tleek55 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q has been pretty cryptic, with some nuggets of info that made sense. I never thought it was a larp based on the type of information presented. And it was very confusing with all the Delta's and Future proves Past. Mostly confused me, but always interesting. It's been an interesting movie, and I can't wait to see the end of it.

tleek55 1 point ago +1 / -0

I refuse to call them ANTIFA - I call them FA, because they are 100% Fascists. If you disagree with them, they hate you. If you stand up to them, they beat you. They destroy peoples businesses, property, and fight police. They are a disgusting group of ignorant, mind controlled beings with no conscience and no self control. They need to be brought to their knees. By Law Enforcement. QAnon and Q NEVER incite or promote any violence.

tleek55 5 points ago +5 / -0

I absolutely cannot watch Juan Williams. If President Trump told the msm he walked on water, Juan would argue vehemently that the President can't swim. He is a 'contrarian' (a contrary or obstinate person). And, incredibly blind, to the point of disbelief.

tleek55 3 points ago +3 / -0

ok, I believe Steve Bannon and the other 3 were getting paid by the 'We Will Build the Wall' organization with products sold from their store. The store on their website https://webuildthewall.us/ sells coins, beer bottle opener, etc.

tleek55 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are five pointed stars on the American Flag, all are 1 point on top, just a star or pentagram. The satanic symbol of the five pointed star is two points up, satanic symbol of a goat head.

tleek55 11 points ago +11 / -0

Hi everyone, my name is Tara, and I stumbled onto Q when it was started. I've always been fascinated by Q information. And I'm really tired of the Global corruption of governments. So glad there is finally a home for Q ers. I've always been a lurker, rarely jumped into the fray, but I've finally started posting comments. I've followed TigerDroppings Politics thread, Praying Medic, Corey's Digs,Breitbart online and radio, Neon Revolt - till he lost it, and of course QMap. It's been a blast searching for the truth and reality.

tleek55 10 points ago +10 / -0

I agree. He made no negative comments about QAnon, said the group likes him, is gaining popularity, they don't like what is happening in Portland and NY the last six or seven months, and it was started four years ago (actually 4 years this Oct.), and the QAnon group loves their country. It sounds like he knows a lot more than he is saying,understandably. He made perfect statements regarding Q. He can't be condemned for his statements by the MSN, and he made them look like the bunch if idiots they are.

tleek55 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course they did. The one thing the CIA, FBI, US Government has never been able to change or hide, is the Zapruder film. It shows that President Kennedy's head flew back from a bullet coming from the front. Betcha they hadn't counted on that film, thank god. There really is only one group of people that have the power and capability of silencing witnesses, changing evidence, influencing the media, and manipulating the government investigations after the assassination. And that is our own freakin' Government. What's really worse? The American taxpayer paid for all of it. How disgusting.

tleek55 3 points ago +3 / -0

God, I hope this is fake news....

tleek55 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen, Brother. I would like to form a class action lawsuit against, oh hell, you name it: Antifa, BLM, MSM, Face Book, Twitter, for infringing on my Constitutional Right to Free Speech. I can't have a 'Trump 2020' bumper sticker on my car because I don't want me or my car damaged. I can't wear a 'Trump' TShirt out in public for fear of inciting a violent reaction from someone against me. This is AMERICA! WWII was fought to keep our freedoms, and we've already lost a lot of them. WE all need to stop this socialist slide in America before we lose everything. The Socialists have a good 40 Year head start. I say we start kicking butt back.

tleek55 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've always thought the Q movement was about trying to get the American People to see exactly what is happening before our very eyes, and Stand the Hell up for ourselves, and stop this crazy stuff. Q gives us info to look up on our own and decide what is correct for ourselves. I keep wondering, why hasn't anyone that has been banned from FB or Twitter, filed a lawsuit for infringing on their Free Speech? Or descrimination based on Political preferences? Why aren't we filing lawsuits against idiots that call for violence against whites? That's as RACIST as it gets. We need to group together as one so we have more power to fight Antifa, BLM, Socialism, Communism, etc. Crikey, we've got Congress people and Senators spouting racist comments and inciting violence. WTH???

tleek55 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice find! So, who's shoes are those?

tleek55 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always figured he was wearing Monica Lewinsky's soiled dress in this painting. Bummer for Monica that it fits Bil.

tleek55 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have always suspected General Flynn is invovled in Q, maybe one of the Q Team. That may also support why he is kept under wraps with his legal woes. By design or is the Q Team taking advantage of the General's availability ?