They say the only easy day was yesterday, times when life wasn't filled with fearmongering Covid death porn and fears over the Vaxxed versus the Unvaxxed.
After a 7-month tirade against this jab, I have forcibly surrendered to the pleading and tears of my misguided and deceived parents. As a 22 year old college student, paying his bills, and living under their roof as a happy part of their life and family, I pleaded, prayed, and asked for Divine Revelation to be imparted unto my parents in efforts to stop them from taking the jab. No matter what amount of red-pilling, information warfare tactics, or even as close to the eye proof of information showcased, my attempts to persuade their trust in Corporate-Made Vax/Jabs of death failed.
I have surrendered to their fearful threats of my death by Covid for being unvaxxed, but with a twist. I took the Moderna shot, and will take the second shot as a sacrificial final red-pill (not a willful suicide or declaration of faith in Science over God), in hopes that any side-effects will wake up my parents into the dangers of this vaccine and why I kept pleading for them to listen to their son.
For months, I have been working out, changing my dietary supplements and food intakes, cutting down on sugar and fatty foods, all to prepare for this day, the Ultimate Red-Pill Effort.
For if the Only Way To Tell The Truth is by showing the evidence, I am ready.
Pedes, I may actually die from this. I'm not afraid of Death, only the Lord our God Almighty Himself. I pray that if this is my end, know that this was the last chance I had to show my family this vaccine danger, and I pray that this will wake them up.
God Speed. God Bless You All. Goodnight.