small, the sun was shining bright contrary to weather report, the mood was a bit solemn but not overly energetic, Lin wood and others hinting at the possibility

Perhaps everyone was fed a pre-recorded video and our guys were actually arresting folks


How else do you explain the ridiculous fucking prioritizing of trannies in women’s sports or mask mandates or other absurd unlikeable, absolutely detestable policies Many of my ilk are liberals / leftists and are all confused as to what’s happening. Is this intentional? Is this the “scare” event?


if MI can unite tens of millions of citizens from a deep slumber into a rallying cry of patriotism, what can the communists accomplish on the other side?

fake deep web psyops that will be continuous psychological warfare against us.


what is the point of optics if you're "losing"? isn't that when you take the gloves off and fight back?

i suspect potus may be up to something.


What would cause them to be so excited??




if what Q says about this entire disclosure campaign is true and we are indeed watching a movie... then perhaps we're entering ACT 2.

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